IO: NHL Hockey is around the corner!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aug 20, 2008
Lightning Land, FL USA
Alright, I've only been on this board for a couple of days but I can already tell that there has to be some hockey fans in here, particularly due to the folks in here from Canada. So....are we ready for a great, new season??

I can hardly has been a loooooonnngg offseason!! :waiting:
I'm an Islanders fan. Maybe you've heard of them? They suck. But they were the shit like 20+ years ago. If you go to Lemonade Stand, Put Em Under Pressure, that's the sports forum. There's usually a hockey thread in there. Mostly Leafs fan celebrating small victories only to be mocked by Habs fans after each crushing and painful defeat. Some Wings fans usually come out when they win the Cup. There was a minor league hockey fan that was convinced some minor league was better than some NHL teams, and being an Islanders fan, I tend to agree with her. Luckily there are few if any Rwngers fans, cause who the fuck wants to listen to them whine? There's a Canucks fan I know of, maybe two. But yeah, there's some Hockey Talk going on.
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