OMG!! Bono moans... EEEEEK!

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War Child
Apr 30, 2001
Holy MOSES!! I just listened to Mysterious Ways from Miami 3/24/01 and....O MY GOD!! No offense to you gals who made those remixes, but this totally brings those remixes to their KNEES!!!!!

If you have the means, I HIGHLY suggest you download it FAST!!!!!

Words just can't express it sounds like...
Ack! I don't know!!!
I just got it on a boot that someone sent me!
Maybe try new media or audiogalaxy!

I'm sorry I don't know where to get it!
ooh i remember that song from Miami - that was opening night and my friends and i were squealing like crazy - so so sexy

I'm only asking, but I think you know.

"This is so bad it's gone way past good and back to bad again." - Enid, Ghost World.
I have that boot but it's on the other side of the pond right now. I can't wait til I get it back now!!

I've also found another scandalizing moan from Bono and it's at the last rehearsal before th tour starts in Miami. After Bullet I think it is, right before WOWY. When I heard it I really got embarrassed. So if you have it or can get your hands on it, go and listen!!!

Beside that moan it's a great recording, specially if you love Bono's voice. It sounds like if he's sitting next to you singing along to a prerecorded tape or something, very strange but amazing experience!!
Besides the Bono Mixes.....on the Man Corral we have various wavs of Bono moaning, etc...most of which I had never heard before. Also the pants thing!!

~*Mona*~ LOVE me, give me SOUL
"I think I just said I was smart there - I'm sorry about that." ~Bono

"This DEFINITELY needs a disclaimer before the post! Women,small children & Mona may die!" ~Fishy~

"I still believe that you're the Smut Messiah"

The Man Corral
I tried to go to the Man Corral, but I couldn't find the Bono moans. Where exactly do I have to look, WildHonee?
still hoping that someone will post a link...

she is the dreamer, she's imagination...
Originally posted by kariatari:
I tried to go to the Man Corral, but I couldn't find the Bono moans. Where exactly do I have to look, WildHonee?

Ah! Sorry

They're under Files

~*Mona*~ LOVE me, give me SOUL
"I think I just said I was smart there - I'm sorry about that." ~Bono

"This DEFINITELY needs a disclaimer before the post! Women,small children & Mona may die!" ~Fishy~

"I still believe that you're the Smut Messiah"

The Man Corral
*slaps forehead*

Ohhhh, we have to join the group before we can access all the good stuff.

*~*?*~*~ Katie ~*~*?*~*
"And the Lord said 'Humble thyself, Bono!'" ~ Bono

"It's not like a family. It's like a street gang." ~ Larry

But you know there's something more
Tonight, tonight, tonight

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