More Iconic The Edge's skull cap or Slash's tophat

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The Fly
Dec 19, 2008
The Edge has now been wearing that skull cap since 1991. It is as much apart of his image as Slash's tophat. Which one is more Iconic?
Edge did have a skull-cap hiatus though remember - bald Passengers period and homoerotic Popmart cowboy hat.
Honest answer to a silly question:

Slash has pretty much the same top hat throughout career, Edge has changed all though very little.

Slash has a top hat that very few if any wear, Edge has a skull cap for which many wear...

Slash wins.

Rihanna wears a tophat with concho rings in her rockstar video, we know it's suppose to be Slash, if she wore a skull cap would we know the Edge?
Sometimes you see a cat wearing a hat and you're all "I wish I had that hat" and your friends are all "Some cats can wear a hat like that hat but you're not that cat" and you're all "I just want a cathat" and your friends are all "I hear that but that's not where it's at" and you're all "my kingdom for a hat" and your friends are all "what?" and that's when you step back and reassess your life and maybe buy yourself a hat and possibly some hot chocolate, depending on the season.
In fairness, though, Edge became internationally famous wearing a 'normal' kind of hat. Therefore, his skull cap is really his 2nd sartorial mode of expression (well, third if you count that God-awful haircut he had in the early- to mid-80s).

I would presume it's easier to become famous for one type of headgear worn over a long career than it is to become known for two or more. So, although Slash's may be more iconic, he also had an easier time of it. What if, for example, Slash had decided to wear only a beret from 1994? Would his beret match up with with the skull cap in iconography?

This debate clearly merits deeper discussion, and perhaps a doctoral thesis.
His cowboy hat was a lot better than the beanie/skull cap thing.

The skull cap hat died for me when he wore it at his own wedding..

Slash's top hat is far more iconic as he has worn it throughout his career. Though as someone earlier mentioned, Buckethead does it for me.
Does Slash have a top hat with all of the band members names written on it in Morse code? I think not. Edge wins just for that. :love:

But honestly... I do believe the top hat wins for iconicness any day. Sorry Edge. :sigh:
I can't consider Edge's hat a beanie, because when I think of a beanie, I think of this:


I don't know why in my mind all beanies have propellers. They just do.

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