Caption Thread #17: The boys know they can't dance...yes we know...

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edge_is_hot421 said:

:reject: may I say that I have no artistic ambition when drawing comics.. I have a really weird sense of humor and it was late... watch out :lol:

<edge> like what?




:lol: I think your drawings are great!
DreamOutLoud13 said:

Bono: I've got an idea, guys! :hyper: Let's pretend this is a pirate ship! *grabs invisible steering wheel*
Adam: :yikes: *takes a step back* Just pretend you don't know him, just pretend you don't know him.
Edge: :rolleyes: Bono, you're not holding the helm right. You're supposed to hold the spokes around the edge!
Larry: :eyebrow: I've got a better idea, Bono. I say we throw you overboard.

GAH HA HA HA!! AWESOME!!!!!!!:lmao:

:bono: Well, I thought my razor was dull until I heard his speech. And that reminds me of a story thats so dirty, I'm ashamed to think of it myself.
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RegularBonoFan said:

:bono: Well, I thought my razor was dull until I heard his speech. And that reminds me of a story thats so dirty, I'm ashamed to think of it myself.

Bob: Let me tell you something, ladies & gentlemen, Bono forgot to zip his zipper, again... :macdevil: :lol:

Bono: *look down to check*...shit... :banghead:
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Hello Sweetheart .... guess what, we have won!!! Oh, you've seen it on television .... how did I look? Was my hair okay? :hyper: What do you mean the jacket I am wearing is ridiculous? But Honey ... no I wasn't drunk when I chose my wardrobe ...

:bono: .... and now one for little Bono and one for little Ali and one for little Edgie and one for ....
child: Mmmph ... who is this freak and why is he talking like a baby?

:bono: Hahahaha, Bobby, I'm telling you this isn't my cell phone. This thing is full of numbers and names I don't know. Where's Bill? Where's Tony? Where's George W.? Where's the Pope? Where's my pizza service?
Bobby: Hahaha, man, good joke.
:bono: Have you seen this weird guy just moments ago? I think he just walked out with my phone and left me with his.
Bobby: Okay, Bono, just keep smiling for the cameras.
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kid: here you go mister I hope that is everything there
b: For your sake baby, it better be.
kid: oh sir by the way you are driving the wrong way
b: Oh, hey! You ain't half wrong! Here, let me spin this thing around-
[one only-just-successful enough 17 point turn later]
b: There, doggie dog!
kid: thank you sir we will replace that lamppost shortly
b: Whoa kiddo! Whoa WHOA WHOA. Where the hell's my toy?
kid: uh well you see we ain't put toys in anything but the children's meals
b: Damn! Well, I'll have one of them too I guess. I'm pretty sure I can take it.
kid: oh for certain, hold on then
b: Give me the best toy!
kid: uh they are all pretty good it is like figurines of four different characters from the new testament
b: Whoa! I'm crazy for that stuff! Can I have four of these little meals then?
kid: well uh you might just want three because we ran out of pontius pilates
b: Oh, keep it four, I honestly don't care if I get two Mary Magdalenes.
kid: huh what ... well here you go
b: Keep the change, buddy. Later!
kid: ... wait this is just a bottle shop receipt :confused:
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Bob: Bono says it was huge but really, it was only this big!


:bono: I'm telling you! It wasn't this big, it was huge! Ask the kitties, they'll tell you!

Kittiez! :lmao:


:bono: You know I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world?
:edge: Really?
:bono: No, but I don't mind lying if it gets me somewhere.

Bob: We must remember that art is art.
:bono: Well, on the other hand, water is water, isn't it? And East is East and West is West. And if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce, they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now,, you tell me what you know.
Bob: :eyebrow: You're nuts. That's what I know.
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iloveedge said:

Bob: Bono says it was huge but really, it was only this big!


:bono: I'm telling you! It wasn't this big, it was huge! Ask the kitties, they'll tell you!


:laugh: that's EXACTLY what I was thinking when I saw that cat macro!!!!

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