an assortment of thoughts + "a new hope..."

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lady luck said:
I hope you are not disappointed with me..
If I wrote something that annoyed you, I apologize!

No, no no...

not at all. I'm just a little out of it lately.

Some things I have a lot to say about, other things I can't.
Sometimes I feel like I've got energy, most of the time I need to sit down, and I'm tired right now, though I woke up at 4pm, after a long, long sleep.

Don't mind me......
lady luck said:


Anyway, this morning I saw the car I am probably gonna buy second hand! Can't wait for it!!!

You know, from the moment I started making plans, I started feeling good!
It's probably because I see where are my goals and have to try to reach them..

It's so great!!


I know just what you mean :) That is a sort of very real type of happiness. It's a positive, moving forward kind of things. I hope you have a lot of success with your plans.

Yesterday I got quite irritating: some guys of Amnesty and me were supposed to meet an actress tonight. she offers to perform a show for us, but unfortunately it is not a show that we can associate to, even if it deals with torture. It would be too complex to find a way to introduce it.
Anyway, 4 people, including me, were supposed to meet her. we asked her to come with us to a Pizzeria. she accepted, but gave the confirmation just yesterday. This morning I checked my mail just to know that the 3 other guys won't come because of a seriers of events.
I was seriously annoyed... I mean, I think I am not able to deal with such a thing alone!

But then... something happened in my mind.
I remember someone saying me: "count just on yourself"... And I started seeing that, in some ways, I can rearrange this all alone.
It won't be the same, but I think it could work.
Or, at least, I hope so!


They are doing a test here in Milan this morning with the simulation of a terroristic attack. There is such a mess around...
Planes, ambulances, firefighters, sirens... it's scaring...

It is always good to develope personal strength. Doing things on your own might be scary, or odd, but I guess it is also a good experience to learn, and grow, even.

That has got to be weird - about terrorist attacks and such. I think I would enjoy it, if they did it aroud here, though. To see how people reacted and such, or at least to see them preparing. I think some people in America think they are invincible, or just... that nothing can hurt or affect them.


As for myself, I don't think I've mentioned this, but I was sick last night, I had a fever and everything, and it was kind of funny. I went to my favorite resturante - it was sort of a surprise - but I was feeling a little woozy before that. But when we got there, it just got worse and worse, and I was rather upset, becaus I love the food there, and the whole atmosphere, but I couldn't enjoy it completely. Oh well. But, 24 hours later, I'm just...... feeling weird. It's nothing major, but I haven't been sick in a long, long time, and forgot how annoying it is to not be 100%, to not be capable of doing everything you like.

But I guess that's not so bad.

I hope I can go to my grandmother's tomorrow, though.
My aunt is coming in from far away, and it's her birthday, so we are having a little get together with everyone. It should be nice, but, if I am not feeling well, I won't go, because I don't want to get anyone else sick.

My aunt's section of the family has really sensative health, so sometimes it's better not to bring illness to them.

That's all for now.

until next time.
Ugh. I didn't go, because I dind't want to get anyone sick. Honestly, I still don't feel very well.

I can get up and move around for an hour or so, but then I'm tired, and I have to sit, or lie down. Maybe I'll be able to fall asleep normally tonight.

But other than that, I'm fine, really.

How are you doing these days
I'm doing fine, thanks!
And tonight, after work, I'll go & see the car I'm probably gonna buy.

You know, my stomach is still upside down for something I heard from my family -- I wrote some lines about it a few days ago, without telling anything...

As you probably would have understood, it was a comment against people not belonging to our race..
It was just one of those common and stupid phrases but... I am still feeling frustrated and annoyed with them :|

I know what they think about certain things, but it hurts anyway.
And I can recognize that I am more sensitive to this now...
That's why the urgence of getting out from that house is getting bigger & bigger!

I hope that works out for you. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who can be that way. And sometimes, you can be put in a situation where you havve to choose between things, and it's not right.

ah, I guess I don't what to say, I'm a little muddled, confused at the moment. But I hope things work out for you, I really do.
Do not worry!
Thanks for your kind words, anyway!

I do not know if there is something that one can say regarding things like that...
It's just that is one of those feelings that one hopes never to feel!
oh, and BTW...

I AM DANCING!! :wink: -- though just in my mind, because I'm at work!!

It helps to leave bad feelings and anger behind!
I'm going to be taking a swing + latin dancing class with my stepmom. It should be something fun we can do together, especially since I'll be leaving in 3 months.

