Rose Bowl DVD - Part 2

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I thought the DVD was the best DVD since Boston, I really enjoyed it and I thought the camera work and editing was phenomenal, that side of things was the best ever IMO.
I was actually very pessimistic about it. I really thought MLK and Where The Streets Have No Name were amazing. As were the final 3 songs, however I wish Bono did not miss so many lyrics out in UV, he kept playing around which was ofcourse fun but just a minor thing in the end.
The extra features were even quite good and to my amazement I thought the crowd were great.

I do have a couple of complaints though I wish it was in 1080p and I hated the changed lyrics in The Unforgettable Fire and Bonos voice was not the best, but seemed to get stronger towards the end.

In the end much much better than the Vertigo DVD's. I hope they do another one but film in South America
Why yes, yes I did. :shifty:


In fact I giffed it. :wink: I made it from the DVD ad that was out before the actual dvd release and it's funny it is from a different camera angle that made it into the final dvd.

:love: I must re-watch the DVD. Brings back memories of Boston 6 of Vertigo where I had a lower rear :)giggle: ) seat and near the end of the show Bono sang to the back and on his way back to the front gave Adam a sly, but really deep goosing that only a few of us saw. :D
Question: why is Sinead O'Connor mentioned in the DVD credits - both the booklet and the video credits ? Her vocals aren't used in the show as far as I know...

another one I'm curious about is Vanessa Redgrave, is she active in Africa campaigning?
Didn't Sinead do some pre-recorded vocals for the opening of Beautiful Day or something? The intro that was used in Europe and earlier in the tour? Or vocals in Your Blue Room?

Maybe I'm misremembering that, but if there's any tidbits of those in the bonus clips, that might explain it, even if it wasn't in the Rose Bowl show.
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