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no way I think this is great..

The waves know we're on the rocks
And drowning is no sin
And you know my heart is
The same place yours has been
And we know the fear of winning
So we end before we begin

You've got to be kidding me. This looks like poetry 101. Cliche, cliche, cliche.

Go back and read the lyric books for POP and Zooropa and you'll see what actual great lyric writing is.
Definitely sounds like SOA though - North Star and Every breaking wave.

Definitely pilgrimage theme coming through. :up:
You've got to be kidding me. This looks like poetry 101. Cliche, cliche, cliche.

Go back and read the lyric books for POP and Zooropa and you'll see what actual great lyric writing is.

ouch ouch...hurty :sad: don't need to see it, I know it. and somedays are better than others is pure shakespere.
no way I think this is great..

The waves know we're on the rocks
And drowning is no sin
And you know my heart is
The same place yours has been
And we know the fear of winning
So we end before we begin

yeah that's my favorite part of the song, I think
I like this from EBW a lot, and some sweet falsetto from Bono in the Helsinki version.

Like every fallen leaf on the breeze
Winter wouldn't leave it alone
Every sailor knows that the sea
Is a friend made enemy
And every shipwrecked soul knows what it is
To live without intimacy
I though I heard the masters voice
It's hard to listen while you preach
Like every broken wave on the shore
This was as far as I can reach
And the heyhey now part sounds fine to these ears. As long as it's not blown up to Miracle Drug heights or something, it will sound great I reckon.
this. This. THIS.

My favorite part of "Miracle Drug" is the intro and then it becomes, like you said, overblown (though the bridge is pretty nice, too). EBW a wonderfully understated piece and I definitely hope the band continues to tinker around with it (though not too much :wink:)
I hope they really follow through with this.

Another thing these two songs, unlike Glastonbury, don't resemble the majority of 00's U2 lyrically or musically, much like Soon.

Can you say, welcome U2 4.0 ?
ouch ouch...hurty :sad: don't need to see it, I know it. and somedays are better than others is pure shakespere.

Hey, nice straw man argument! Pick the one song on those albums that has a "list" structure and then use it to respond to my point. :rolleyes:

I know there are ill-conceived lines like the one with the puppy, but the important thing here is that it's an original lyric that's free of the sappy cliches that litter something like EBW. "Some days have bouncers that won't let you in" is a great line, "your skin is white but you think you're a brother" is hilariously self-deprecating, and "some days you wake up in the army/and some days it's the enemy" is Bono thinking outside the box and at his best.

I like this from EBW a lot, and some sweet falsetto from Bono in the Helsinki version.

Like every fallen leaf on the breeze
Winter wouldn't leave it alone
Every sailor knows that the sea
Is a friend made enemy
And every shipwrecked soul knows what it is
To live without intimacy
I though I heard the masters voice
It's hard to listen while you preach
Like every broken wave on the shore
This was as far as I can reach

Well it's definitely the best part of the song lyrically.
I like the lyrics of EBW a lot, it totally fits the NLOTH kind of mood and theme and I don't mind seeing and hearing more of that. Beautiful song with amazing vocals and Edge's guitar is magic. I still can't believe they really pulled that one off :up: Btw, Every Breaking Wave sounds a lot more finished to me than North Star which still kind of sounds like a demo. The chorus is a bit awckward, the rest is fine.
Hey, nice straw man argument! Pick the one song on those albums that has a "list" structure and then use it to respond to my point. :rolleyes:

hey, just didn't like being told what to go read. :down: I didn't say anywhere that the song was better lyrically than some of the songs on those albums. I just really liked the end of the song. but i forgot that i should have written IMO, i love the end of the song.

I still believe this is a revitalized version of Mercy even though people think this became Crazy Tonight.

There is no way this became crazy tonight or mercy. This is still and unreleased song and the same goes to that instrumental guitar track with the whole band jamming. I don't think U2 would turn around a piece of music like that so far and change the direction of those unreleased clips.
I like the lyrics of EBW a lot, it totally fits the NLOTH kind of mood and theme and I don't mind seeing and hearing more of that. Beautiful song with amazing vocals and Edge's guitar is magic. I still can't believe they really pulled that one off :up: Btw, Every Breaking Wave sounds a lot more finished to me than North Star which still kind of sounds like a demo. The chorus is a bit awckward, the rest is fine.

from Gavin's board video in late 2008 its status was "priority to finish", Lillywhite production :

- Every Breaking Wave // 4:13 // Priority to finish // Vocals TBC - Possible drums