Dancing is an interesting thing......

Wow! cool!

I just get an email from Vladimir, saying that he's in a mess: his pack was robbed & someone stole money from his account..

My God! Can't think about such things!!!!
Plus, now he is stuck in a city, with no help and he seems he does not know what to do!
Heh, that's how life goes! Sounds like it iwill be an interesting adventure for him

And yes, don't think about it too much - If I were in your shoes, I could see myself being rather wound up and worried :crazy:


I think I'm loosing the perception of time.
It's not that it is running away -- but the contrary!!
It's Sept. 29, but it could be Oct. 29 for how I feel.
I am completely disoriented and I don't know what this comes from.
This month has been full of events and things, so maybe it is for that that I feel like I've lived a longer period...

But I really don't know :huh:
That's funny........ I was donig the same thing, but only by a few days........

January seems like so long away..........


News: from yesterday, I officially own my first car!!!
It is a wonderful second-hand Opel Corsa.
I felt in love with it from the moment I was on the driving seat!

The funniest thing is that the name of the car on the documents is "Adam Opel Corsa".
It makes me laugh so much!!


As regards Vladimir: luckily he was able to get some help from a sort of angel and it seems he's on the right way to solve his problems. :wink:
Problems......... hmm.........

well, sounds interesting. Energies in motion, life is taking place all around you.

Enjoy it as much as you can :up:
I hope life does not take place AROUND me...
I want to be INSIDE it!
Have an active role, not just exist and see things moving and evolving!
I don't take in with a :| mood, but with a :wink: one!!


I'm exchanging mails daily with Vladimir.
And I should be the most happy person on earth, But ...
it's not like that. I mean, he's telling me sweet words and he's so kind and all the stuff...
But I do not know if I can trust him.

Maybe I'm ina a sorta paranoia and I just tend to think too much..
But I keep on wondering: who's this guy? he's so mysterious, complex. he tells me he cares for me, but in the meanwhile he is not telling me what he does. For instance, he never told me he thought about spending some days in L.A....
He told me I'll see him in more or less a month, but he's not telling me when he's supposed to leave the US.
he said he wants to spend a month in Milan.
but I don't what he's going to do when the month will be over...

How can I trust this person if I do not know more than a small part of him?
And have I got to trust him? can I?

I've already given him a lot of trust -- but now I'm not sure I acted in the right way...

I'm sorry I'm throwing all this on you, but I think that writing about this might help me to make my head clear.


and now, you know you must tell me about your signature!
is that you?
Vlad suggested me to read the poem I'm posting down here.
I liked it, so I'm posting it so that also you can read it!


Max Ehrmann


Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.
I can't read youe poem at the moment.......

I'm flustered and can't really focus just yet.
But the photo in the avatar is me - I had wanted to post the real one, but apparetly, the file size was too large, and I spent a long time trying to get it right, but then I just decided enough was enough and posted this blue, dark one. I'll post a better one someday

AS far as trusting people goes

I really don't know what to say about that......

I'm not really capable of conversing at the moment, I'm too worried about someone... so, my apologies....

:huh: :huh:

I appreciate that a lot.

But, I wonder if that's how it sounds when I say it to someone else - there's really nothing you (ladyluck) can do. But I appreciate it anyway.

I have said that

"just tell me if I can help you in someway"

myself to others, and it's so strange, because I know I can't really do anything about it. I want to, and if I could I would, but I can't. All I can do is offer some sort of support, from a distance, and it's so......... it feels so minimal, so small, so......... insignificant.

I wish I could have a greater impact in some situations.

Or just do something

Or....... comfort someone, or protect someone, or show someone that I care. But there is so little I can do.

I hate that.... having to watch. HAving to react, and not being able to act in your own means. It is a difficult thing for anyone, I am sure.

A really close friend of mine was talking about some thing. SHe is always so good at hiding her emotions. So everything was normal. And we were talking online... but then.... and she's been hinting at it for a while, but..... all of a sudden..... it was...... she was talking about how things were really getting bad, and she was really unhappy in her life..... And that's all I'll say for now, but I'm just very concerned. And I can't get in touch with her in any way, so...... I'm kind of hoping we can talk at some point. Soon. Hopefully............

I don't even know what is wrong. APperantly, a lot of family events have taken place recently. ANd it looked like she was...... reaching out for me..... but now I can't...... even speak with her, so it's really...... awkward and uncomfortable for me, and I know it's probably not so great for her, either.

