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I have been in one bar fight. My buddy was dancing with a girl and some guy took exception to it and wordlessly started shoving him. My friend tried to ignore him but finally turned and asked what his problem was, at which point a second guy ran up like he wanted to hit my friend. So another buddy of mine popped him in the face as he approached and it ended up as a 5-on-5 brawl. For my part, I grabbed a guy and put him in a chokehold (the only effective move I have with my lack of strength and reach) and kept him on the ground until it got broken up. On the way out one of the guys who was not from our crew swung and hit a bouncer and broke his rib, so the cops got called and we got interrogated outside the bar for nearly an hour.

We returned to that same bar the next night.
That's all well and good, but I still contend that the greatest opening credits theme music in TV history is "We Used To Be Friends" by the Dandy Warhols.
So, to summarize, Phoenix, Flaming Lips, and Yeah Yeah Yeahs all put out new albums recently and they're all pretty fucking boring and underwhelming.
Two free VIP tickets and backstage passes for GirlsAloudFan for Chicago or we might have to tell you the same thing. :)
So, to summarize, Phoenix, Flaming Lips, and Yeah Yeah Yeahs all put out new albums recently and they're all pretty fucking boring and underwhelming.

According to Cobbler anyway. Have you heard any of them yet?

My list of boring, shitty 2013 albums would include Iron & Wine and Youth Lagoon.

And tell that Lazarus guy that he can seriously go fuck himself!


I wonder how much shit he talked about Yankee Hotel Foxtrot on the Wire mailing list when Robert Christgau's review came out.
I haven't heard Phoenix yet, but I wouldn't call YYYs, Flaming Lips, or Iron & Wine "shitty." There has yet to be a 2013 album I have heard that I would classify as "bad."
I haven't listened to anything released in 2013 that was bad. The dropkick murphys album was just mediocre. But the only other albums put out this year that i've checked out were bad religion, kurt vile, depeche mode, and the thermals. None of those sucked. Not going to do what I did last year and look into everything that sounds remotely interesting or is being talked up around here, because 95% of it ended up being a complete waste of time.

I still need to hear the new ducky boys album. I'm a bad fan. Every other mark lind project since 2004 I've been all over the day it came out. And I still haven't gotten to the Steve Earle one either, but it only reminds me I never even listened to the one before it.
Oh, I have.

I'm looking at you, Fall Out Boy.

The problem with both Internet people and real life people telling me this album is awful, is that it makes me curious to hear why it is so incredibly awful. I believe you guys that it's really bad, but I can't help but think there might be some hilarious entertainment value to its awfulness.
Now see here, I say now see here young peefster, back in the day before, I say, back in the days before Facebook and them other social media like the twitter, there use to be...

Yeah, ok, I don't quite have it in me to finish this post.
Iwib, you might like The Men.

Or have you already listened?

I started listening to Open Your Heart once, thought it was awesome, and forgot to get back to them. Thanks for reminding me I need to do that.
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