New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

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Would not surprise me if the video gets scrapped because they can’t help themselves tinker with it for another week. Would be very easy to make a visual video with clips of blondie, Vegas, and the other bands mentioned as a homage (which actually might be better to be proactive around the inevitable blondie rip off backlash).
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outside of nutjob forums like this one, I think we're over-estimating the amount of conversation this song will generate. the only folks arguing about how much they've ripped off Blondie will be ourselves. Maybe a couple of snarky replies to a Pitchfork post about it?

Pretty sure we're past the point of any grand backlash to anything u2 does.
Conspiracy theorist question: is the only footage of Larry smiling when he leaves the stage?

Larry's never going to change and you've got to love him for it. I guess all you can say is that we saw Larry is back and is he is absolutely on-point for what we expect from Larry.
Larry's never going to change and you've got to love him for it. I guess all you can say is that we saw Larry is back and is he is absolutely on-point for what we expect from Larry.

I am on board with this.
outside of nutjob forums like this one, I think we're over-estimating the amount of conversation this song will generate. the only folks arguing about how much they've ripped off Blondie will be ourselves. Maybe a couple of snarky replies to a Pitchfork post about it?

Pretty sure we're past the point of any grand backlash to anything u2 does.

Vertigo almost directly quotes the Supremes
Can’t expect anyone to be interested in this song. Rinse repeat the same stodgy bland ‘rawk’ bollocks of the last 10 plus years.

So insipid. An absolute dearth of inspiration here.
outside of nutjob forums like this one, I think we're over-estimating the amount of conversation this song will generate. the only folks arguing about how much they've ripped off Blondie will be ourselves. Maybe a couple of snarky replies to a Pitchfork post about it?

Pretty sure we're past the point of any grand backlash to anything u2 does.

O ye of little faith. There will always be backlash wherever this news is posted, with comments about unpaid taxes, Bono being a Pedo Island visitor, and your standard "they suck" varieties.

There are pathetic people who have just made a livelihood of this, no other band seems to get their blood up in the same way, because U2 just won't give up.
Can’t expect anyone to be interested in this song. Rinse repeat the same stodgy bland ‘rawk’ bollocks of the last 10 plus years.

So insipid. An absolute dearth of inspiration here.

Yeah, I really think if they're going to repeat themselves at this stage of the game, they should go back to the Unforgettable Fire/Joshua Tree sound. I'd be all over that, I'm sure the general public would as well.
Well when I first heard the rough recordings I thought "huh, a little late 60s/early 70s vibe going on here, doesn't really sound like a rehash of something they've done before and isn't some attempt to sound hip and cool with the kids like the last few attempts," and also "I'm going to wait until I actually hear the track before passing judgement in either direction though"

Thankfully I came back to interference so that I could realize how wrong I was.
Yeah, I really think if they're going to repeat themselves at this stage of the game, they should go back to the Unforgettable Fire/Joshua Tree sound. I'd be all over that, I'm sure the general public would as well.
The general public are not interested. They could release the fly today and nobody would care.
Well when I first heard the rough recordings I thought "huh, a little late 60s/early 70s vibe going on here, doesn't really sound like a rehash of something they've done before and isn't some attempt to sound hip and cool with the kids like the last few attempts," and also "I'm going to wait until I actually hear the track before passing judgement in either direction though"

Thankfully I came back to interference so that I could realize how wrong I was.

For me, there's enough in the recording for me to determine that I'm just not a fan of the song structure in general. Sure, maybe the mixing will help some, but it's not like this is a Beach Clip where you're really trying to make out what's going on there, this is more of an equivalent to when we all knew that "North Star" was pretty bad.
Well when I first heard the rough recordings I thought "huh, a little late 60s/early 70s vibe going on here, doesn't really sound like a rehash of something they've done before and isn't some attempt to sound hip and cool with the kids like the last few attempts," and also "I'm going to wait until I actually hear the track before passing judgement in either direction though"

Thankfully I came back to interference so that I could realize how wrong I was.
Spot on,crap quality recording but it's been written off already. Just give up now lads,all hope is lost.
The general public are not interested. They could release the fly today and nobody would care.