I don't like not being able to be there for people when they need me. (But I know that is essentially a petty thing, "my own needs" compared to someone else's).

And there is a birthday in her family this weekend, so, I can only imagine what sort of stress that will add to her. She's one of those people who pretends not to be emotional, or sensitive, but is infact very capable of getting emotionally hurt. It's not a maturity thing, it's just........ personality types.

So yeah, I'm concerned about this friend.
ANd I'm worried about my mother

I've moved out of our old home, so now it's just her there. She had someone ready to biuy it, so she could move out, but that didn't work out. And then someone else, a friend of a friend, wanted to buy it, but that didn't work out. ANd now, someone else, long story short, did the same thing. So..... she's worried about stuff, and I don't like her living alone, especially when the winter comes. But now, once again, I am away from the situation, and can do very little about it.

I don't like watching people..... struggle........ I supppose that's a good way to put it. or suffer, that's another word. I know that some of this "isn't my business", but then again, it is, because I do care. SO........

it's just odd at this moment .
I won't get "stuck in a moment I can't get out of", though. Personally, I'm fine. But.... I've realized that life isn't really about me so much.

Maybe I'll try to read the poem again.
That is a nice poem

my favorite lines
(of course - probably to be predictable for me)

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
sorry for your friend :sad: , even if I don't know her and there's nothing in the world I can do for her


I have an awful feeling.
I told you I wrote Vladimir expressing doubts and my fears.

and that's what he replies:

sorry you feel the way you do but now i am confused about you. i hate to feel that way and maybe i should thinnk twice about visiting. write me and i'll respond to the matter.


I feel like I just throw down the drain a big opportunity to be happy.
I know maybe I should not write this to you now -- it's quite selfish from me to annoy you with my silly problems when you have a lot to care for...
I don't need a reply -- it's just that writing down thought makes me think better...
My fav phrase of that poem is:

Strive to be happy.

especially now, I feel like I'm rejecting happiness...
... and now I'm :sad: because I feel like an idiot
is your mom trying to sell the house avoiding the help of an estate agent?
maybe that could be useful, even if they have a percentage on the cost of the house...
Mom's alright, she's just dissapointed. She's easily upset by some things.....

"strive to be happy"

I really don't know. I mean, I understand that sentiment. But I guess I've got everything I need to be happy, considering. I mean, at this point in my life, there isn't much more I could realistically want.

And the only other thing that I 'want' would be a good relationship, leading into marriage, etc. Someone I could spend the rest of my life with, and enjoy being together with etc.

Other than that, I don't really understand all this "striving for happiness". Happpiness is essentially a state of mind. And I know thats easy for me to say, but I've reached my level of happiness, and now that I am here, I see things clearly, and easily, and emotions don't cloud my views. I like that.

When iam in love, I know my happiness is going to depend on that other person, so I've got to be wary. Even now, even today, the only thing that really gets me down is other people. But I'm thankful for being as.. stable as I am, emotionall, etc.

Even though everyone thinks I'm a little weird because of how I go about my business, I don't mind.

I know it's tough when you put faith in someone, hopes on them
and it doesn't work out.
I've been there.
ALlow yourself some time to be sad, let the moment come
Get caught in the moment
and then let it go, and move on to the next moment

I don't know what is going to happen with Vlad, but, it sounds like you don't either. BUt I wouldn't worry about it, or at least as much as possible. It's not in your hands

ANd that makes me think about love.......
I know I can love someone, and love someone forever
(including, wanting to be with someone forever)
I get worried sometimes that I'll never find someone who not only wants that, but is capable of it.

It's not easy for me to switch "loving" on and off, I either do or I don't, and it takes a lot of ... good reasoning for me to "switch" either way. I think that is a typical Taurus trait. And since you're a Scorpio, I think it's similar, so I hear....

My personality has changed so much in the last 2 years.......
I find (my own) emotions very powerful, but fleeting. They get in the way of making the right decisions.

But.... don't listen to me. I'm at a point where I don't quite understand how to use/undersand my emotions. It's amazing.....

How things work out......................

but the more I say this, the more I think about someone.
ANd how can I say this, when I know I love someone.
but how can I love someone..... who .................


it's so complicated.

But itis so eerie.
You know how......

how they say "life immitates art"
"art immitates life" ?

It is so.... eerie........ so odd.......
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