Caption Thread #19: I swear it was THIS big!!!!!!!!

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:bono:: Kiss me Adam!
:adam:: What?
:bono:: Kiss me!
:adam:: Why?
:bono:: If you really love me you'll do it.
:adam:: Okay, but if Edge finds out about this it'll be over between you two.

:bono:: I survived the dinosaur!
:adam:: I think it was actually an Edge-o-saurus.:hmm:
:larry:: Don't be a smartass Adam.
:edge:: Bono, there was no dinosaur!
:bono:: You're right Edge. It was an Edge-o-saurus!
:adam:: I told you!

L.O.L!!!! First thing I thought of when i saw that picture...

:bono: Look! I've GROWN since then!
:edge: :adam: :larry: PFFFFFTTTT!
The caption thread is for making funny captions of REAL pics, not photoshopped ones. Photoshopped pics belong in the U2 Photoshops thread.
I agree with you Reggo. All the photoshopped stuff takes the fun out of the caption thread, it's about the fun with real pics.

:larry: If I hide behind these belts maybe they won't find me and figure out it was me that put shaving cream in Bonos hands and tickled his face so he would rub it all over it, well he was sleeping.
:bono: Edge! Why you do this to me?
:edge: I didn't do it lad I swear it wasn't me this time I swear!
:bono: sure sure Edge, you're always pulling pranks you except me to believe you?
:edge: Well.... Yes....
:bono: well I don't!
:edge: -sigh-, but I...
:adam: Hey guys? Where's Larry?

:bono:: "Look see Edge! what i haz found us, a delishus tasty morsel" :evil:

:edge:: "Yesh yesh! it iz tasty i think!" :evil:

:BB:: "uh guys?........... help?" :uhoh:

:| :tsk: don't ask, i dunno :crack:
The caption thread is for making funny captions of REAL pics, not photoshopped ones. Photoshopped pics belong in the U2 Photoshops thread.
I dont agree with you Reggo!!! People caption my other pic which is photoshoped and they thought the captions were funny!! Its people like you who take the fun out of this thread with your restrictions!!!!
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