Can you find me ?

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
Can you find me ?

Shouldnt be too hard but I'm bored. :yawn:


:laugh: :laugh:
who's that hottie wearing the #13 shirt?

in that second one there, you are enxt to the teacher with red boots, no?
dont cry!

KhanadaRhodes said:
is the guy in the #13 shirt the same one with the #12 shirt in the first pic? that'd be ironic... :D

Hahaha no.. but there are at LEAST 4 people that are in both pics.
I'm goin with the red boot girl..:shrug:

Hey speaking of which, Sicy is that you underneath the microphone in this pic? (Vegas GA Line) I always wondered but its hard to tell with the goofy face she's making.....


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Re: I'm goin with the red boot girl..:shrug:

Ali Rose said:
Hey speaking of which, Sicy is that you underneath the microphone in this pic? (Vegas GA Line) I always wondered but its hard to tell with the goofy face she's making.....

LOL.. yes that's me. :eek:
Wow its so weird and sucky i never met any of you there. I suppose being the designated line Spot holder all day didn't help that....I remember standing next to the interference banner and wondering what Interference was....I wanted to sign it and then i was like "wait a min! I'm not part of whatever this is!!"

Oh wait i met Diamond , Kind of. but thats it. :sad:
Yknow.. I think I remember seeing you.. cuz you were sitting next to Dano the whole time huh?
Haha.. I remember thinking "I wonder if his girlfriend is getting jealous cuz he's talking to all these girls."


Well you're a part of it now and I'm sure they'll be another big gathering someday.
Sicy said:
"I wonder if his girlfriend is getting jealous cuz he's talking to all these girls."

:lol: :laugh: :eeklaugh:

Somebody asked me that in line too!!

I was jealous that he got to go out and have all the fun meeting people!!! But I thought I'd be nice since he needed to promote.....
I hate those boots

Ali you're just friends though right?

April.. :|
*is scandalized

Well..... aquaintences.
Well.......... he doesn't have the time of day for me anymore cuz he's a "rock star" now.
So.......not really. But dood who cares he's the reason I met Bono and am here with all you fine people so.......


:dance: :dance: :dance:

Ali Rose said:
Well..... aquaintences.
Well.......... he doesn't have the time of day for me anymore cuz he's a "rock star" now.
So.......not really. But dood who cares he's the reason I met Bono and am here with all you fine people so.......


:dance: :dance: :dance:

hey ali, is this the dano from that cover band, elevation? i just saw those guys for the first time saturday.

p.s. - stellar outfits there sicy. :macdevil:
Re: hi

Screaming Flower said:
hey ali, is this the dano from that cover band, elevation? i just saw those guys for the first time saturday.

Aye, tis Danno. How was the show? Good, huh?
Re: *is scandalized

Ali Rose said:
Well..... aquaintences.
Well.......... he doesn't have the time of day for me anymore cuz he's a "rock star" now.
So.......not really. But dood who cares he's the reason I met Bono and am here with all you fine people so.......


:dance: :dance: :dance:

mbi16 and I held up a sign in the Heart that read-

Bono read the sign..said hi to Danno.
Later you guys met Bono at the airport..
Next day at LA3 Danno is telling me all about he met Bono:)
how the sign worked and yadie yadie yadie :)
I was happy for him:)

Ali Rose said:

Aye, tis Danno. How was the show? Good, huh?

yeah they're really good. i must say dano really has bono's mannerisms down. they played on this roof on top of this bar and dano was launching beer/water from it. i have no idea why. he nailed my friends and i and it took us about ten minutes to figure out where the hell it came from. it was like beer raining from the sky. i almost had to kick his ass but he was really good. we had tons of fun. we also thought his name was dono until the end of the show so we kept yelling, "DONO!!" we were also kind of drunk.
:lol: Yeah his Bono-ness is frightening at times. We were stalked by a CNN reporter in New Orleans during U2perbowl weekend. He interviewed Danno as Bono. I bet he got fired the next day. Danno also used to sign autographs for not-so-bright U2 fans which actually kind of Peeved me....:mad:
omc how could people actually believe Dano is Bono! :lol: :silent:

I'm sorry I mean Dano does look alot like Bono but their faces are just too different.. Dano's face is too smooth.. kinda like a baby's bottom.

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