Parking and GA

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Headache in a Suitcase

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Staff member
Jul 16, 2000
Opinions are my own.
I'm comming down to Philly from the NYC area for the 5/14 show and was planning on driving down really really early... i.e. leave new york around 4 in the morning or so, which would put me in Philly around 7ish give or take.

My question is what was the deal with parking in the arena parking lots that early in the morning durring the last tour? I know the nassau coliseum near me doesn't open up their gates for parking until the afternoon. Do they open the parking lots early in the morning for U2 shows so people with GAs can drive?

Any info you can give me is much appreciated... 'cause if i can't get into the Wachovia parking lot i'm gonna have to look at alternate means of transpo... i.e. greyhound or amtrak.
I don't believe the arena gates open before 11 a.m. or
12 noon, in most cases....
This is so alot of people are discouraged from camping overnight
in the parking lots of the venues...
But since camping out isn't allowed now... the arena gates may open earlier....
The best advice I can give.... is to call the arena and ask them about their parking lot policy regarding GA ticketholders....
That way you can get an honest and correct answer to your Q...
just find a parking spot on the street near the venue, then when they open up the venue parking lot have someone hold your spot in line while you move your car
Parking down on Broad Street where you see the CVS Pharmacy. Leave it there until 10 a.m. or Noon time when security escorts the GA line to the GA entrance. If not park at the Holiday Inn.

Super_Fan said:
Parking down on Broad Street where you see the CVS Pharmacy. Leave it there until 10 a.m. or Noon time when security escorts the GA line to the GA entrance. If not park at the Holiday Inn.


Take a limo...........and then you can let the driver park it......

Super_Fan said:
Parking down on Broad Street where you see the CVS Pharmacy. Leave it there until 10 a.m. or Noon time when security escorts the GA line to the GA entrance. If not park at the Holiday Inn.

Great Idea. The Holiday Inn is basically stadium parking anyway. There is also the Turf club parking lot. There are so many parking lots in the area you shouldnt have a problem. One will have to be open. In the Phillies new ballpark there is a bar/restaurant called McFaddens. They are open everyday. Parking must be availlable. If not just find a spot on Broad St. I will be down there early on the 22ed. Cant Wait!!!!!!

"And Im already gone!!"
I was wondering this myself......I know where the cvs is on broad and im thinking it may be alright there all day but I just dont want to come out of the concert on a high to find out my car is towed.
jammin909 said:
I was wondering this myself......I know where the cvs is on broad and im thinking it may be alright there all day but I just dont want to come out of the concert on a high to find out my car is towed.

Im not sure if I would park in the cvs. If they notice your car there for a while there is a chance it will be towed. Street parking is around the cvs as well. FDR Park is across the street with street parking too.
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