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I just did this: pulled up A Sort of Homcoming off UF and compared it Yahweh from Bomb.
Listen to ASOH first...when the band kicks in, you hear guitars, bass, drums, keyboards, but they're not crowded and competing for sonic space. Now listen Yahweh when the band kicks in; it's like an avalanche of sound, and yet the exact same instrumentation, and each part is competing to be heard.
ASOH features drums that give you the feeling of a big open landscape, meanwile Yahweh's drums can barely be heard at certain points...and yet there still seems like alot going on.
Which, for me, and this is actually the first time I've thought of this, means that the mixing is radically different between the two examples. The production is very, very similar on both songs....a ringing quintessential Edge guitar part, lush keyboards, deep bass, and a very percussive drum track, and yet the end results are drastically different sounding and feeling.
This is exactly what I'm hearing too. I know the whole misheard lyric thing could be at work (you can easily swear to hear something else sometimes just by putting the lyric in your head, even in a perfectly clear song.) But it also does sound like he's singing "no line" before the "on the horizon" part. The earlier clip referred to as NLOTH, I can't make heads nor tails of... I don't know if anyone sent it to you yet MrBTH but I will.

Hey thanks man - wow that's a seriously unclear clip! First instinct is that it's actually clip #1 being played (the timing of when the chorus woahs and the guitar solo comes in is pretty much precisely the same as the new #1 clip) but it sounds like something completely different being played at the same time! I can just about there the "No line on the horizon" lyric but really it dosent sound remotely connected to whats playing in the background... Anyway, only first couple of listens - maybe it'll become clearer to me whats going on!!

(On a completely separate note - this clip slotted in in front of "Im Not Your Baby" from the End Of Violence soundtrack which started playing when the clip finished... First time I've heard it in years and wow what a song. I remember thinking it was a total mess back around 95 or 96 when I heard it but man, it sounds so fresh today! Sorry for off topic but funny how you rediscover stuff you'd completely forgotten about...)
I just did this: pulled up A Sort of Homcoming off UF and compared it Yahweh from Bomb.
Listen to ASOH first...when the band kicks in, you hear guitars, bass, drums, keyboards, but they're not crowded and competing for sonic space. Now listen Yahweh when the band kicks in; it's like an avalanche of sound, and yet the exact same instrumentation, and each part is competing to be heard.
ASOH features drums that give you the feeling of a big open landscape, meanwile Yahweh's drums can barely be heard at certain points...and yet there still seems like alot going on.
Which, for me, and this is actually the first time I've thought of this, means that the mixing is radically different between the two examples. The production is very, very similar on both songs....a ringing quintessential Edge guitar part, lush keyboards, deep bass, and a very percussive drum track, and yet the end results are drastically different sounding and feeling.

Oh I agree. The mixing and EQing on Bomb was arguably the worst of any of their albums. Every instrument is up front, and Bono's voice is always WAY too far out front.
Yeah I was wondering about Track 4's length also--LMF, was there much intro or outro to track 4 that isn't on the recording?

If U2 want to release track 4 as a single, they could probably just cut it down by taking out most of the awesome instrumental break.
There's quite some intro to that song but I was talking so much you couldn't hear it. It's +/- 45 seconds that you miss.
I don't know if it's just me, but the more I listen to #4 the more I'm convinced that Bono is singing "one bird". :hmm: Might be an interesting album title.
Haha what a clusterfuck this is.
It's awesome though, it's a perfect tease. Just enough to whet the U2 appetite. What else would be better? I love it.

We've got at least each and every title attached to multiple songs.
And the phrase 'No Line On The Horizon' is apparently going to be uttered on least 5 tracks on the album. :wink:

Speculation FTW.
Great fun and I don't think I've even thanked LarryMullenFan for sparking off all this excitement! Thank you!!!

And I love that the Sun has picked up on it, and turns it into this dramatic story about Bono messing up and an innocent fan just happening to be passing by... Hilarious! The hype machine begins to crank into gear!!
Well, I dont know what you mean by production, but most of HTDAAB sounds pretty spare to me, barring One Step Closer and LAPOE, for which production credits go to - guess who - Eno and Lanois. Everything else sounds pretty stripped down, and in my subjective opinion, a lot of the songs kinda suffer from it. They sound too straightforward and they seem to make up for this lack of production by compressing the hell out of things and make them really loud. Again - except for LAPOE and One Step. LAPOE has a delicious sound to my ears.

