i was kicked out of zootopia.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Oct 27, 2001
back and to the left
well...when i saw them talking smack about elvis (as in not interference, but personal shots to both he and sicy) i registered. apparantly they frown on sarcasm there...and i was booted. i think it had something to do with me spreading the sarcasm love to 37 people in a record 19 minutes...cos when i got the email it said that i was on probation for "unnecessary meannes" :eek: meh.
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:

See if zoney can bring ya on his stop to Detroit!!! A little nudging won't hurt, I'm sure, lol :)


me: hey zoner...wanna bring me to detroit? *convincing smile* *nudge nudge*

zoner: ow! my rib! :sad:

and YOU said it wouldn't hurt!!!
I'll tell them off

Lilly said:
well...when i saw them talking smack about elvis (as in not interference, but personal shots to both he and sicy) i registered.

What. ?

Link please.
Re: I'll tell them off

Sicy said:

What. ?

Link please.

sicy...i would LOVE to link you...but there are several things working against me:

--it is confusing as hell over there, so i have no idea how to find anything, i usually just stumble upon things.

--apparantly they are all gone

originally posted by daisybean Oooo Lilly I did a search on your name over there and it looks like they deleted all of your Love I sooooo wanted to see the joy you brought them
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I will destroy them all

What were they saying?

*puts on ass-kicking boots
same ol'stuff..blah blah...she's scary...blah blah...she hates everyone...blah blah...really talking about how choosy we are with who we let into our cliques blah blah.....
This is so dumb.

I think message boards are like any other social group. Yes, there may be certain group" of people who hang out together, but in time you make friends and either become a part of existing groups or form your own groups. It takes time.

Remember when you started school ... sure there were cliques, but you managed, in time to make friends and become a part of your own group.

:mad: :madspit:

Get over it people!
Zootopians can lick my white ass

Yeah yknow.. so what, I have friends?
It doesnt mean that I purposely exclude anyone. I talk to everyone.. I dont discriminate.

* spits on zootopians
mighty blah

why wasn't I mentioned??
don't those Zootopians recognize my superiority?
let's go kick their asses.

Sicy said:
They're scared of the ball.

wouldn't you be? i mean look at it:
it's the most intimidating thing i've ever seen.
Lilly said:
how choosy we are with who we let into our cliques blah blah.....

Am I accepted into "the clique" I need to know where I stand here in the forum. It is upmost importance. :rolleyes:
ghetofabu said:

Am I accepted into "the clique" I need to know where I stand here in the forum. It is upmost importance. :rolleyes:

no. since you asked this makes you uncool. if you were cool you would automatically know your importance around here.

*realizes she's not cool and thusly shouldn't be making the aforesaid statement.*

*walks away in shame*
daisybean said:
Oooo Lilly I did a search on your name over there and it looks like they deleted all of your Love :( I sooooo wanted to see the joy you brought them :madspit:

They were only a few non love filled posts of yours to be found :(

:sad: :sad: :sad:

uh, twin...didn't "cba" get kicked out...not "lilly"...or am i crazy...or did daisy search under cba...who knows.....................
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