PLEBAN Girl's Party - Bewitching the boys at Halloween

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Good to hear things are going so great :happy:

No, but seriously, doesn't sound all that great. :hmm: What's with your friend? As much as I'd like, I don't think I'd be much help regarding school :crazy: or your diabetes, but maybe I could give you some advice on your friend? :shrug:
JezSnape said:
Good to hear things are going so great :happy:

No, but seriously, doesn't sound all that great. :hmm: What's with your friend? As much as I'd like, I don't think I'd be much help regarding school :crazy: or your diabetes, but maybe I could give you some advice on your friend? :shrug:

A friend of mine has been incredibly bitchy lately. She's constantly making fun of me. My friends and I constantly joke with each other and are sarcastic, but she's been going totally out of line. Like with making fun of me for not graduating. :|
:rolleyes: Yeah, 'cause that's really your fault and all. People like that just need to get a life of their own.

I'll exchange her for a very clingy, very needy friend who can't take a hint to just f*ck off? :sigh:
JezSnape said:
:rolleyes: Yeah, 'cause that's really your fault and all. People like that just need to get a life of their own.

I'll exchange her for a very clingy, very needy friend who can't take a hint to just f*ck off? :sigh:

Oh those kinds of friends are soo much fun! :love:
Just tell me how the hell to get rid off her? Without hurting her feelings, preferrably. :reject: I'm such a loser.

I have nothing against her, really, it's just that we only met like a month ago, and I don't even think it's ok for friends I've known for years to call EVERY night, and ask if we should spend EVERY weekend together...
Just tell her that you're uncomfortable with her being so pushy. Maybe she's just excited about the friendship and she doesn't realize that it's bothering you. I've done that with friends before. :reject:
I think that's the thing too, I mean, she's said she's so happy that she's found someone like me, 'cause we do have a lot in common. That only makes it double bad when I try to tell her I'd rather be alone this weekend.

But enough about me, what's up with school then? Lots of homework?
:yes: I know what you mean. Teachers just don't really know how to pace the classes, I think. :lmao:

<--Studying to become a teacher

I promise to do a much better job :angel:
I need to head off now, it's after midnight, and I'm always so sleepy when I've been out a lot on a cold day.

It's f*cking snow here! :angry: :grumpy: :madwife:

Night DG :hug: and anyone who might be lurking :shifty:
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