PGP-I feel like starting a new thread.

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daygloeyes2 said:
But good news though: tomorrow i take my placement tests to see what levels of classes ill be in this fall! Ill probably be taking english comp, general psychology(which im excited about :nerd: ), biological principles and some math class. Ill get my prerequisites done before i get into a nursing program, which will hopefully be in a year or two. Im excited because i finally feel like im starting to get past the hell of the past 2 plus years and am moving on with my life.:)

I'm so proud of you :hug:

I'm glad your moving on to the next exciting chapter of your life :hug:
:rolleyes: I can't play guitar with nails Wild....

:shifty: like you can see in the pic I have of his hand and many many Edge pics, guitarists always keep the nails on the left hand short :yes:
Yeah,Ill try to teach him when he grows up and let him listen to U2,i just want him to stay little for right now:drool:

I dedicated Drowning Man to him,cause i hope he is like that one day...
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