Post your rigs!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Uhh.... WOW! pics?

1958 Stratocaster
1960 Stratocaster
1961 Stratocaster
1962 Stratocaster x 2
1964 Stratocaster
1977 Stratocaster
1979 Stratocaster
1984 Japan JV57 Stratocaster
1988 Japan ST72 Stratocaster
1954 Esquier
1984 JV Pink Paisley Telecaster
1963 Jazzmaster
2001 54 Historic Les Paul
2009 Custom Built 59 Les Paul Replica

Rack 1:
Axe Fx Ultra
TC 2290
Korg A3
Korg SDD 3000
Korg SDD 2000

Rack 2:
Roland GP16
BBE 462

Ibanez Tube Screamer
Boss HM2
Boss GE7
Boss DM2
Boss DM3
Boss DD3
Boss CE2

1963 AC30
2009 JMI AC30/4
1968 Marshall JMP50
1974 Marshall JMP50
1971 Marshall PA20
1968 Marshall 4x12
1969 Marshall 4x12
1965 Vox 2x12
2003 Marshall Blues breaker Combo

Various Foot controllers & Expression Pedals & other small bits!

Been playing since 1983 & worked in the music trade for the past 12 years.
Not sure I know how to post pictures! I guess that you have to upload them to a host web page?






Still have several guitars, Cabs & Pedals in storage! Just can't fit it all into my house!


Thanks! Thats a Japanese JV57 from 1984 that I have owned since 1985! It was the first real Fender guitar that I ever owned & its almost been through as many changes as Gilmore's!!
I've sold it twice & bought it back! It had refelx active humbuckers fitted in the late 80's & a Kahler Fulcrum trem with locking nut!!! All now removed & put back with standard 57/62 Strat pickups & trem & a replacement decal as originally is was decaled as a Squire!
Despite all the routing under the pickguard it is a fantastic guitar! I won't be parting with it again!
Hmm... just for the sake of doing so I'll post up some of my hand-me-down material. It's not much, but it's more than enough for getting started!


That's (left to right):

2000 Ibanez SZ
Ibanez GSR200 Bass
Some cheap Johnson mock Fender Strat

A nice guitar on the left, a bass that gets the job done in the middle, and a cheap piece that's useful if I ever want to attempt other sounds (the pickups on the other guitar are humbuckers).


Crate GFX 212T (big one)
Crate GX 15 (little one)

Boss ME-25

Oh... and my two little prized posessions are visible. My 750GB HDD and my Flip UltraHD camcorder. But that has nothing to do with this.

Big amp is broken so I can only plug in the guitar through the pedals slot and can't use any of the built in effects. And it blows up when I try to plug the ME unit into it. Don't know what's wrong exactly - just some isolated problem with the input.

So yeah, not so fancy fancy. But hey, it was all given to me for free from my brother so I'm more than happy to have it all!
Not bad for starting out at all! :up: If down the road you want to get another amp, maybe a practice amp, then Vox's AC4 is a nice purchase and not too bad on the wallet. They're built really well and have really good sound. Vox's Pathfinder is a very nice purchase as well (currently going for $119). Neither of these amps have built in effects but that's what you've got the ME-25 for. I haven't tried out the Pathfinder but I've heard people say that it is well worth it.

Steering away from Vox, there is the ZT Lunchbox amp (also goes for $119). This amp, as the name implies, is the size of a lunchbox and very affordable. I've heard mick3b1g on youtube use the ZT and it sounds incredible. Orange Amplifiers also makes some neat stuff, but I have no idea about amps in their Crush Pix series. Just throwing out a few ideas on some inexpensive amps you may or may not consider down the road.
Far one is a USA 1977, Middle is a Japanese ST72 & the one with the white pickguard is actually a parts guitar consisting of a 1979 Anniversary neck on a 2004 Eric Johnson body with 1982 hardware & CS 69 pickups.
I also have a black USA 1979 Start in storage that needs a refret.
I used to have loads of room in my house! But my girlfriend moved in with me a year ago & 5 months ago she gave birth to our beutiful little boy (Sean Finley)! So now my guitars & amps are banished to just one room & the storage unit 6 miles away! Any other spare space in the house is taken up by her bloody Shoe collection :sad:
great collection there Steve:) can i ask whats the difference in sound with
these 1954 Esquier and 1984 JV Pink Paisley Telecaster ?

are you in a tribute band just now or just messing around with guitars n effects
at home..

cheers Bruce
The difference between the 2 is vast! They both have that Tele sound but the 54 is much more responsive which I guess is down to the light weight Ash body & thin Nitro body finish compared to the Paisley which I think is basewood & then coverd in Poly!

