Random Music Thread LXII: Which we did not let Cobbler title.

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I thought it was the Australians' way of picking the name we use for something as stupid after the singlet thing, but I can't be bothered to look back to see who started it.
Anyone being intentionally ironic while discussing footwear needs to be kicked in the privates.
There was talk of Secret Machines a few days ago - is Now Here Is Nowhere the place to start?
Yes, it's a fine place to start. "First Wave Intact" is about a good an introduction as one can hope for. It's probably one of my favorite album openers.
That's a tank top. A singlet in America is the uniform a wrestler wears.

I was under the impression a tank top was an item of female summer clothing.

Why do Brits call sweaters jumpers? Why "jumper"?

Although one might also wonder if "sweater" = "clothes you sweat in," which sure makes it sound like something I never want to wear.

It's a sweatshirt to me, and whenever I actually think about the name, it does strike me as something quite gross. (I'll also call them jumpers sometimes.)

I've always wondered - why "sneakers"? They aren't very inconspicuous. They're called runners.

Runners or sneakers, I'll call them either. Though I think runners sounds better.
zomg gaga yay

My living room is so hot right now, I'm afraid it's going to spontaneously combust. 96 here today (this is very hot for Seattle). I woke up from a nap in my (relatively) cooler bedroom, drenched in sweat despite the fan blowing directly on me. Spent a few hours sitting in the parking lot behind my building, where it was blissfully cooler and had a nice breeze.

Then the neighbor came home with their kids, and they're doing their loud and wacky little kid thing, so I'm back inside.

Logic would tell me to go to a movie, or the mall, or somewhere resembling anywhere remotely cooler, but I think the heat has affected my brain. The thought of having to get into my car and sit in traffic to go anywhere seems worse than sucking it up here.

Thank god it's only supposed to be 80 tomorrow. I assume I won't sleep much tonight again. In an hour or so, the sun should be low enough that I can go sit outside on my balcony.

This coriwhine brought to you by Horrifying Flame, Hell's #1 selling soda. Not available in diet.
^ I had that experience here during the month of June. The whole damn month. I was not happy. This seems to be the new normal summer weather at 7,000 ft.
So mum has been playing some album all morning and the singer sounds a lot like Chris Martin, but I knew it wasn't him because none of them were Coldplay songs, and who the fuck would put out a compilation of all the songs he's guested on? So I googled some of the lyrics and turns out it's a guy called Mat Kearney. And if you type "Mat Kearney sou" into google the first autofill is "nds like Chris Martin".

Now Laz I know you don't like Coldplay because you think their music is bland. I love them, but to each their own. But I really hope you don't ever stumble across any Mat Kearney. You'll go on a murderous rampage. It's like solo Chris Martin without any interesting music.
My aunt emailed me to say it's been really hot down there lately. Hope it cools down a bit in the next month!
IWasBored said:
Anyone being intentionally ironic while discussing footwear needs to be kicked in the privates.

If someone steps on my shoe, I might say 'why you gotta scuff up my kicks for, yo?'. If you don't like it, I'll kick you in the privates
It was so hot today, the air conditioning couldn't keep up. It rained, but it only cooled off to 83. And now it's humid. I think I'm going to go stand in front of the freezer. Perhaps put an otter pop in my bra, which is kind of uncomfortable at first, but cools you down. Don't knock it until you've tried it.

I await Jive and Laz's snarky remarks.
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