It's GA "line" shenanigan time!

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if you were to show up in the stadium between 5:30-6, what's a reasonable expectation for this tour on where you'll be on the floor?
if you were to show up in the stadium between 5:30-6, what's a reasonable expectation for this tour on where you'll be on the floor?

Judging from my experience last night, I got down to the floor around 6:15 and walked straight up to about 10-12 deep from front rail. Things shifted around a bit from there, but mostly forward. Unless you absolutely need to be front rail there's no point in queing. The stage is high enough to give nice sightlines, tall people standing directly in front of you notwithstanding.

Names removed - but good to see whoever was running the Philly FB group picks and chooses who gets GA queue information on personal grievances.

SUN 08:55

Hi, what's the dealio with blocking random people from the Philly group?
SUN 15:03

They accepted your request.

Who did I block? I don't remember blocking anyone from philly?

[someone from here but I won't drop her real name] would be a start

Oh well she has been horrible to me on twitter so why would I want to add someone who says terrible things about me?

Because it's about the show and not about you

It's my group. You or [that person] are welcome to start your own.

Your group? Hmmm how else was anyone able to find queue information if it hadn't been leaked from your group onto Interference?

Yes I started the group on Facebook for those going to philly show

But you pick and choose who sees your special insider information

Actually no I don't. And it's not special insider info. Just a place to go to share info. I approve everyone except those few who have been horrible to me. Again it's not like it's a public forum. It's a group I started. You are welcome to start your own group
Judging from my experience last night, I got down to the floor around 6:15 and walked straight up to about 10-12 deep from front rail. Things shifted around a bit from there, but mostly forward. Unless you absolutely need to be front rail there's no point in queing. The stage is high enough to give nice sightlines, tall people standing directly in front of you notwithstanding.

View attachment 11294

Excellent. Thank you!
I dunno. If that's true, maybe this is just karma for someone being an asshole to someone else.

This thread is starting to make me uncomfortable. Do we have to open it up into all this dirty laundry bushit?
I actually don't mind it all being out in the open. If people want to behave like assholes, they should do so publicly.

The Toronto GA should be hilarious - pouring rain all day and the venue has (again) announced two separate gates will be open to let people onto the floor. So glad I'm going last minute.
I mean, I don't care about the general "line shenanigan" BS being called out. But this stuff about particular people, like obviously it's a personal issue between a few people, that's not really necessary.

If people are sniping on Twitter, whatever, that's public. But dragging out stuff from messages, that's not your dirty laundry to air.

I guess I'm alone in this, so oh well.
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I really don't understand what has induced all the GA psychosis that only seems to grow by the year/tour.

The first time I did GA was during the ATYCLB tour, went to shows in North America and Europe and there were honestly no issues. You could arrive at 6 am the day of, be anywhere from #40ish-80ish in line, whoever was at the front would write your number on the back of your hand with a Sharpie and then you sat there and hung out all day and socialized. I showed up once to line up the night before, maybe around 8-9 pm and was #12 as I recall, that was the longest I'd lined up and the lowest # I ever had.

As the tours went on it grew into secret notebooks, numbers being assigned like 4 days in advance, vague line up directions/locations and so on. And you would think that the U2 fanbase has mostly aged, they are surely not drawing that many young kids. So we are all older and allegedly wiser yet the lines have gotten insane, people are behaving like spoiled children and nobody seems to understand the concept that if you're in line, you're in line.

I stopped lining up a couple of tours ago so I don't really care how the line is operated on a personal level, but reading about it here, on FB groups for the various shows, etc, it's really very embarrassing.
I mean, I don't care about the general "line shenanigan" BS being called out. But this stuff about particular people, like obviously it's a personal issue between a few people, that's not really necessary.

If people are sniping on Twitter, whatever, that's public. But dragging out stuff from messages, that's not your dirty laundry to air.

I guess I'm alone in this, so oh well.

I haven't named names and any of the parties involved can feel free to identify themselves - I was simply showing an example of the absurd entitlement and clear favouritism by some tools.
(eh, fuck it. whatever. if people want to get all up in people's drama business, knock yourselves out.)
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Not saying it's the right call, but sometimes if you're an asshole to people, it can bite you in the ass. In this case, it meant someone didn't get access to a Facebook group. I'm sure they'll live.

Sounds more like karma than "I'm trying to keep GA info secret."
Yeah, hiding it in general is shitty. That's why good souls share it on Twitter. ;-) In this case, it just felt like getting into other people's drama and I don't know that it belongs here, anonymous or not.

I've jumped on a few people the last few days, and I'm not going to apologize for it. I'm not perfect and get bitchy sometimes (and people can feel free to call me out on it, that's cool).

But some shit just seems unnecessarily mean-spirited, and it bugs me more than usual, because these days everything fucking sucks out there.

So yeah.
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Sometimes you have to be a bit sneaky to get that information on Twitter and U2 websites

I've certainly had beef with people here, because my number of 2/3 day bans are proving the internets is boring without Interland, but I'll almost certainly have a chat and a drink with anyone I've told to fuck off.

Mind, I don't hold grudges. To me a grudge is a place where your pork your cor.

Meh, this is one of those times I regret saying anything at all. I feel like I've inadvertently sucked myself into these mystery fans' drama, which is seriously the last thing I want.
Keeping the pepes informed:

"We were just there. About 5-6 people were hanging out. Across from the Bud Light Pavilion. There is a sign. They are up to the high 80s now.
7-9 pm check-in tonight. If the venue asks them to go off-site tonight.... report to Planet Fitness!!!! (Much like we did at Starbucks in Pasadena)
Will let you know when we find out more tonight. Feel free to share/re-post. The more people who know, the less likely things will go wrong.
FedEx FAQ says wrist bands being handed out in the morning at 8am, gates open at 12pm?? Is that for red zone only or does that many anyone that has a wrist band can go on in the arena? Confused by this...
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