All my 50's/60's vintage guitars have body re-finishes! Necks are original finish & in most cases the refins are 20+ years old. All parts are 100% original with the exception of the 58 Strat & 54 Esquier which both have repro pickguards! Buying real vintage 50's single ply pickguards is a nightmare as they can easily be faked unlike the the 60's Nitrate green guards which are easy to spot as original or not.

No not in a tribute band! Just play with general covers bands & have done since the mid 80's! - Toured all over Europe & have worked as a guitar tech on & off for the past 12 years in between owning & running my own bar!

Thats basically how I keep coming across this stuff! I meet & deal with alot of musicians & somones always selling something which I can't resist :doh:
Hi everybody,

since a while I have my "edge rack" done and had a couple gigs with it now.
I'm pleased with the result so I thought you might be interested
to have a look at it. :)
Today I had all stuff in rehearsal room and finally could make a short
video clip. Sorry no soundclips yet. It would be too loud as this daytime
people work there... But I'll post some soon.

Hi everybody,

since a while I have my "edge rack" done and had a couple gigs with it now.
I'm pleased with the result so I thought you might be interested
to have a look at it. :)
Today I had all stuff in rehearsal room and finally could make a short
video clip. Sorry no soundclips yet. It would be too loud as this daytime
people work there... But I'll post some soon.


I've just edited the video with music and annotations.
So you don't need to hear me gabbling! :edge:
I finally have my rig the way I want it so I though I would post some pictures.


My main guitar signal goes to the switch blade plus, this splits the signal into two channels..


Channel one goes into my Pod X3 Live, as the X3 has two channel options, I use one channel for my guitar and one channel for vocals.


The Pod X3 live has excellent delay effects especially the stereo and modulated delays, the distortion and overdrive effects are also good and it provides some good on board Wah-Wahs

Channel two goes into the Electro-Harmonix Hog then into the Electro-Harmonix Cathedral Reverb.


This is my shimmer channel. By setting the Hogs expression pedal to volume I can use it to fade in the shimmer when I need it.


I play lead guitar and sing lead vocals in an originals three piece band heavily influenced by U2. This rig is easy to set up on stage and allows me to control guitar, vocals and also allows me fade in an extra shimmer layer.


Pedal List:
EH Switch Blade +
EH Hog
EH Cathedral Reverb
Line 6 X3 Live
M-Audio EX-P (Expression Pedal)
My rig:

Guitars: 1979 all black fender stratocaster american standard with stock pick ups
Epiphone sheraton 2 natural with a gibson 57 classic on neck and a puff pro di marzio on bridge

Amplifier: 1969 vox ac 30 tb with blue alnico

Effects: ud stomp digital modulation delay, line6 m9 with a dedicate expression pedal, 1981 mxr dynacomp, boss ns2
Getting a Line 6 Pod HD500 next week. I'm condensing my second channel in my stereo setup and the Line 6 can do everything and more than the pedals I currently have going to it.

My rig once the HD500 comes:


Mexican Fender Telecaster Thinline with Seymour Duncan P-Rails
American Fender Telecaster Standard with stock pickups (will be replacing them with Kinman Broadcasters this summer)
Mexican Fender Stratocaster with Fender Custom Shop Noiseless single coil pickups

Signal Path A

JangleBox JBL2 Byrds LE
Radial Twin City
Loopmaster True Bypass Strip
1. Voodoo Lab Giggity
2. DMB Stellar Drive

Matchless Avalon 30 Reverb

Effects Loop -
Loopmaster True Bypass Strip
Strymon Blue Sky
Strymon Timeline

Signal Path B

JangleBox JBL2 Byrds LE
Radial Twin City True Bypass Strip with switchable 0-22dB clean boost
DOD Thrashmaster Distortion (awesome old hot pink pedal)
Line 6 Pod HD500
Fender Blues Jr.


