Interference Random Movie Talk Episode IX: Fievel Goes Down

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You're also looking at an opening scene with a ton of miniature effects work and the like that wasn't exactly done with the biggest of production budgets and has undergone a number of remasterings and such over the years, versus a fully realized, shot and lit set scene.

This scene specifically was the part that looked to have a massive amount of grain / noise going on on the background:


It seemed to clear up after that scene, I was just sorta let down initially considering it was the first thing I saw.
Your own brew? What does that even mean? Did you pick New Jersey coffee beans all summer, El Exigente?

It just means I brewed it myself in my kitchen, fuckstick. And I don't have any proper measuring tools yet so I just did my best guess for the grounds and ended up making super-strong coffee. Which I like normally, when I haven't been caffeine-free for over a month.
This scene specifically was the part that looked to have a massive amount of grain / noise going on on the background:

Well, yeah. That's just the nature of that particular shot, and a few others in the film. Nothing you can really do about that now 20+ years after the fact.

Erin Brockovich doesn't belong on any kind of "best" list, especially right in front of Traffic. Nice that he recognized Solaris, though, and after you see King of the Hill you might not argue with his enthusiasm.

Of course, this guy should be put up against the wall and silenced for his omission of Che. Fucking philistine.
And there's no way Out of Sight, as solid and entertaining as that it, is better than The Limey. Nope, don't buy it.
I'm sure I'll love King of the Hill... but no Che? You fucking said it.

But yeah, Solaris is a favorite of mine, so good to see someone give that the recognition it deserves.
I have seen the face of indie hipster scum, and it's name is Gigantic.

Zooey's boobies do not make up for it.
Got your PM. Had no plans to see it anyway.

Wait, she's bare chested?
In a long shot. She's bare chested in a fucking long shot.

It does prove my theory that John Goodman is good in everything; the theory itself is called "John Goodman Is Good in Everything."
Isn't that available to watch instantly through Netflix? Isn't it?!!!!//1/1/1/11/1/1/1kjl;kjw;jker

Zach Galifiankis does play an angry homeless man who beats Paul Dano multiple times throughout the film with no explanation though.
I friggin love Zach Galifiankis. Glad he's finally getting some sort of popularity.
Me too. Easily my favorite player from The Comedians of Comedy movie, and my Oswalt love is well-known around these parts.
He had a talk show on VH1 years ago, where he had a segment where he would just sit at the piano and ramble.

It was good, which obviously means it got canceled.

Because why have hilarious absurdist comedy when you can have Flava Flav?

Actually this was quite a while back.
I remember that show, and remember thinking it was great. That was the first I'd ever heard of him. Still never got around to seeing The Hangover, though, and there's a chance I never will.
Badlands should come in the mail either today or tomorrow. Excited, to be sure.
Bought Solaris today. Between that, Badlands, watching Alien 3 for class, and The Lady Friend visiting for the weekend, I've got my next week pretty mapped out.
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