No sleep club II

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Apr 23, 2006
World of Dreams
Hope it's fine I made the new thread!!

Ok, I didn't really have a brand new title for a second thread, so I called it 'II'.

How is everybody sleeping lately? I slept pretty lousy for a while, but now things are turning better again :)

:hug: TD I hope you are feeling better

I slept a little better last night but watched TV in bed for too long. I was off today and stayed in bed reading then I'd nap then read some more then another nap......
I wish I could find a happy medium too. I was watching TV until very late in bed again and slept in way too late today again. It makes me feel groggy too, katie so I can relate.
I watched U2 dvds till about 3am then went to bed. Lolled around in bed most of the day today, reading, watching TV and whatnot. What a relaxing day tho! Now I am wide awake and so the habit goes......
hehe slept a grand total of 2 hours last night then had to get up early for 7 hours at my job=hell on earth these days cos the manager was there. i finally got off and had to go grocery shopping for like 2 hours.

talk about a headache :crack:
I don't have to go to school tomorrow so natually I'm not going to sleep until really late...I haven't quite broken my summer habit yet
I slept ok, thanks. Got to work on time too. I read an interesting tip today on an insomnia remedy. I will have to find it and share it on this thread!
Since I am wide awake at near 3:30am here goes:

Before the invention of antibiotics people in Europe cured their colds by dunking their arms in hot water. It induced a short-term high fever and was believed to rid the body of toxins. :hmm:

Pull a chair in front of your washbasin & stack a couple of pillows on the seat so you can sit comfortable in front of the sink, as if you were at your desk.

Get into your pajamas, tie up your hair and roll up your sleeves . Check the clock. The procedure should last no more than 20 minutes.

Fill the basin with hot water. Add scented bath oils if desired.

Cover your head and face with a fresh towel.

Cross your bare arms in front of you and submerge them into the basin.

Every five minutes raise the temperature of the bath by reaching out and adding hot water right from the tap.

The steam releases sweat from every pore of your skin. You are a rosy -- and drippy mess :yikes:

Your 20 minutes are over. Get up, dry your arms and face and go straight to bed. You should sleep like a baby and wake up full of energy.

:hmm: Maybe I need to try this now!
I would have to try it at the kitchen bathroom sink is sooooo tiny and no counter space at all. My kitchen sinks are deeper besides I have really long arms. I think I will try it!

I bet it would have helped your recent cold, Doozer. Sorry I didn't post it earlier!

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