Xotic SP
Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret III
Catalinbread Echorec
Strymon Mobius
BBE Sonic Stomp
ZVex Fuzz Factory OR Death By Audio Supersonic Fuzz Gun
SoldGoldFX Surf Rider II


Martin Acoustic Guitar
Fender Mandolin

Power Supplies
2 Voodoo Lab PP2+
1 Voodoo Lab 4x4
1 Furman Power Factor Pro
If you're asking me, I wouldn't know. I do not have an HD500 yet, and I've never owned a DM4 and I never care to. :wave:
Line 6 and Distortions.

I've heard that the pod hd has the distorions of the DM4. Really?


The HD's have all of the distortions of the DM4 + one more Bass Octaver. DM4 has 16 distortions. M13 and HD 400 and 500 have 17 distortions. (The one that the DM4 doesn't have is the Bass Octaver). With the M13 and HD400/500 you can control them with a midi-controller. So, if you want the distortions that Edge has from the Line 6 DM4 Pro, you can get them easily enough. So you don't want an M13 or HD 500 on the floor next to your effects controller? You don't have to use it that way. The M13 and HD's can be controlled with a midi-controller.

I worked as a tech for a U2 tribute. There was a period of time where the guitarist didn't like any of the drives on the AxeFX. So we used the Axe for all of the tones except, the drives/distortions - He used the M13, in the pedal drawer of his rack... et voila.

While not a rack unit, it can be used as one. Put it in a pedal drawer or on top of the rack - like Edge's array of pedals - and you're set.

What we found, is that you can get most of Edge's distortions with the M13 or the HD500 (which we also used at one point).

  • Tube Drive - A sweet, singing sustain craved by guitarists worldwide. Inspired by* the tone of a Chandler Tube Driver®.
  • Screamer - Inspired by the smooth medium-gain tones of the collectable original, Screamer is based on* an Ibanez® Tube Screamer®.
  • Overdrive - Inspired by a DOD Overdrive/Preamp 250®, which was designed to slam the input of a tube amp forcing it to distort violently.
  • Classic Distortion - Angry and aggressive, Classic Distortion is inspired by a ProCo Rat®.
  • Heavy Distortion - The industry-standard heavy metal distortion of the late '80s. Inspired by a Boss Metal Zone®.
  • Colordrive - Colordrive will transport you back to the breeding ground of British guitar heroes. Inspired by a Colorsound Overdriver®.
  • Buzz Saw - Take a deep breath and repeat: "I can't get no (duh, duh, duh) Satisfaction." Inspired by a MaestroFuzz Tone®.
  • Facial Fuzz - Bottom-heavy distortion inspired by the Arbiter Fuzz Face®, which is associated with the tones of Jimi Hendrix and Eric Johnson.
  • Jumbo Fuzz - Jumbo Fuzz delivers a bright bite reminiscent of the fuzz tones heard all over the first two Led Zeppelin records. Inspired by a Vox Tone Bender®.
  • Fuzz Pi - Fuzz Pi delivers plenty of thick distortion and oceans of sustain inspired by* the tone of an Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi®.
  • Jet Fuzz - Part fuzz/part phaser, Jet Fuzz delivers the best of both. Inspired by the Roland Jet Phaser®.
  • Line 6 Drive - If we could go back to the 60s and be a part of the fuzz revolution, this is what we'd design. Inspired by the Colorsound Tone Bender®.
  • Line 6 Distortion - Completely saturated and over the top, Line 6 Distortion is massive and totally crazy.
  • Sub Octave Fuzz - Biting fuzz with an octave below! Excellent for bass guitar. Inspired by the PAiA Roctave Divider.
  • Octave Fuzz - White-hot fuzz with an octave above! This classic fuzz+octave effect was used by Jimi and other pioneering players. Inspired by the Tycobrahe Octavia®.
  • Boost Comp - A punchy boost of gain inspired by an MXR Micro Amp®. The compressor can add hang time to your sustain and fill out your leads.
  • Volume Pedal - Expressive pedal steel-style swells that are ideal for use with a Line 6 EX-1™ Expression Pedal.
  • Bass Octaver - This effect gives you a single clean note one octave down. Bassists love it but guitarists (including Jeff Beck) are known to bust it out, too. Inspired by the tone of an EBS OctaBass.
My how things change in a little over a month.

