Bono's Surgery and Tour Impact - Info & Discussion Here - Part 2 [update post #370]

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Look at it this way... We get another year of excitement and anticipation all for free. :hyper:
Wow, great interview!! I feel better after seeing this. I love that Edge can joke about Bono also. :lol: Bono doesn't remember offering him his car and artwork. :lmao:

The part about playing new material is very exciting also!!

Yeah, seeing Edge makes me feel much better about all this. :heart: Edge is just very calm, very...Edge. And I love the jokes! Good to see a sense of humor from them on this--makes me feel better about joking as well. :wink:

Here's to an entire year of daydreaming about shows and setlists... :beer:

Great interview, Bono better rest up and get healthy. Those guys better make sure he does! Its good to hear Edge talk, his news is very comforting.

Having a lot of difficulty canceling reservations since they were prepaid though Hotwire and Holiday Inn. Anyone else having difficulties? I offered to re-book when the dates are posted and I still am getting the run around.
Having a lot of difficulty canceling reservations since they were prepaid though Hotwire and Holiday Inn. Anyone else having difficulties? I offered to re-book when the dates are posted and I still am getting the run around.
I'm going through the same thing with Priceline. I think I've learned a lesson in all of this: it's worth it to pay a bit extra and book directly with the hotel.
I'm going through the same thing with Priceline. I think I've learned a lesson in all of this: it's worth it to pay a bit extra and book directly with the hotel.

Exactly, I'm having problems with my Oakland hotel. It is $187.00, which is nothing considering how much some people lost with airline fees, but it is stilll my hard earned money.
Exactly, I'm having problems with my Oakland hotel. It is $187.00, which is nothing considering how much some people lost with airline fees, but it is stilll my hard earned money.

Yeah, I know the feeling. I'm losing $160 on my Anaheim hotel, and about $350 on my Philadelphia and NJ airfare. I could still take those trips, but that would mean spending a lot of extra money that I could be saving for whenever the shows are eventually rescheduled. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do, but I'm leaning toward cutting my losses and not going. It's a hard decision.
Great interview with Edge.It is a blessing they found the injury when they did.Just think,it could have been career ending,instead of eight weeks of therapy.Understand the disappointment,everyone is feeling,but I think the majority of U2 fans,believe Bono's health is much more important than postponing the tour.God bless Bono,his family and U2!
I wonder how long until we'll know when the rescheduled US dates are? Stadium availability is of course an issue, and most sports teams probably don't know their schedule this far in advance. I imagine it'll be fall before we know the rescheduled dates completely.

Ugh... which means I'll be compulsively checking for rumors/confirmations on a daily basis for the next several months.
I wonder how tempted I'll be to try and travel and go to more shows next summer. :hmm:

This is tempting! If they add another show or two I might have to see what I can do about getting another one in.
Sadly, it would have to be a 2nd Chicago, Lansing(won't happen), Jersey show. Or maybe they'll add a Cleveland/Columbus or Pittsburgh show.
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