Caption Thread #19: I swear it was THIS big!!!!!!!!

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Ditto to what bonogirl said, I personally don't think it matters if it a photoshoped pic or not, makes it fun either way I think :shrug:


:edge: I just farted
:bono: Dear lord Edge!-covers face-
:adam: eww...
:larry: Ha ha, Nice
Well, idk...I think it should just be regular pics. I just think it's more funny that way and not forced like a photoshop.

*leaves again*

Agreed. Call me a grouch all you like, but I don't find any of the photoshopped pics funny at all. I'm glad we got separate threads now, I think this is for the best.

:bono: But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?
It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon
Who is already sick and pale with grief...

Yeah, yeah, I know he's not supposed to be on the balcony, but in PLEBAland anything's possible. :D


That has to be one of the most cultural captions of the thread. I'm sure William would've liked it. :wink:

:bono: Look at me Look at me I'm ready for the nutcracker!
:edge: -shakes head- There he goes again with his twinkle toe dance.... WAIT! Did he say nutcracker?! That doesn't sound good at all
:adam: -leans to edge- You might want to protect yourself

:lmao: That last line is the best!

:bono: Look at me Look at me I'm ready for the nutcracker!
:edge: -shakes head- There he goes again with his twinkle toe dance.... WAIT! Did he say nutcracker?! That doesn't sound good at all
:adam: -leans to edge- You might want to protect yourself

:lol: The Adam line is the best!

Oh, and this pic...:shifty:...:drool:...:evil:

:bono: Look at me Look at me I'm ready for the nutcracker!
:edge: -shakes head- There he goes again with his twinkle toe dance.... WAIT! Did he say nutcracker?! That doesn't sound good at all
:adam: -leans to edge- You might want to protect yourself

:lmao: Absolutely hilarious!!!!!


:bono:: Okay everyone, that was great! Now let's transition from warrior 1 to star pose...ready? Pivot, turn, now star!

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