Reminder - Forum Downtime for Software Update Begins January 23, 2024.

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Headache in a Suitcase

Site Team
Staff member
Jul 16, 2000
Opinions are my own.
Not everyone reads the Inside Broadcast section - so i'm sure many have missed this (just like many missed the discontinuation of the app).

Interference will be down for approximately 48 hours beginning early on the morning of January 23, 2024.

There will be some noticeable changes upon returning to open:

The Forum is moving to Xenforo software and all the usual controls will be available BUT buttons and functions will be moved around a bit.

Image storage and avatar size will be increased.

PM inbox storage will be increased

Responsive for mobile use: There is no mobile app needed. XenForo has a mobile view that is entirely responsive to device size. Use a browser to open the site and you'll have a good view.

Ads will be removed so long as you are logged in.

Arcade - is going away as NO ONE uses it and it's not currently very secure.

Premium menu - We have a forum subscription that allowed access to some areas of the forum and a few other features. The premium memberships are being discontinued - free for everyone!

Please see this link for more information or to leave a comment -
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