Caption Thread #19: I swear it was THIS big!!!!!!!!

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:bono: OMG!!! it's an alien!!! :hyper:
alien: OMG!!! it's Bono!!! :hyper:

Larry - Will you two keep it down over there, you are putting me off :angry: :lol:
I can't believe I'm saying this, but in a weird sort of way I can, I have the perfect picture of a tutu that I can play with....

:bono: Arghh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Larry`s hitting me...............

:edge:Well it`s your own fault......keep to the setlist..........

:adam: He he least he hasn`t noticed I`ve dropped one...............
"The Ledge" gives me flashbacks to a book I read once. Not very good times, actually.
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