Lillywhite cues up the track, a slow burning track called Every Breaking Wave that gradually builds to a climax brimming with passion and intensity. Bono begins to sing rocking forward and backwards on his studio chair............he performs a note perfect vocal that employs the movement of the ocean as a
metaphor for the human struggle, before building to the plaintive line "I dont know if I'm that strong". Two takes and 10 minutes later its done. Key line "Every Sailor knows that the Sea/Is a friend made enemy"

A swelling soul-pop song, with bright synth sounds influenced by OMD and, Bono says, "early electronica." "You don't hear indie bands doing blue-eyed soul [like this]," he adds.
now maybe they re just looking for some live arrangement...unless they decide to completly redo it and re-record the song in ...2014 :ohmy:
the track is may be done by this time, like know they re just looking for some live arrangement...

from the descriptions of the song, it sounds like they hadn't ever played it like this in a bare-bones way. then again, b-man is not a fan of rehearsing so maybe they are using the claw to work it out live.
I have good expectations for EBW. I'm not gonna judge EBW and NS because these are not clearly finishes or near to the studio (or potencial studio) versions [I think Stingray and Glastonbury sound pretty finished or ave a clear direction], but I can't wait to hear it. The lyrics of EBW may not be Bono's best next thing, but are definitely more interesting than many things he's been writting.
The verses in NS and EBW are great lyrics in my opinion. The refrain in EBW is weak performance wise from this one instance, however the not-so-original refrain in NS is totally sold by B-man's performance.
You've got to be kidding me. This looks like poetry 101. Cliche, cliche, cliche.

Go back and read the lyric books for POP and Zooropa and you'll see what actual great lyric writing is.
pfft, I love the lyrics on Zooropa and POP but it should be easy enough picking lyrics out of just 90% of the songs there, add bull like "highschool poetry" and "cliche", and make out it's crap

Bono's lyrics outside the context of the actual songs are rarely ever great
and the sad thing is that you actually are aware of that
You've got to be kidding me. This looks like poetry 101. Cliche, cliche, cliche.

Go back and read the lyric books for POP and Zooropa and you'll see what actual great lyric writing is.

I was going to post a response, but then I saw this.

pfft, I love the lyrics on Zooropa and POP but it should be easy enough picking lyrics out of just 90% of the songs there, add bull like "highschool poetry" and "cliche", and make out it's crap

Bono's lyrics outside the context of the actual songs are rarely ever great
and the sad thing is that you actually are aware of that

You do know better Laz, bad mood?
pfft, I love the lyrics on Zooropa and POP but it should be easy enough picking lyrics out of just 90% of the songs there, add bull like "highschool poetry" and "cliche", and make out it's crap

Ok, go for it.

You make a statement, back it up. I'd like to see the 90% you think is so cliche.

Bono's lyrics outside the context of the actual songs are rarely ever great and the sad thing is that you actually are aware of that

I am? Thanks for telling me. I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Ok, go for it.

You make a statement, back it up. I'd like to see the 90% you think is so cliche.
why? it's not like you're going to agree with me
and neither you nor I give a crap whether we agree or not anyway

but IMO even a line like "mother, am I still your son?" can be ridiculed for hours while MOFO is a great song, esp lyrically
but IMO even a line like "mother, am I still your son?" can be ridiculed for hours while MOFO is a great song, esp lyrically

Yeah, you hear that a lot in rock music. :rolleyes: And you didn't say a line here and there, you implied 90% of those albums have cliche-ridden lyrics. I don't even know where to begin with that, but don't make an outlandish claim if you're not going to put your money where your mouth is.

I wasn't cherry picking the some little part on EBW out of context; I don't like the chorus or that part at the end, and while the verses are bette, I only think one is above average based on what's been transcribed.

Not really the same thing as pulling one line to prove some bullshit theory.
EBW - Bad 2010? Marching drum beat, pounding bass? Please.

I could just imagine this song back in the Rattle and Hum days with Bono freaking belting it out on stage
U2 fans are incredibly cerebral and, unfortunately, I think it's a curse just as much as it's a gift.

I don't care if a lyric is "cliche", as long as it makes me feel something. The song seems to be about someone at the end of their rope, and the chorus of "I don't know if I'm that strong" implies a bleak, unsure-at-best point of view from the protagonist. I've been in a bad way before, and I've felt like I was beyond help and so I relate with the lyric. I feel it. That's good enough for me.

"You feel like no one before" from Original of the Species is also a "cliche" lyric, but when I'm thinking of someone I love, someone who I just think is so incredible, well, that just about sums it up better than any inventive, clever lyric could have.

And I think the verses are pure gold, by the way. "Every gambler knows that to lose is what they're really there for" has become one of my favorite Bono lyrics over the past few days.
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