It's not even the fact that they're stripped down though - barring perhaps an extra guitar, 80s U2 by and large doesnt have tons of different instruments either, but whatever Eno and Lanois are doing, it adds this density or space that gives it a sense of mystery. I think this is what people mean by Eno's "atmospherics". I'm not saying they should go back to exactly what they were doing, but in contrast to Bomb's "live" sound, I like this textured feel to the music. Even "New York" or "Elevation" or "Walk On" had this going on. That's what I mean when I say Bomb wasn't produced enough. I guess a lot of it boils down to semantics.

The more I read what you're saying,the more I become convinced that you're right...HTAAB wasn't properly produced......I think a lot of us came to the conclusion it was overproduced listening to a song like COBL get lost in the mix and how it almost seemed to be a different song live...also seeing the liner notes "produced by...and then additional prduction by" didn't help.
But the "New York" ,"Elevation" and "LAPOE" are good examples of what you're talking about
From what's being said Lillywhite's doing the mixing....I'm kind of hoping Jacknife Lee's not involved in this one:reject:
All the media is picking up the rumoured song titles, it's hilarious.

Bono is notoriously secretive about new material.

Errrm, yes, okay.


hahaha...yeah I noticed that too.....It's comical how they try so hard to twist completely rumored information into can see through it, and it makes for good entertainment :giggle:
All the media is picking up the rumoured song titles, it's hilarious.

Bono is notoriously secretive about new material.

Errrm, yes, okay.


Yeah, this is the same Bono who gives out copies of the album and plays it for fans in his car and stuff, right? That Bono?

Yeah. Secretive stuff. Clandestine as shit.
What worries me about the sun is that they have put these beach clips on their website!!!!!!!!

if you go to the story linked above, it has a link to another page on their server with the beach clips on it.......

i call foul on this!
What worries me about the sun is that they have put these beach clips on their website!!!!!!!!

if you go to the story linked above, it has a link to another page on their server with the beach clips on it.......

i call foul on this!
What worries me is that I just wanted to share these low quality clips with some die-hard fans to chat about it and now they are online at some shitty newspaper. The story is really stupid and unfounded. I never rushed home and I never put em on youtube. I even doubted whether I should share them. But hey, who cares about getting the facts straight, right?
What worries me is that I just wanted to share these low quality clips with some die-hard fans to chat about it and now they are online at some shitty newspaper. The story is really stupid and unfounded. I never rushed home and I never put em on youtube. I even doubted whether I should share them. But hey, who cares about getting the facts straight, right?

yeah...they aren't even on youtube, right? So they basically made that part up COMPLETELY...this news source is complete shit....:doh:
yeah...they aren't even on youtube, right? So they basically made that part up COMPLETELY...this news source is complete shit....:doh:
It could be that someone else posted them on youtube. I haven't checked it.

The good news is that I just checked the movie on my telephone again and it seems I missed a 5th clip. A shallow song that was played a little less loud.
It could be that someone else posted them on youtube. I haven't checked it.

The good news is that I just checked the movie on my telephone again and it seems I missed a 5th clip. A shallow song that was played a little less loud.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit....nice. ok I gotta go to sleep pretty you plan on uploading it? If so, I'll look forward to waking up to it :)
Lets first wait if Bono sends a death squad to kill me in my sleep tonight :uhoh::help:


Really I think Bono's intention was clearly to give us these clips so we could get excited about new album :hyper:.. why to play music so loud with fans around the house. :hmm:
It could be that someone else posted them on youtube. I haven't checked it.

The good news is that I just checked the movie on my telephone again and it seems I missed a 5th clip. A shallow song that was played a little less loud.

First of all thanks for posting these clips.

With regard to the article I think as far as this tabloid was concerned they probably thought it was just cooler, more fashionable to say they were posted on youtube or as the picture on their website says Utube, as opposed to your website or interference. Considering this newspaper obviously just wanted to make up a story those details probably didn't matter.

What really surprises me is the difference from 2004 to now. Has U2 become so big that the press just clamours for any piece of information? I don't remember any beach clip references or articles quoting verbatim rumours discussed on the fan sites four years ago.
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