It's GA "line" shenanigan time!

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MetLife policy is out with a "no lining up outside gates" in effect so prepare for the secret Starbucks lot list...
It's GA "line" shenanigan time!

Line for Foxborough has started. Seriously.

Dunkin Donuts, 16 Washington Street, Foxborough MA 02035, VERY BACK OF PARKING LOT. Please check back frequently for possible location changes in case we are booted out of here. We realize this is early to start the line but we had no choice. We started now because several line leader veterans advised us to. They said, if we didn't do it, someone else would. We need Love and Peace..... Viva U2
"We realize this is early to start the line but we had no choice. We started now because several line leader veterans advised us to. They said, if we didn't do it, someone else would. We need Love and Peace..... Viva U2"

LOL to this! Thank goodness they consulted with other "line leader veterans" cause obviously they "had no choice" but to start the line. What a self important, self appointed crock of shite this situation is!
It's the "check ins" that piss me off and start all of this. If "check ins" were eliminated I would have no problem if people wanted to line up a month early, you just can't leave. During the first leg of the Vertigo Tour we didn't have "check ins" and got there the night before. We stayed in a tent and the only time we left our spot was when one of us (with permission from the people around us) needed to go to the bathroom. One of us always remained in our spot while the other went and came right back. I made some amazing life long friends during that time because we were all in it together. You don't see this "check in" policy with any other line ups - i.e. iPhone Releases/Movie Premiers. It's a loop hole to reward the few and prevent many from a fair shot. Until they eliminate "check ins" or U2 steps in with a lottery system (like Springsteen) there really isn't much we can do. Until then line ups are going to start earlier and earlier and tensions for most of us may remain high, but not enough to change much. In light of this I'd say keep a cool head, stay safe and if your goal is to be as close as possible, remember you may not get rail, but you can get there the day of (sometimes just a couple hours before the gates open) and still be a few rows back.
Line for Foxborough has started. Seriously.

I'm glad I chose reserved seats this time out, wouldn't want my kid to see me punch someone in the face.

I mean that Dunkin Donuts is about a half mile down Route 1 from the entrance to Gillette Stadium.
There is no way any normal human being with a GA ticket (and not in the know with these a-holes) would go there instead of to the stadium on Sunday.!8m2!3d42.1025851!4d-71.2569024
Again, I'll say that rail for this tour is pointless. The main stage is so high you can see fine from further back (I'm 5' 8") and they're not spending more than 4-5 songs at the Tree stage.
Line for Foxborough has started. Seriously.

They're getting rightfully ripped by everyone for this.

It's a blood bath. There's going to be a rumble between the "veteran" line leaders who made them do it, the other "veteran" line leaders who don't want them to, the current line leaders, and people who just want their Dunks regulah and a crullah.

We had no choice. [...] if we didn't do it, someone else would.

And that would be the end of the world, wouldn't it? These people are fucking pathetic.
It's a blood bath. There's going to be a rumble between the "veteran" line leaders who made them do it, the other "veteran" line leaders who don't want them to, the current line leaders, and people who just want their Dunks regulah and a crullah.


:hyper::lol: Pretty much!!
It's the "check ins" that piss me off and start all of this

That is exactly it. It is absurd that there are like 200 people on the list in Toronto with half a dozen actually there. So if you had planned to show up today and camp out, well too bad for you because there will be 200 people who will waltz in the morning of the show having spent a collective 5 mins checking in the previous 4 days. Ridiculous.

I'll never line up again. It's not a line anymore, it's a "list" maintained by people with no means of audit for the rest of us which is how "line leaders" or whatever the fuck they are called are able to defy physics and be in 4 lines around the continent at once.
It's a blood bath. There's going to be a rumble between the "veteran" line leaders who made them do it, the other "veteran" line leaders who don't want them to, the current line leaders, and people who just want their Dunks regulah and a crullah.


just to mess this GA toronto line up, a few of my budies went and got numbered but none of us have tickets for the show bwahahhaha
From FB:

Seems like something Professor Chaos would do on South Park, haha.

What a bunch of bullshit with people having a line of people to get in the line to get the official security issued wrist bands to then get in early.

Come on. So if I show up at 10 to get a wrist band from security, screw these official notebook keeping terds, I'll get one from security.

What are the notebook line runners of no one even in line going to do. Say, hey, you can't do that.

(this is in toronto - nice non line)
I'm honestly surprised there aren't line coups happening in every city. That one dude who posted on the atU2 forum about how he "fought" the line and stuck to his guns ... surprised that doesn't happen more often.

Guess some of that depends on if the local security is cooperating with the unofficial line, or are ambivalent.
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