New album talk - Album coming SOON to a galaxy near you!!!

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They look good! Adam has been to the hair dresser :lol:

I think this 'do is going to be called the TinTin, and I think I love it. It works--in a rather mysterious way. Thanks for the photos, Comet. Great to see that they are in fact going on with things! Apparently U2 is not dead quite yet.
I think this 'do is going to be called the TinTin, and I think I love it. It works--in a rather mysterious way. Thanks for the photos, Comet. Great to see that they are in fact going on with things! Apparently U2 is not dead quite yet.

Something's definitely around the corner people. If they did a photoshoot yesterday on the rooftop. I'm pretty positive a magazine article / official statement is coming in the next few weeks (Q, Spin or Rolling Stone)

This would follow the trend of the last 2 albums :

1) HTDAAB - Q article with a track-by-track rundown of the album came out early october 2004. Album came out in November.

2) NLOTH - Same Q track-by-track rundown came out end of december 2008 (2 months before album release)

Anyone still believes in a december release ? :ohmy:
I'm leaning more towards album and/or promotional work than a magazine. They had a French artist in studio with them, then showed up at a random, hole in the wall dive bar who's only redeeming quality is that it has an old school new York city vibe to it, with Bono wearing that exact same white undershirt there BTW (zomg I'm a pleab), and now posed band pictures with new sunglasses.
I'm leaning more towards album and/or promotional work than a magazine. They had a French artist in studio with them, then showed up at a random, hole in the wall dive bar who's only redeeming quality is that it has an old school new York city vibe to it, with Bono wearing that exact same white undershirt there BTW (zomg I'm a pleab), and now posed band pictures with new sunglasses.

I hope that the new album cover art will be creative (a la Acthung Baby) and in tone with the new material. A band picture on album cover sucks and is a dated concept to me
I officially do not believe that there is any realistic chance of a 2015 release anymore.
The poses do seem like it would be some kind of magazine shoot, but it could be either way. It's a good sign though that Bono's wearing a new outfit and new sunglasses. Stupid as it may sound, new shades usually indicate a new musical period happening, usually a new album.
Sure does look interesting! I'm wondering if the garb they have on is the "new look" - rather stripped back, isn't it? :hmm: Bono especially..a vest and white T for an album shoot? :Huh: Well, it's different that's for sure!
I really don't remember an album (since ATYCLB) that we didn't know ANYTHING about, not even a name "till this time (even if we're talking about a 2014 release).

If we just could find the name of the photographer, that could be nice...and about the domain names? Now could be a good time to do some research again....

I try not be excited about this, but it's freakin impossible. I really hope this is not a photoshoot for some magazine with some lame interview about the irrelevance of U2
The poses do seem like it would be some kind of magazine shoot, but it could be either way. It's a good sign though that Bono's wearing a new outfit and new sunglasses. Stupid as it may sound, new shades usually indicate a new musical period happening, usually a new album.

I'm with you 100% on this. New Bono shades for every new album and new outfit
Could the band have decide to go with 2 singles before the album is release?That could explain the December rumours and Bono's message to Stombo for something new very soon?

First single for radio somewhere in November
Second single for radio somewhere in February
Album out March/April

Could the band have decide to go with 2 singles before the album is release?That could explain the December rumours and Bono's message to Stombo for something new very soon?

First single for radio somewhere in November
Second single for radio somewhere in February
Album out March/April


I think this is a very plausible scenario.

Both AB and JT had singles that followed one another by short (34 days between The Fly and Mysterious Ways) and moderate (2 months between each JT single) time frames.

Of note, however, typically the second single coincided time-wise with the release of the album, either right before or soon after. Maybe they're changin it up!

Single in very late December...another in late Feb - maybe in conjunction with the tour announcement?? - album April...not a crazy idea at all! If the songs are big enough, doing 2 singles would actually have everyone going bonkers by the time the album hits, and tour sells out in seconds..'s gonna sell out in seconds anyways :|

I have to say that Bono is looking really good in these latest rooftop pics. Looking quite badass... very rock star like. The whole band is looking good actually. Wonder if this is connected to a new album or just something random for a magazine.
Just to further my "there's no way they were going to Milano's because somebody told the biggest rock band in the world it would be chill to hang out there" argument...

This is milano's...


How trendy!

But this is also Milano's...


Very dark, dreary, old school NYC dive bar with that tin roof... excellent location for a fo-hipster, bare bones photo shoot...
So glad to see it's not only the girls who are fangirling once things actually start to happen around here. :wink:
Just to further my "there's no way they were going to Milano's because somebody told the biggest rock band in the world it would be chill to hang out there" argument...

This is milano's...


How trendy!

But this is also Milano's...


Very dark, dreary, old school NYC dive bar with that tin roof... excellent location for a fo-hipster, bare bones photo shoot...

ha i love bars like that :D
With the album coming out in April, I think it's a little too early for a magazing shoot. Most likely album cover/promotional pieces.
A few things:

-The Larry rumors were true, 'Were going back to NY to finish the album'. Well there all in NY. Good sign

-All 4 taking pictures is a really good sign something is coming.

-And are the 'Manhattan' title rumors true? I really don't mind that name.
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