Random Pitchfork Darling Talk LXXXIII

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Limited edition gray vinyl copy of the sinners & saints the sky is falling album = in my possession. Which means nothing to any of you people, I'm sure. But it is my favorite album of all time, and it looks kinda badass. I'll probably never listen to it, since I don't currently own a record player. But I'll be sure to give my cd a few extra spins to make up for it. Or just the mp3s I ripped...or whatever.

Came with a bunch of freebee promo shit. Why bridge 9 threw in the PETA stickers though, I do not know. Bunch of other ban stickers (only one of which I've heard of, cos its my work partner's girlfriend's cousin's band) and a for the worse (who I actually do like. They have a song called "my fist your face," what's not to like?) poster.
Has anyone heard the new Alice in Chains album? Djerdap perhaps?

Just a couple songs , not the whole album yet, but those songs are pretty good.

I was quite skeptical of replacing Layne, but as you said DuVall does a reasonably good job, and you still have Cantrell's vocals so the sound is remarkably unchanged from the Staley days.
I really hope none of you ever have to go through a kidney stone. These things are the fucking worst.
I can't remember, are any of you Canadians going to that Field Trip Festival thing in Toronto? If so, I hate you.
Oh, I just looked it up. I had heard about it, but didn't know that's what it's called. No I will not be going. Don't like any of the bands
Never listened to them apart from the song or two I've heard on the radio.

So I guess I shouldn't say I don't like those bands. I should say I don't listen to any of them
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