Interference Random Music Talk Pt XVI - Post-Cool Double Rainbow...WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

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It doesn't get much more subtle than "My MacBook is talking to me and telling me not to kill myself!"
You only occasionally disappoint me Gaf, and this will always be one of those times :(.
Like Unknown Caller, this song likely sounds much better from a distance and I'll wind up disappointed when I find out it's actually a bad Love You Like Mad ripoff.

everything is cyclical.

I am watching out for the return of douche cleanser.
watch out will get nasty.

Happened once, will happen again. Fucking guaranteed.
Please forgive me for interrupting the Shuttlecock talk to share with you a little passage I came across from T.S. Eliot's unpublished poem "The Triumph of Bullshit":

Ladies, who find my intentions ridiculous
Awkward insipid and horribly gauche
Pompous, pretentious, ineptly meticulous
Dull as the heart of an unbaked brioche
Floundering versicles feebly versiculous
Often attenuate, frequently crass
Attempts at emotions that turn isiculous,
For Christ's sake stick it up your ass.

Fucking gangsta. He wrote this 100 years ago, apparently, and it's the first recorded use of the word "bullshit".

I think I want it on my tombstone.
I like that there are still discussions going on about Kevin Barnes being weird. I mean, I've never noticed that he's weird when he's either shirtless, wearing a tutu, in spandex pants, or wearing a Native American headdress in every picture / video / concert I've seen of theirs.

I like Menomena's new album more than their last.
SC rehearsal rumor:

Tryin' To Throw Your Hands Around The Cock? Wow. That would be pretty fucking cool.
Wait, so Shuttlecock rehearsed "Serve Me Smash Me" and a Poppycock jam?

Just when I thought you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this... and totally redeem yourself!
Apparently those were techs only, which doesn't mean anything. Some of the techs like to play certain songs when they're testing, regardless of whether or not they'll actually be played.

Or so I'm told. For what it's worth. Grain of salt. Etc.
I like that there are still discussions going on about Kevin Barnes being weird. I mean, I've never noticed that he's weird when he's either shirtless, wearing a tutu, in spandex pants, or wearing a Native American headdress in every picture / video / concert I've seen of theirs.

I like Menomena's new album more than their last.

I think the discussion was less about how weird he was and more about displaying severe racial insensitivity.
That's all part of it though, I'm doubting he had any idea some would take it that way because he seems to be a fair bit crazy. I do think it's sad that I don't recall any complaints of insensitivity when he'd dress as the most flamboyant Native American ever during performances.

What do you expect from someone who named his band after a place in Canada, right? Friggin' Canada.
Update on SC rehearsals:

Tryin' to Throw was apparently also rehearsed with full band. So YAY.
That's all part of it though, I'm doubting he had any idea some would take it that way because he seems to be a fair bit crazy. I do think it's sad that I don't recall any complaints of insensitivity when he'd dress as the most flamboyant Native American ever during performances.

What do you expect from someone who named his band after a place in Canada, right? Friggin' Canada.

Well, to be honest, I really didn't know much about him prior to now. So while it might not be anything new, it was new to me and worth discussing. That performance still makes me uncomfortable. I'm sure I'd have felt equally uncomfortable if I'd have seen performances like the one you've mentioned above as well.

Canada is more or less the root of all evil. You can trace the beginnings of many diseases, political movements and other nefarious goings on to that country. A cleansing is needed.
I haven't watched it yet, but I'm sure it will me as well. I've seen them live, and it was a weird mix of awesome and disturbing the entire show. I sorta think Barnes has some odd fascination with trying to make people uncomfortable in every way he can.
I haven't watched it yet, but I'm sure it will me as well. I've seen them live, and it was a weird mix of awesome and disturbing the entire show. I sorta think Barnes has some odd fascination with trying to make people uncomfortable in every way he can.

The worst part, though....well, not the worst part, but a frustrating part was that as I shook my head in disbelief I still was thinking "this song is pretty good".
I sorta think Barnes has some odd fascination with trying to make people uncomfortable in every way he can.

And some would argue that the best art is made that way.

Update on SC rehearsals:

Tryin' to Throw was apparently also rehearsed with full band. So YAY.

This is fucking awesome. Being hopped up on all sorts of drugs after back surgery made this dude remember some of the good songs he'd written.
SC rehearsal rumor:

Tryin' To Throw Your Hands Around The Cock? Wow. That would be pretty fucking cool.

It's actually Trying to Throw Your Cock Around The Court.

Fuck's sake, you're amateur.

I'd be cautious about us Americans getting too excited about certain songs, because who knows if they'll even make it to next summer? Case in point: Your Jew Room.
I remember One Tree Hill getting played in NZ and Japan and I figured, well, shit, they're gonna play it in Hawaii, and I'm gonna hear it and that means that I'll hear one of my top 5 U2 songs.....


Still a fun time in Hawaii and all, of course.
Ultracquet killed, and as much as I love the song we're talking about (one of their most underrated), I don't see it making the same kind of splash.
Ultracquet killed, and as much as I love the song we're talking about (one of their most underrated), I don't see it making the same kind of splash.

I'd guess that they're going to replace Ultraviolet with Hold Me, Thrill Me in the set. And maybe Tryin' To Throw will occupy a spot that was taken by one of the ATYCLB songs. I don't know.
HMTMKMKM really makes me happy, I have to be honest. I thought it was great Live and hope it gets played again for real, is well received and remains.
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