PLEBA girls party-we smell good and so does Bono.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Hey GG and Drea :hug:
I'm playing now, need to be working later. Was just in Pleba where there was the discussion of the poor girl on stage last night who's pants came down....i would freakin' die.
ruffian said:
Hey GG and Drea :hug:
I'm playing now, need to be working later. Was just in Pleba where there was the discussion of the poor girl on stage last night who's pants came down....i would freakin' die.

:ohmy: her pants came down:ohmy:
Hey Dis :wave: Yes, pretty much all her undies were exposed. I have the pic but feel kinda bad posting it.
ruffian said:
Hey Dis :wave: Yes, pretty much all her undies were exposed. I have the pic but feel kinda bad posting it.

I don't know if I want to see...I am embarresed for everyone just thinking about it:yikes: :yikes:

ok..maybe a quick peek:wink:

it didn't work:(
she looked like she was having fun, though!
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OH NO:tsk: and she doesn't even notice:tsk:

the pose with bman is:laugh: priceless though..I mean how many of us can have our pics taken with our pants half way down around our ankles with B:lmao:

poor girl :hug: at least she looks good and wore her hawt undies:up:

if it was my "Groupie" rhinestone undies...:no: I would have died!
Dis, :lmao: you WOULD have those undies on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what if you had big Granny Panties on that came up to your navel, and were baggy in the butt??? hahahaha!
ruffian said:
Dis, :lmao: you WOULD have those undies on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what if you had big Granny Panties on that came up to your navel, and were baggy in the butt??? hahahaha!

:lmao: :lmao: *snort...onstage in front of B in your granny shorts..with rips and stains:lmao:

speaking of my "groupie" lucky Bono undies I have them on right now:D :D they are so comfy:drool: I wear them to every U2 show:lmao: I'm such a geek!
You guys are making me laugh so hard:lmao: I just dribbled water all down the front of me and onto my PJ's:lmao: It looks like I wet my pants:lmao:
Dis, i thought you were kidding!

GG, sorry for spilling the news about your panties :laugh:
Dismantled said:
You guys are making me laugh so hard:lmao: I just dribbled water all down the front of me and onto my PJ's:lmao: It looks like I wet my pants:lmao:

i think it's very funny that some of us (me included :reject:) are in our PJs at 11:30 in the morning. Summer rocks! :rockon:
ruffian said:
Dis, i thought you were kidding!

GG, sorry for spilling the news about your panties :laugh:

NO! I'm not kidding:lmao: they are purple and black and on the back is spelled out "GROUPIE" in rhinestones...:lmao: I got them just for U2 shows:lmao:

The future Mr. Dis thinks I have lost my mind:huh:
ruffian said:

i think it's very funny that some of us (me included :reject:) are in our PJs at 11:30 in the morning. Summer rocks! :rockon:


well not to make anyone feel bad I was up and out of the house at 6....went to the gym..ran 6 errands came home..made lunch and got back into my pjs:reject:
greeneyedgirl said:
I'm staying in mine all day

Well, unless I get out and get a pedicure which was my real plan for today........
And gotta go to the New Super Wal-mart!!

Super Wal-Mart:drool: :drool: :bow:

*hides from Bri


go to wal-mart in your pjs...its allowed:wink:
Dismantled said:

NO! I'm not kidding:lmao: they are purple and black and on the back is spelled out "GROUPIE" in rhinestones...:lmao: I got them just for U2 shows:lmao:

The future Mr. Dis thinks I have lost my mind:huh:

since you probably wouldn't want to drop trou at a show maybe you could wear them on your head.

*imagining Dis on future Mr. Dis' shoulders, panties on head, making the rock n' roll sign with both hands* :rockon:
ruffian said:

since you probably wouldn't want to drop trou at a show maybe you could wear them on your head at the next show.

*imagining Dis on future Mr. Dis' shoulders, panties on head, making the rock n' roll sign with both hands* :rockon:


what do you think B would do?:lmao:
GG, I'm getting a manicure today, might spring for the pedi as well. i've started running again and my poor feet :(

Dis, you productive girl. i figure if i leave the house by, oh, noon...i can hold my head high
Okay guys, have to go do productive things before I leave for the train station (limited access to blue crack for almost four days! ARGH! :scream: :eek: :yikes: ) Don't eat through too many threads while I'm gone! :hug:
would you have to cut out eye holes? You could make holes in the O and U in GROUPIE...attach with elastic...voila! There is a girl on Zootopia who wears a frog hat to every show...and it's not just a hat. it latches under her chin and covers her whole head :huh:
ruffian said:
GG, I'm getting a manicure today, might spring for the pedi as well. i've started running again and my poor feet :(

Dis, you productive girl. i figure if i leave the house by, oh, noon...i can hold my head high

yeah, I wasn't too productive...I was going to get our marriage licence but they prefer you both be there..:madspit: and then I had to go to the bank..and I was going to go to a craft store to look at paper for invitations but it was closed:angry: so I was out but I didn't get much done.
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