PLEBA girls party-we smell good and so does Bono.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Hey Weldy :hug: How's your mom doing?

At least I have Elessarian's videos to keep my occupied.

Is it wrong that I'd like to do dirty things to the I Will Follow 20 year old Bono, regardless of the messy hair, crazy eyes and bad dancing?

I already know that I'm going to regret this admission, come morning. :reject:
VintagePunk said:
Hey Weldy :hug: How's your mom doing?

At least I have Elessarian's videos to keep my occupied.

Is it wrong that I'd like to do dirty things to the I Will Follow 21 year old Bono, regardless of the messy hair, crazy eyes and bad dancing?

I already know that I'm going to regret this admission, come morning. :reject:

My mom is doing fine...but I want her to stay in the hospital just a bit longer....cause of the heat spike this weekend.....:yikes:

I haven't gotten the chance to rewatch Elessarian's Videos....but I did get the chance to see them.

And no...I don't think it's wrong to do dirty things to the I Will Follow Bono...I have the same thoughs :D :shifty:
VintagePunk said:
Hey Weldy :hug: How's your mom doing?

At least I have Elessarian's videos to keep my occupied.

Is it wrong that I'd like to do dirty things to the I Will Follow 20 year old Bono, regardless of the messy hair, crazy eyes and bad dancing?

I already know that I'm going to regret this admission, come morning. :reject:

VintagePunk said:
OMG, is there anything hotter in the world than B saying "yeah" at the beginning of Desire??? :combust:

Chizip, you caught me at a bad time. :evil:

well it seems like youre always being bad :macdevil:
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