It's Official I'm Antsy

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Oct 27, 2001
back and to the left
Looks like I may be making a huge trip for spring break and I'm all super mega excited and don't want to do my homework or study or any of that good jazz. :hyper:

I hate being antsy cos the time NEVER passes. *stares at watch* *waves watch around to make it seem like it's going faster*

perhaps if i sleep for 3 weeks...:hmm:
arw9797 said:

can't you find what your looking for a little closer than Amsterdam?

You're right.. I dunno.. lol.. when I think amsterdam I think the best pot ever :shrug:
Most people I tell that to don't believe me. I don't know why. :| Maybe it's because that up until a few years ago I wore a KISS t-shirt everyday. Not to say that they are into drugs because they always have tried to promote a drug free image but I do think the genre they are in doesn't allow them to promote a clean image....anyways.......
i'm not even sure i'm going yet TIFF

arw9797 said:
oh I know that.

I was just confused as to why you would want her to bring it back for you:)

i owe her a gift. she sent me cookies, i'll send her pot

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