Yeah the public wouldn't care if they released "The Fly". But....the public looooves nostalgia. If U2 were to release a single that sounded more like "With Or Without You", I can guarantee that the general public would be all over it.
For me, there's enough in the recording for me to determine that I'm just not a fan of the song structure in general. Sure, maybe the mixing will help some, but it's not like this is a Beach Clip where you're really trying to make out what's going on there, this is more of an equivalent to when we all knew that "North Star" was pretty bad.
I'm interested to hear the bit before the solo,seems like some cool bass going on. Hard to tell from the clips though.
I'm interested to hear the bit before the solo,seems like some cool bass going on. Hard to tell from the clips though.

For sure, it might actually be ok, you never know. I'm still personally going to have a hard time getting over the Blondie rip off, even if it was intentional/on purspose.
Yeah the public wouldn't care if they released "The Fly". But....the public looooves nostalgia. If U2 were to release a single that sounded more like "With Or Without You", I can guarantee that the general public would be all over it.

Not releasing Magnificent, Volcano and Red Flag Day as the first singles from their respective albums put the kibosh on that approach which - I agree - would’ve been the sort of move that gets positive attention. Would’ve at least gotten some more play on the indie/alt-leaning radio stations.
Not releasing Magnificent, Volcano and Red Flag Day as the first singles from their respective albums put the kibosh on that approach which - I agree - would’ve been the sort of move that gets positive attention. Would’ve at least gotten some more play on the indie/alt-leaning radio stations.
Magnificent was a huge mistake for sure. I actually read a really good argument for a Moment of Surrender being their lead off single way back in the day too.

For their last two albums, I don't know if it really mattered anymore what single they released.
I think U2 needs to realize that they are the best ballad band in history and every band since 1991 has been trying to write their own “One” (see: Fake Plastic Trees, The Scientist, Don’t Go Away, etc.)

Give the public what they want from U2: ballads for Ross and Rachel to break up to and to punctuate the finales of prestige television series (seriously, “The Americans” finale is the best use of U2 ever in film/TV).
I don’t think ballad screams a fun night out in Vegas, but I agree with them trying to write a big ballad again to lead off the next one.
They still write ballads, they’re just devoid of a hook and/or big vocal moment. Song for Someone was treacly, Landlady was reserved, Every Breaking Wave was overproduced into pop hell.
Well when I first heard the rough recordings I thought "huh, a little late 60s/early 70s vibe going on here, doesn't really sound like a rehash of something they've done before and isn't some attempt to sound hip and cool with the kids like the last few attempts," and also "I'm going to wait until I actually hear the track before passing judgement in either direction though"

Thankfully I came back to interference so that I could realize how wrong I was.

That's where I'm at completely. Yes it's a rock single but to me it doesn't share the "rawk" characteristics of a Vertigo/Miracle, it is a different sound. Maybe the final mix and production will bring it closer to that, but the vibe I can gleam makes it sound like a new direction (for the band).

Magnificent was a huge mistake for sure. I actually read a really good argument for a Moment of Surrender being their lead off single way back in the day too.

For their last two albums, I don't know if it really mattered anymore what single they released.

Yeah I think they are well past attracting non fans. Which is why the lead single from SOE probably should have just been The Little Things.

If you consider the fact that Invisible didn't hit - a song that featured both the classic U2 sound and "hip" modern production, and was also really good - it's hard to see how Red Flag Day would have really done much better than Best Thing. They're just out of the game completely.
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Not surprising that their focus on hooky songwriting leads them on this path. A bit of natural progression - or regression, depending on the decades they’re connecting with - from The Showman.
Yeah the public wouldn't care if they released "The Fly". But....the public looooves nostalgia. If U2 were to release a single that sounded more like "With Or Without You", I can guarantee that the general public would be all over it.

i feel that U2 are at the point where the only way they would ever have a single that the general public would be "all over" would be if one of them died, or the sheer dumb luck of being connected to some pop culture moment... like Running Up That Hill all of a sudden having a moment because it was used in Stranger Things, or some shit like that.

That's not to say they couldn't still release things that are generally well received by "the olds," and even music critics - but the general public is now "the youngs."

