IO: i have a headache

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 4, 2003
the West Coast

it hurts.

i want to go home.

it's supposed to snow tomorrow, but we're going to have to come into work anyway.

everyone gets a halfday tomorrow as part of some sort of employee appreciation thing, EXCEPT my team because we happen to have the insane project that needs to wrap by 12/22.


i also have 5 -- yes, 5 -- christmas parties to attend this weekend. i might just have to take a valium just to get through them all.

then check myself into rehab.

Muggsy said:

I've been sick these days and I have a travel tomorrow, with my bf and some friends... I really want to go but I feel tired

I can't imagine how hard i is to be as popular as you :wink:

awwwwwwww ... i think the hug took away the headache in the right side of my skull.


but it's still piercing behind my left eye.

wish i was popular:sad:

perhaps some alcohol at these parties will cure the headache

good luck w/ the project too.
I made a trip to the convenience store to get something for it. Then I stayed in bed the rest of the evening.

By morning he was gone :angry:
has anyone tried that rub on headache stuff?:huh: It comes in a tube and you put in on your forehead.....just wondering.
Aren't Back/Neck problems another cause of headache.

You may not have pain in your back or neck, but still that can be cause of a headache. At least I read about it....

My Father has a bad back, and frequent headaches.
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