All Southern Hemisphere tour information/rumours here please

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I'm not into discussing the (serious) personal lives of celebrities. If Bono has injured his back that medical discussion is the business of Bono, his family, friends and colleagues. ie people who know him. Can we please keep this thread to discussing the southern hemisphere, U2, which football team is the best, and random crap. Thanks.
I dont like either of the West Australian footy teams as their uniforms are really ugly.

What?! What the hell is ugly about this?!

Nui Te Koha writes that "U2 will be here in 2011."

apparently we can look forward to a swathe of artists touring over the next two years, including the Stones, Neil Diamond (Tony Martin makes me think he's worth it), the Eagles, and a whole host of others.
I'm not into discussing the (serious) personal lives of celebrities. If Bono has injured his back that medical discussion is the business of Bono, his family, friends and colleagues. ie people who know him. Can we please keep this thread to discussing the southern hemisphere, U2, which football team is the best, and random crap. Thanks.

On the contrary, I feel that this may have an impact on whether the ROW actually gets any U2 this tour. Its definetly relevant to this conversation.

My feeling now is that we probably wont get U2 in Australia this tour after this because i think they will get Bono better enough to do those dates already released to the public and then that'll be it :(
On the contrary, I feel that this may have an impact on whether the ROW actually gets any U2 this tour. Its definetly relevant to this conversation.

My feeling now is that we probably wont get U2 in Australia this tour after this because i think they will get Bono better enough to do those dates already released to the public and then that'll be it :(

Well you're a Debbie Downer!!! ;)
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