We old AF (as the kids say)
That's where I'm at completely. Yes it's a rock single but to me it doesn't share the "rawk" characteristics of a Vertigo/Miracle, it is a different sound. Maybe the final mix and production will bring it closer to that, but the vibe I can gleam makes it sound like a new direction (for the band).

Yeah I think they are well past attracting non fans. Which is why the lead single from SOE probably should have just been The Little Things.

If you consider the fact that Invisible didn't hit - a song that featured both the classic U2 sound and "hip" modern production, and was also really good - it's hard to see how Red Flag Day would have really done much better than Best Thing. They're just out of the game completely.

i think they gave up on Invisible too early and failed to adequately push it. i do think they had a chance to have modest success with that song - but fucked it up by not having any sort of follow up (album, ep) and pivoting almost immediately to promoting Ordinary Love for an Oscar.

Invisible was downloaded something like 3 million times within 36 hours. that's not insignificant. 2 weeks later they were on the debut of Fallon's version of the Tonight Show and hit it out of the park - both with the rooftop performance and the couch performance.

and then they completely stopped promoting it, delayed the album, and focused fully on Ordinary Love's incredibly slim Oscar hopes.

it was dumb.

but i agree on all the other points. Moment of Surrender yes. Little Things yes.
They still write ballads, they’re just devoid of a hook and/or big vocal moment. Song for Someone was treacly, Landlady was reserved, Every Breaking Wave was overproduced into pop hell.

After many - albeit terrible - attempts at songwriting, I can confirm that Song for Someone and Every Breaking Wave are actually full of hooks. The songs devoid of them would never reach the light of day or get released in the first place (although I guess I have been wrong, as something like Cedars of Lebanon was once considered album-worthy!).

I do hear all sorts of songs too which do lack that big moment that you speak of though. And that can be a frustrating thing as a songwriter, when you have a verse or build up that absolutely works, but never quite reaches a brilliance or fist-pumping moment. For me, The Miracle would be more of an example of that. A decent chorus and such, but it doesn't ever quite take off the way you feel it should.

i think they gave up on Invisible too early and failed to adequately push it. i do think they had a chance to have modest success with that song - but fucked it up by not having any sort of follow up (album, ep) and pivoting almost immediately to promoting Ordinary Love for an Oscar.

Invisible was downloaded something like 3 million times within 36 hours. that's not insignificant. 2 weeks later they were on the debut of Fallon's version of the Tonight Show and hit it out of the park - both with the rooftop performance and the couch performance.

and then they completely stopped promoting it, delayed the album, and focused fully on Ordinary Love's incredibly slim Oscar hopes.

it was dumb.

Sometimes I do wonder how much of it is the band or their management's deal though. Arguably, the band's big enough where there could be at least some interest in radio and TV to promote the songs. But I know there have been other times where I've seen fanbases scream about a single not being promoted enough, or why this song wasn't pushed on radio. Then that band says in an interview they did submit it to stations and TV, and basically got a "Thanks, but we're good."
Sometimes I do wonder how much of it is the band or their management's deal though. Arguably, the band's big enough where there could be at least some interest in radio and TV to promote the songs. But I know there have been other times where I've seen fanbases scream about a single not being promoted enough, or why this song wasn't pushed on radio. Then that band says in an interview they did submit it to stations and TV, and basically got a "Thanks, but we're good."

i could be wrong - but i think they went with Guy O because he was just a check the boxes guy, thinking they didn't need anyone to come in and tell them no (the way Paul might have) at this point in their careers.

so i feel every decision - good or bad - is on them.
you guys are wildly out of touch with popular music if you think U2 will ever have a mainstream hit again. Adult alternative and/or alternative rock, sure. Anything else, absolutely not.
you guys are wildly out of touch with popular music if you think U2 will ever have a mainstream hit again. Adult alternative and/or alternative rock, sure. Anything else, absolutely not.

All they can aim for is a “hit” with their core audience that gets some attention on adult alternative programming/playlists.
Look at how the public received the new stones song, most people digging it and saying its great to have them back.

U2 will never have that after the apple debacle, people still banging on about nearly ten years later.
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