New U2 Album Discussion (alt title: Lose Your Will To Live Here)

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2013? Bono is 55 or so? 5'6'' and 202 lbs. in tight leather with a prostate the size of a cantilope belting out "What time is it in the world, and where we goin!" Providence, Cranston, Medford! Give me a break. If they do disappear from view the need to do a complete musical and physical makeover. Take a cue from Mick Jagger and Sting - or Larry! Aging rockers who have learned that you don't really rock if you don't look like you rock. I know it sounds shallow but its true.

As far as the album. Screw it U2. Don't put such pressure on yourself with a complete record that is open to such scrutiny. Release some songs (4-5) on iTunes. lPay them on tour. Make one video. Do a surprise - unplanned - visit on Conan or something and go tour. If the stuff doesn't suck balls then it will speak for itself.
I do think they're trying to figure out what their place is in music today
not so much given the competition, but given the changes in the way people buy and listen to music
I don't think they're scared of anything but of the thought to end up making music no one cares about

most logical conclusion from the info we have now is they finish this incarnation of 360
release an album summer (just before or just after Glastonbury takes place)
and get the tour going again
How about they don't sell out by worrying about how much the mainstream loves them and how many radio hits and grammys they can win and just release some fricking music because it's good.

Good god.
Pretty clear that the what/when/how/why of the next release pretty much determines the rest of their career, and they probably understand that in some fashion. I guess what we all hope is just that they read it the same way I think the majority in here do.

For me, I think everything is 50/50. 50% chance we get an album. 50% chance we don't. 50% chance that they to some degree 'get it'. 50% chance that they don't.

They don't at the moment need Achtung Tree II. And I hope they don't think they need All That You Can't Atomic Bomb II. I think what they need is simply a more humble release. In a way, Zooropa II. I don't mean quite as bold or left field as that (although that would be great - but no chance in hell of it happening), just something free of the bullshit hype, with deliberately lowered expectations etc. "Hey, just putting this out there..." Led by a single that deliberately says more than it is overtly meant to sell, and at least some evidence on there that they've still got some serious creative spark. Even if it is still balanced - and again, reality here, this wil happen - with some of their conservative U2000's shit.

And **IF** they are releasing something in May, those saying "If they're releasing something this stealth approach is bullshit" couldn't be more wrong. A U2 release completely free of twelve months of "BIGGEST BAND IN THE WORLD BEST ALBUM EVER YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAAAAAAAH!!!!" is, even if it comes with no great creative revolution or anything, a massive step in the right direction, given what Brand U2 really needs now.
I agree i don't want the past promo type stuff its embarrassing.

what i think is bullshit is the secrecy, like this music, even if the best ever, has to be contained until the YEA YEA YEA promo kicks in.

I guess I would like the band to skip the hype, and skip the "we'll see" type comments, and just be a little more proactive with fans
In general, I totally agree. They should be doing many things, in regards to public communication and fanbase interaction, totally differently. Which I suppose would cross over the petition thread, to a degree. There's kind of a wholesale change on multiple fronts that's needed if they are to push on through the rest of this decade with any real success other than just dinosaur band/greatest hits tour success.

But *IF* they are releasing something in May, and *IF* they 'get it', and so the silence on all fronts is a deliberate strategy, then (if it ends with a more humble promo push) they would be doing the right thing on this occasion by being completely silent or coy on all fronts. But those are a lot of massive *IF*'s. The initial silence was far more likely due to not wanting to publicly commit to anything, and since Xmas... lord knows.

But again, in general, I absolutely agree with what you're saying.
I still can't get my head round the fact that they are on tour anyway,so why not have an album to promote? I mean if an album does come November time I can't see then touring again in 2012.
U2 will be completely forgotten by October 2013, like Blue-Oyster-Cult-forgotten, if they don't release something before then.

I still can't get my head round the fact that they are on tour anyway,so why not have an album to promote? I mean if an album does come November time I can't see then touring again in 2012.

Good point. In any other context, i'd take a lack of blabbing to mean they'd dropped plans for an album. And for all we know, that might be the case, but considering they played unreleased tunes on tour, considering they played mercy, considering they've actively hired and made songs with producers mid-tour, it shows they have a whole new attitude, so it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine they have a new marketing tactic as well.

It seems like they seemed pretty confident, at least McGuinness was, in having sell-able music back in November, so if there is no release I don't think it can be chalked up to the fact that they wanted to dumb it up, or whatever. Seems like a lazy argument.

Stop making so much sense...
One thing to keep in mind is that the boys are - by their own admission - not fans of sitting on completed tracks for too long. They're unlikely to record an entire album, then throw it on a shelf for 2 or 3 years.
I don't really have much to add to this whole mess because obviously there is no way to know what the hell they are or aren't doing.

I will say that if they don't put something substantial out this spring, or at least this year, that's pretty much a tacit segue into a form of retirement.
Either way, I feel like this coming cycle might just be the last one. I believe they've said they don't want to be up there playing "Streets" in their sixties.
I will say that if they don't put something substantial out this spring, or at least this year, that's pretty much a tacit segue into a form of retirement.
I doubt they'll turn into a "greatest hits" act even if they don't release an album in 2011...that's not really their style. If anything, I'm more worried about them going too far in the opposite direction, especially with the club album. You know, "HEY, KIDS! WE'RE STILL HIP AND DOWN WITH THE PHAT BEATS YOU'RE LISTENING TO IN THESE MODERN TIMES! UM...SOCIAL NETWORKING!"

Unrelated: The Tacit Segues would be a pretty good name for a band.
Another day, another few pages of speculation. Thus the earth turns upon its axis and U2 remain silent for one more day.
Sober Digitize Reads This Thread, Comes Away Disappointed Again, Wonders Why He Read This Thread
When asked if assigning a timeline for an announcement and/or news is silly, Edge and Adam said "Maybe ... we'll see."

Coy buggers.
Well, if it turns out the album isn't going to happen, we can always take up the charge from the middle east and Wisconsin and attempt a revolution.

We can use Twitter and everything! I'll start making signs.
Drunken Tyrant McGuinness Responds to Revolution "Let Them Eat Cake," Subsequently Informed that Bono Has Eaten All the Cake
When asked to comment, Bono responded, "In my defense, it was really good cake. Very moist. Quality frosting."
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