Current guitars:

Made In America Fender Telecaster Standard with Kinman Broadcasters
Made In Mexico Fender Stratocaster with Fender Custom Shop Noiseless Pickups (will be upgrading to Kinman Woodstocks within the year)

Current signal chain:

Diamond Compressor
DMB Stellar Drive
Em Drive
Fulltone Fulldrive 2 Mosfet
Ernie Ball Volume Pedal Jr (Boss TU-2 in the tuner output)
Radial Twin City (for stereo setup)

In Stereo:
Strymon Mobius
Strymon Timeline
Left output of Timeline: Mr. Black Supermoon -> Matchless Avalon 30
Right output of Timeline: Mr. Black Eterna -> Fender Blues Jr (planning to replace this with a Handwired AC15 within the next year or so)

Current power supplies:

Voodoo Lab Mondo (powers all pedal)
Furman Power Factor Pro


Line 6 POD HD500 for P&W stuff and for home jamming on headphones
Martin acoustic guitar
Fender mandolin
microKorg synth

Current wishlist:

Kinman Woodstocks
Vox AC15HX

Distant wishlist:

Gibson ES339 with Kinman PAFs
Rickenbacker 330/12


My chain is SD1-> TS9 -> HD500 -> VoxAD100. A Dunlop crybaby is in the effects loop of the pod, as well as a Roland EV5 for a secondary expression pedal for the pod. The M13 is a backup which I keep in the effects loop of the Vox.

My main amp is a VoxAD100. Very nice amp, allows me to get great U2 tones as well as just about anything else, from Metallica to Led Zepplin. I also have a Fender Acoustasonic Junior, which I use for acoustic guitars and vocals. When I'm playing U2 and have shimmer going, I split the shimmer signal to the Fender as well. I also have a Marshall MG30 which I really don't ever use and just sits there to look cool, lol.



Electric Guitars:
-2005 Heritage Cherry Gibson Explorer, which I upgraded to all gold hardware and Seymour Duncan Seth Lover pickups. I wish I was able to get one with a natural finish, but alas. It looks just as good, IMO.
-2004 Alpine White Epi Les Paul Custom, with a 197x T-Top in the bridge, and a Seymour Duncan Alnico Pro II in the neck. Both have openface gold covers like Edge's.
-200x Chrome Red MIM Strat, with vintage noiceless pickups. As well as a pickguard featuring my old band's artwork....
-Some Beringer beginner strat knockoff, which I put Gibson 496R and 500T pickups in. (came out of the Explorer) I also made some other modifications which the picture speaks for itself!




Acoustic Guitars:
-Taylor 214CE Grand Auditorium
-Yamaha 12 String something or other
-197x's Epiphone Acoustic (unfortunately while I was away in the Marines, the bridge gave way and snapped off the body. In the picture its just wedged into the space it sat, without any strings on. It was a wonderful sounding guitar, hopefully one day I will have it fixed)
-19XX Global, I don't know much about this guitar other than that it's old and doesn't stay in tune anymore. I also would like to fix it one day. I removed the pickguard which was very similar to that of a Humingbird. I intended to put it on my Taylor, however I lost it. oops.





Other bits:
My guitar picks I use are similar to Edge's Herdim picks with the dimpled spots for gripping which I also use to strike the strings. I also have a Peaceland 3/4" inch brass guitar slide ring.

Future investments:
-Black 70's Fender Strat with Kinman's
-Gretsch Electromatic
-Vox Ac30 or AC15

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