Interference Random Music Thread XII: GAF and the Liquid Courage

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Pet Sounds is in my top 5 albums of all time right now. Other than that, like LM said, I only care for the singles really.
I think the Beach Boys were crappy at crafting albums (excepting Pet Sounds, of course), but a collection of my favorite singles of theirs would be better than any single disc most artists could release. So yeah, I love some of their work, but a lot of it feels dated and, I dunno, vestigial to me. Maybe that's just a pretentious way of saying they're not to my taste, but those horrid album tracks constantly underline the fact that they weren't on some elevated musical plane. They had loads of flaws as songwriters and musicians that they managed to overcome with sporadic bursts of harmonic genius.

Regardless, Warmth Of The Sun, man.

Pet Sounds is in my top 5 albums of all time right now. Other than that, like LM said, I only care for the singles really.

Have you guys ever heard Holland?

If you haven't, do so immediately. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
I've heard Pet Sounds, Smiley Smile, and Surf's Up in full. Isn't Holland the last one Brian Wilson contributed anything to? I've heard a number of good things about it. That and Sunflower. Need to hear that too at some point.
It's perhaps not the most popular opinion, but Carl was always my favorite vocalist in the group. So that news is encouraging to hear.
I just went to look for my CD (it's a double set with "Carl and the Passions"), and I can't find it. What the fuck?

Need to download now, I guess.

I'm sure you've herd this before, Laz, but you're going to need a bigger sack.

I've heard very little of their non-single stuff (Pet Sounds exluded). The book I just read made me mildly curious about some, but I'm not chomping at the bit to rush out and pick up all those albums.

I'm just mainly in love with the harmonies and some of those melodies. That high falsetto swoop in Surf's Up gets me every time. Ooh, and Warmth of the Sun, Don't Worry Baby, Good Vibrations, God Only Knows... hell, even I Get Around gives me chills when they sing the main riff.
Have you guys ever heard Holland?

If you haven't, do so immediately. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

If the rest of the tracks are as good as "Sail On, Sailor," then I'll have to check out the whole thing.
So sometime last week Moby posted a note on Facebook talking about how he was getting started on a new album to be made with acoustic/orchestral instruments... left field, but color me excited.

I hope he's singing more than sampling this time, but that seems unlikely these days.
I don't see myself ever getting around to watching the videos on the DVD that came with Teen Dream. But I'll be god damned if I don't love the album more and more every time I listen to it.
Just listened to Real Estate and found them disappointing upon first listen. Perhaps it's just because I was writing an essay at the time....
Just listened to Real Estate and found them disappointing upon first listen. Perhaps it's just because I was writing an essay at the time....

You're not alone. There's better surf lo-fi out there to me.

Impy, I do like Teen Dream better than their live performances. Drum machines are still there and quite constant, but it's buried and layered upon much much more than during their shows. That must've been the problem, the drum machines were so prominent and overbearing to the point of annoyance (which could've been the venue, though Grizzly Bear sounded great). Needless to say, I won't write them off just yet.
For me, Beach Dream is another band like The XX; I need to listen to them in my more contemplative, quiet moods. Otherwise, the songs aren't quite dynamic enough for me. Teen Dream is a great album, but a hair one-note. If it improves on future listens, I wouldn't be at all surprised.
Stopped by my favorite local record shop (Easy Street FTW!) last night and found a used copy of that Pet Sounds reissue with the DVD and both mono and stereo mixes of the songs.

I did a while back and liked it okay. There's some really good stuff to be found in it. Worth a listen.

Plus the cover's kinda sexy:

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