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LarryMullen's POPAngel

Blue Crack Distributor
Jun 21, 2001
I'll be up with the sun, I'm not coming down...
$300 for a short ambulance ride to the hospital?

I don't think so!!! Money-grabbing bastards!

Cut out the poetry
Let's hit the main artery
No time for a tourniquet
Let the colour's all run out of me
Only $300??'re lucky...

Last time I went, it was over $500...I didn't want to go either...I tried to fight it and say I had the right to refuse medical attention...but they said my condition required immediate treatment at the ER, and they would have arrested me if I didn't comply.

WTF?? *sigh*

"Baby...can we still be friends?"

[This message has been edited by Bonochick (edited 01-28-2002).]
my father was in toronto last week and learned that if you are a non-416 area code resident(416 is toronto) and require an emergency vehicle to be called to your presence you will be charged all costs incurred by the city of toronto. my father was driving a friends car when the engine caught fire(they still don't know what happened). 3 fire trucks came and 1 ambulance. the bill approaches 2 grand.

luckily the friend whose car it was is a lawyer(it was also an incredibly nice car to be combusting into fire).

november 12th 1955
I'm sorry April--that really sucks!!

My dad was all pissed that his insurance didn't cover for the anesthesiologist's bill from this May when I had my second ankle surgery. For about 2 minutes of work, he owed him $900. Damn, I'm in the wrong profession!

You will believe in me
And I can never be ignored
Here's a quick and easy way to tell if you're getting screwed by you're insurance company.....

1)If you have an insurance company.


When I grow up I'll be stable...
Sorry to hear about that bill April!!

Take my advice....stay AWAY from the medical field...
I wish I did!

Holy Jesus, Holy rock and roll...

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