Songs of Songs, Books & Fat Puns - New Album Discussion #8

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It could well be. I’d be more surprised if they non chapter title reworks weren’t included than were. There is the possibility some of the chapter titles haven’t been reworked. Plenty of them haven’t been heard in the audiobook yet and maybe they just felt certain songs wouldn’t benefit from a rework. Hopefully that isn’t the case and there’s more than 40 songs on songs of surrender but my money would be on there being 40 songs and some of they songs not being the chapter titles.
Yeah of course. But just thinking about it - the album is called songs of surrender, not “Songs of Surrender: 40 songs, One Story”. Could be anything
Yeah of course. But just thinking about it - the album is called songs of surrender, not “Songs of Surrender: 40 songs, One Story”. Could be anything
Also following on from that idea Bono spoke about reworking 40 u2 songs at the back of the book but didn’t specifically say they reworked the 40 chapter titles. I think he probably would have specified that if it were the case.
I'll spend some time later splitting out the clips and cleaning up the issues and do a full upload including the WOWY performance later today
He looks thinner, sure, but he’s aged 30 years in the last 6

Happens to all of us, unless you can afford injectables and cosmetic procedures. Which Bono obviously could if he chose to go that route. His health issues are major stressors, and who knows what else he has dealt with.

Stress definitely causes accelerated appearance of aging in a relatively short time frame. I lost both my parents in the past four years and live with other extremely stressful circumstances. That shows in how I look, can't afford injectables or anything else. It's tough emotionally to deal with that, so I cut the guy a break on that stuff.

I think we are used to seeing so many celebrities who look nothing like their actual ages that it's almost "shocking" to see one who does.
Happens to all of us, unless you can afford injectables and cosmetic procedures. Which Bono obviously could if he chose to go that route. His health issues are major stressors, and who knows what else he has dealt with.

Stress definitely causes accelerated appearance of aging in a relatively short time frame. I lost both my parents in the past four years and live with other extremely stressful circumstances. That shows in how I look, can't afford injectables or anything else. It's tough emotionally to deal with that, so I cut the guy a break on that stuff.

I think we are used to seeing so many celebrities who look nothing like their actual ages that it's almost "shocking" to see one who does.

I’m not suggesting he can or should stop the ageing process, just saying he looks to have aged decades in a short period. No judgements.
Songs of Songs, Books & Fat Puns - New Album Discussion #8

It’s tough to see one of your heros age. Especially this meatball hero.
Yeah - I think that’s the point I’m making.

I understand, please don't think I'm arguing with you in any way. It's tough for me too to see someone I admire age, all I was trying to say is that your own personal life can sometimes give you a different perspective on that. I think truth be told it's a visual reminder of one day (that's sooner rather than later now) losing them, and that's why it's tough to see too. If you're young you somehow think it will last forever, and before you know it it doesn't.

Could have lost him to that aneurysm, and we can see in the book and his interviews how that has changed his perspective.
No album news which is what most of us figured.

Now the countdown is 11/18

If nothing, then who knows.

Maybe this whole thing was to record these songs and only release as a snippet for the book….like North Star and Transformers [emoji6]
No album news which is what most of us figured.

Now the countdown is 11/18

If nothing, then who knows.

Maybe this whole thing was to record these songs and only release as a snippet for the book….like North Star and Transformers [emoji6]

The only reason I don’t believe this to be true is that Bono actually talked about what the album cover looked like. Of course plans can change.
The more I think of it, it makes sense for this to be out in time for the Kennedy Center Honors - from a business standpoint, at least.

They'll get some positive buzz, and then oh hey by the way please listen to a reimagining of those classic songs you all love. But don't worry, we have some new stuff coming next year.
I’m sure Bono has lived a life, and has drunk an ocean’s worth of booze, and didn’t he actually start smoking around the Pop era? Seems he’s quit, but that’s super bad for you.

But I also think a lifetime of expressing huge emotions in stadiums does a number on one’s face, and I think it is surprising, given his extreme wealth and celebrity, that he hasn’t done anything to his face. Kind of admirable.

But then, no one wants to look like Madonna looks now.
He started smoking in the late 80s and there’s a recent pic of him with Nick Cave, and he’s still smoking.

Summering in the south of France has probably contributed to his aging as much as anything else.
My take on things is the new album is as good as ready and the band just aren’t wanting to rush themselves, plus I think they like the idea of opening vegas. Bono saying it needs to be ready gives the impression that the new material is the main focus, and it probably is in fairness, but playing vegas I don’t think is anything to do with the new album, it’s looking back at Achtung Baby and trying to put on the most extravagant show they can to celebrate it, which I’m glad they’re thinking of doing, just gutted I won’t be going. I reckon like with JT2017 they’ll play a song or 2 from the new album in vegas and it will be released very soon after with a very similar timeline to SOE coming after JT2017. It’s a bit of something for everyone. Strategy rather than not being ready I believe is the main reason an album won’t be out sooner than the end of next year. (To clarify when I say new album I mean the brand new material not Songs of surrender which I think will be out in a week or 2.)
He started smoking in the late 80s and there’s a recent pic of him with Nick Cave, and he’s still smoking.

Summering in the south of France has probably contributed to his aging as much as anything else.
Yeah, Bono started smoking in mid to late 80s. I think in the interview scenes of Rattle Hum you see him and Adam smoking (or maybe just Adam). But Zoo Tv era there’s a ton of photos of Bono with cigarettes or cigars. It honestly became part of his look back then.
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