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Bono Mot said:


:scream: :sad:

I'm still having problems. I've done what I can to clean it up (not my fic though...hee hee), but it's still running really slow. So, slow in fact that I could probably chase Bono, catch him, wrestle him to the ground, snog his fine face off and then stand up, dust myself off and go home and it'd still be
saying 'windows is loading your settings'....

Ack... frig, buggery bollocks...:madspit:
youvedonewhat said:
So, slow in fact that I could probably chase Bono, catch him, wrestle him to the ground, snog his fine face off and then stand up, dust myself off and go home and it'd still be
saying 'windows is loading your settings'....


:drool: ...send over here that virus then... :evil:
Hi girlz. Computer isn't too bad at the moment. I've taken some programs off but I still think somethings interfering w/it.

However, just popped in to tell you that Midnight is up and running... It's very emotional. I just have to tweak it a bit...

btw, nice job of the new look, Andy...
:hmm: YDW, care to explain to me what's going wrong? I might be able to help... but I need clear terms and not vague stuff like it's running slow :p
:hmm: YDW, care to explain to me what's going wrong? I might be able to help... but I need clear terms and not vague stuff like it's running slow :p

:wave:Hi Gg. Ack, it's driving me crazy! :crazy::madwife::confused:

Easiest way to explain it I think is that it takes forever to load and when it finally does if I open more then one application everything slows up even more. If I run win media player for example then open up something else, Bono sounds like he's had too much to drink and the player kind of stumbles along. It gets so annoying that I end up shutting it down.

It seems to be settling a little just now though I've no idea why as I haven't done anything to it today. A couple of days ago I had some automatic updates, not sure if they're interfering with something else. I'm tempted to flatten it but I don't want to loose my files. Most of it's backed up but not all.

That's about it really. Not sure if it's any help. I'd really appreciate it if you could throw some ideas my way (before I end up launching it out of the window...:rant:) :angry::lol:
Spyware can slow you down, so do a check, virus scan and defrag... If still crap, then back up important files ie stories to dvd cd or a usb drive wipe drive and reinstall
Spyware can slow you down, so do a check, virus scan and defrag... If still crap, then back up important files ie stories to dvd cd or a usb drive wipe drive and reinstall

Thanks for the suggestions. I tried defragging, cleaning, virus scanning etc but nothing seemed to improve it. So I've flattened it and reinstalled all the progs again. :banghead:
Hopefully it'll be alright for a while now...
Remember spyware and virus's are two different things and not all virus scans clean out spyware so be sure you've actually done a spyware scan... I had some similar issues awhile back and the problem was the spyware.. you can get a couple decent spyware cleaners online free. Good luck!

(and then go collect your pics in your other thread! :sexywink: )
:wave:Hi Gg. Ack, it's driving me crazy! :crazy::madwife::confused:

Easiest way to explain it I think is that it takes forever to load and when it finally does if I open more then one application everything slows up even more. If I run win media player for example then open up something else, Bono sounds like he's had too much to drink and the player kind of stumbles along. It gets so annoying that I end up shutting it down.

It seems to be settling a little just now though I've no idea why as I haven't done anything to it today. A couple of days ago I had some automatic updates, not sure if they're interfering with something else. I'm tempted to flatten it but I don't want to loose my files. Most of it's backed up but not all.

That's about it really. Not sure if it's any help. I'd really appreciate it if you could throw some ideas my way (before I end up launching it out of the window...:rant:) :angry::lol:

that sounds like the EXACT same problem I had a little while back... I think I caused it by accidentally deleting the wrong folder, which had a bunch of system files in it :uhoh:
I fixed it by doing a system restore up to a point before that, but no spyware/virus/malware/whatever scanner found anything!
Thanks for the suggestions. I tried defragging, cleaning, virus scanning etc but nothing seemed to improve it. So I've flattened it and reinstalled all the progs again. :banghead:
Hopefully it'll be alright for a while now...
Sorry you've had to scrap it all and start again, that's a real pain. Since I had a major issue with my main puter, I now email my writings to myself at the end of each day (assuming I've worked on it), using a gmail account and I back up onto a USB stick, that way the worst that can happen is I lose a day's worth of work. A couple of chapters fits nicely in an email as an attachment.
Remember spyware and virus's are two different things and not all virus scans clean out spyware so be sure you've actually done a spyware scan... I had some similar issues awhile back and the problem was the spyware.. you can get a couple decent spyware cleaners online free. Good luck!

(and then go collect your pics in your other thread! :sexywink: )

Thanks for your replies, ladies. And a huge thankyou to those who posted in my other thread. I'll be orft to check it out...:drool::kiss:
I got on the pc today, and had the exact same problem AGAIN!
:rolleyes: mom's been on the pc, and she put some spyware doctor on it or w/e... the shitty program lagged the pc! it took me 7 minutes to switch user accounts... then I switched the program off, or tried to, and that took another five minutes! :banghead:
now it's working fine tho :hmm:
I got on the pc today, and had the exact same problem AGAIN!
:rolleyes: mom's been on the pc, and she put some spyware doctor on it or w/e... the shitty program lagged the pc! it took me 7 minutes to switch user accounts... then I switched the program off, or tried to, and that took another five minutes! :banghead:
now it's working fine tho :hmm:

Friggin computers!!!:scream::madspit::crazy::madwife::banghead:
ciao YDW :wave:
still fighting with your pc? ;) :mad:

well, with so many new yummy present bono pics I was wondering how is it going with christine lately... :whistle: :hmm:

ciao YDW :wave:
still fighting with your pc? ;) :mad:

well, with so many new yummy present bono pics I was wondering how is it going with christine lately... :whistle: :hmm:


Hi Onkea Thanks for the pic... He's lookin' good isn't he? :love: I'm sure he's lost a little weight. Anyway, I haven't done any Christine lately. I've been concentrating on Midnight instead for now. I'll probably post all three like I did last time.

Snippet time from Midnight:

<<<<<I’m frustrated. “Don’t play with me.” I whisper.

“Honey, I’m not playing with you. At some point, you and I are gonna be…”


One corner of his mouth rises as he stares at my lips and then says one word; “…lovers…”>>>>>

Snippet time from Midnight:

<<<<<I’m frustrated. “Don’t play with me.” I whisper.

“Honey, I’m not playing with you. At some point, you and I are gonna be…”


One corner of his mouth rises as he stares at my lips and then says one word; “…lovers…”>>>>>




Now we are getting somewhere :macdevil:
And I third this! Please post!!! :pray:

He looks awfully lonely....


The power of the fic compels you!


^Damn look how INTENSE he looks

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