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How is the meeting going??

they both had an encounter in the room (this was after I switched them, had Moka in our bedroom wandering about for several min and Nochi in her room) where Moka is and Nochi was under the bed with a couple of face to face.. Moka came up behind her so non-chalant, no fear at all. At one point Nochi did a low slight growl but that's it. I think it's ok to let Moka out for long periods now. When I get home I think we should give this a try.
Will the real pumpkin please stand up? (Callie three years ago; she has slimmed down some now.)


moka update...:love:
things are going real well.. both kittehs are out running around chasing each other, no growling or hissing at all so far.. I am watching them.. Only thing i need to figure out is that Nochi is eating Moka's food when there is some left in the bowl.. Anyone have suggestions on this?
Yay they'll be cuddled up sleeping together in no time. :wink:

Yeah good luck with the food thing lol. Are they eating two different kinds of food or can they just share?
Yay they'll be cuddled up sleeping together in no time. :wink:

Yeah good luck with the food thing lol. Are they eating two different kinds of food or can they just share?

yeah, two different foods. The rescue had her on Science Diet (which is what Nochi was on when we got her) and Nochi is on Blue Buffalo. I got some kitten Blue Buffalo that I was going to wean Moka on but maybe I should just wean her on what Nochi is eating (which is Chicken and brown rice, weight control) I am not sure since Moka is still a kitten?
Oh doh I forgot Moka still needs to eat kitten food. Yeah kittens until a year old. It wont hurt Nochi to eat her food, it just might make her gain a little weight lol.
Oh doh I forgot Moka still needs to eat kitten food. Yeah kittens until a year old. It wont hurt Nochi to eat her food, it just might make her gain a little weight lol.

yeah, I figured it wouldn't hurt her.. With all the chasing they are doing she will keep her girlish figure.:D They both are gonna need the extra calories..

We iz buddies nao... :D :hyper:


Aw, so happy for you guys! :cute:

So cute U2fanatic! Congrats


Here's a picture of Samus on my fiances back, just taking in the sights lol

She's very pretty RB, love her colouring.

MsPurrl, tell Callie that Abby said hi. :cute:

Omg, what a kitten drama week at my house. :crack:

Tuesday while paying close attention to the litter box because of Jack's diarrhea, I noticed that Max was peeing way too frequently, and in very small quantities. Sicy :heart: suggested that I get him looked at, so I took him to a vet clinic here that's open 24/7 at 10 pm that night.

He wasn't blocked, fortunately, but he has a very large stone in his bladder. :( They kept him there till 6 am the next morning because they had to give him subq fluids to get a urine sample. There are a few different kinds of stones, some can be fixed by prescription food, others require surgery. The vet said the urinalysis would tell us which kind it was, but he sent us home with antibiotics and prescription dissolution food, anyway. He also said that even if it is one that can be dissolved with food, Max might need surgery anyway, because it's so big.

Test results were in the next morning. A couple of slightly high blood work numbers, but nothing to be concerned about. The urine test did not show what kind of stone it was, unfortunately. The vet said to monitor his litter box habits carefully, and if there was difficulty urinating, or if he stopped, to get him back in there immediately. Otherwise, give him the pills and the food, and redo the xray in 4 to 6 weeks, and see if it's smaller.

Since then, it's been an absolute nightmare, trying to give him pills and get him to eat the food. He's isolated from the other cats right now, and that's really upsetting to him. Since Wednesday, he's been on three different foods, two dissolution that he would not touch at all. Starting yesterday at 5 pm, I was told to implement tough love, and put the food in the room, and to not give him anything else. I did, but the stubborn little bugger still wouldn't touch it, and went a full 24 hrs with no food, till the vet's office and I both cried uncle, and gave him another kind. This one is more of a urinary maintenance than a dissolution food, but he HAS to eat, so they thought it was best to give him this. There is one more dissolution food he can try, but they won't have it in till next week.

Since getting home from picking up the new food late this afternoon, I've already had to call the office, because he peed, and then was back in the box 10 minutes later, and only let out a couple of bloody drops. :( They said that as long as he went normally again within the next few hours, it was probably because of bladder irritation, and just to keep a close eye on him. I'm happy to report that he did go normally (well, as normally as a cat with a huge stone can go) about an hour ago. Small victories.

So, that's been my week. I'm beyond worn out, and I'd love it if the rest of tonight and tomorrow could be uneventful. On the plus side, he does seem to like this new food, and while it won't dissolve the stone, it should keep him from getting any worse. He's eaten nearly 1/2 cup since 5 pm, not bad for a cat that normally grazes.

I'd like to thank Sicy and my PGP girls for all their support through this. :hug:
kitteh love.. :heart:

Nochi cleaning Moka







it seems that Nochi has taken on a motherly role which is the sweetest thing ever. Watching her clean Moka's head was so cute..
Thanks RB, Ashley. :hug: Things are a little less tense today. He's eaten nearly 3/4 of a cup of the new food. I just hope he hasn't fallen in love with it, and will consider eating the new dissolution food when it comes in. I really don't want him to have to have major surgery. :(

I'm about to put all the food away, his and the other cat's, and let him out for a few hours. They all really miss each other.

Two things I've learned through this: 1) pay close attention to your cat's litter box habits (especially male cats), even if they seem totally healthy. Since all this started, he's never seemed sick for a minute, wasn't straining or showing distress in the litter box, even though what he has is quite dangerous. Even though they act well doesn't mean they are; and 2) it's best to feed cats both wet and dry, just so that they're used to both, in case they ever need to go on a special diet for medical reasons.
VP :hug: We went through a similar thing with Cassidy. His bladder was full of crystals and he couldn't go at all. It was one of the most horrid sounds I have ever heard when he was in pain and howling. They put a catheter in and drained them and he was fine after. Hope your kitty feels better soon.

We've been having the dry food issue with Samus. She loves wet food but when I put out dry she'll sniff it, either eat one or two nibbles and that's it. I've tried two different brands so far. The only dry thing she does like is those Temptations turkey cat treats. We bought her Whiskas dry, but like I said before, no interest.

Does anyone elses kitty lick venetian blinds? Samus does this every once in awhile and I'm curious if that's normal or what. I know I've seen Cassidy lick walls very rarely but Samus loves to lick our bedroom blinds.
ok, trying to get the feeding down.. Am a little worried about Moka getting enough because Nochi is being a pig. Right now we have a automatic feeder for Nochi and Moka's bowl in another room. The rescue was giving moka wet food mixed with dry. So I try to give this to Moka and she kind of looks at it with Nochi right there so if Moka walks away Nochi goes for it. I tried to give Nochi just wet and she didn't go for it. But I am seeing Moka eating Nochi's dry food so she is getting something. :huh:

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