Random Music Thread LXII: Which we did not let Cobbler title.

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It was excess stock from Wilco's online shop.

They didn't have any discounted Wilcoffee you could have added to that order? I'll bet The Whole Love goes great with a hot mug of dark roast.

Cobbler is too. Oh wait, read that wrong.

I was about to jump on that but then gave up when I saw it was Joyful who posted it. Nice work.
Was at the clothing optional beach today (I opted in favour of clothing) on Toronto Island
:heart: NSW
and saw not one, but two Borat style 'mens' swimsuits (as well as a number of what appeared to be stressed leather body suits, but sadly were not)
Holy shit. this is a photo taken by an orbiting satellite of the Curiosity rover making its decent onto Mars with the parachute deployed

Was at the clothing optional beach today (I opted in favour of clothing) on Toronto Island
:heart: NSW
and saw not one, but two Borat style 'mens' swimsuits (as well as a number of what appeared to be stressed leather body suits, but sadly were not)

The Baron!

Holy shit. this is a photo taken by an orbiting satellite of the Curiosity rover making its decent onto Mars with the parachute deployed


It blows my mind that not only did this thing land on Mars, but, hey, we have fucking Odyssey orbiting Mars as well. Amazing.
I totally missed news that this Mars thing was happening, and when I checked Facebook this morning, it was pretty much nonstop "MARS!!!!!" posts.

It took me a while before I got to a link talking about it, and then I was left wondering how the hell I hadn't heard about it!
Dan, you're a college student who lives on a massive campus most of the year. Your whole fucking life is a vacation.

Now stop posting and focus on being shitfaced.
I felt so old at Lollapalooza this weekend, especially any time I passed by the electronic dance music stage. It was like Stan Marsh after he started hearing everything as shit. Dubstep forced me to grow up quickly.

Fell just outside the demographic for Jack White though. Everyone there was between 25-35 from what I could tell.
What the hell kind of grown man still uses "TTFN" as a sign off?

Scumbo, I really need to borrow your musket. I'll be using it on a known music, movie and video game pirate. PLEASE?!
:hyper: I know, right? Have you seen Curiosity's facebook page? Someone at NASA is posting for it in the first person, so it's like it's people and it's freakin' adorable.


I love NASA.

That's really cool. Good to see NASA finally get some decent public relations going. Now they just need to hire that dude that was making the NASA videos on youtube
JT, I borrowed that and put it on my FB page. Thanks for posting, Baron.

By the way, a few weeks ago, out of nowhere, I started giggling in a meeting because I though of that "Zoom. Zoom. Enhance." photo you posted of Toronto Island. Cracks me up.
Reggo said:
What the hell kind of grown man still uses "TTFN" as a sign off?

Scumbo, I really need to borrow your musket. I'll be using it on a known music, movie and video game pirate. PLEASE?!

That implies it was ok at one point for grown men to use that expression in the past. I'm pretty sure it was never ok for anyone who wasn't a 13 year old girl to use.
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