Istanbul Setlist party II

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Has there ever happened when we havent been able to find out what song was played?
Yeah, when there were no tweeters around and with a dead feed. Sometime last year. But ofcourse after the show we knew.

u2gigs Great concert in Istanbul! #u2 #u2360 #u2360istanbul
half a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone from here
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U2log Merch is completely sold out . One tshirt left. B thanks crowd '50000 on our first time in Istanbul!'
half a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone
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:scream: AGAIN avoiding?
I really think Drowning Man would fit fine between SBS and Walk On. Now that they played MotD there rather than MLK, I think it's high time to slide Drowning Man in.
I just tweeted Matt to see what the song was.
ANd now my U2 hashtag search is flooded becaue Kellen Lutz just tweeted One lyrics. Damn Twihards.
...We'll never find out, will we?
Also, this is further proof that Twihards make everything worse.
Atu2's last tweet
atu2 Encore FTW. RT @jaimechiang: Bono shooting lasers with a guy blowing smoke up his rearend. The 90's are in my blood tonight. Pretty amazing!
15 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Don't get it. >< are just as confused as we are.
U2tour No Hold Me or UV? So: 21) With Or Without You 22) Moment Of Surrender #u2 #u2360 #u2360istanbul
less than a minute ago via web

Though they're being negative. :wink: I expect them both to have been played if they're not reported. They expect neither. Glass is half full mates.
This is ridiculous. Out of all the people that tweet the setlists, not one of them know what was played.:angry:
:lol: at this thread.

:panic: I love it.

Now's a great time for somebody to post a fake link claiming Mercy was played. It will be like the time Chrisedge torrented his Vertigo opening night dat on Traders Den and crashed it.
fuck it:


neden bu kadar ciddi?

i'm going on with the rest of my day
This is ridiculous. Out of all the people that tweet the setlists, not one of them know what was played.:angry:
Mercy is so glorious live that everyone in attendance had to have their memories wiped, lest their minds implode from the awesome.
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