All Southern Hemisphere tour information/rumours here please

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:reject: I like Pink.

But, I am depressed that what should be a planning thread for many awesome Southern Hemisphere shows has devolved into Pop minx talk. :shrug:

U2!!! :madwife:
I prefer Avril Lavigne.:reject:

So I guess we're all even.:wink: To each his own.

Now let's get back to 360-related speculation.
:reject: I like Pink.

But, I am depressed that what should be a planning thread for many awesome Southern Hemisphere shows has devolved into Pop minx talk. :shrug:

U2!!! :madwife:

:love: . . . pop minx . . . :lol:

and I agree . . . the lack of news is putting me a state of permanent anxiety . . . oh wait . . . what . . . that's my natural state of mind . . .:doh: . . . I fail :laugh:
Could be nothin, but this was on twitter today.

U2 vendría a Ecuador en el 2011, Live Nation, que les hace la gira, ofreció fechas a TeamProducciones. Cobrán 2M, esperemos consigan el $$$


U2 come to Ecuador in 2011, Live Nation, which makes them the tour, offered TeamProducciones dates. 2M charge, hopefully get the $ $ $
Could be nothin, but this was on twitter today.

U2 vendría a Ecuador en el 2011, Live Nation, que les hace la gira, ofreció fechas a TeamProducciones. Cobrán 2M, esperemos consigan el $$$


U2 come to Ecuador in 2011, Live Nation, which makes them the tour, offered TeamProducciones dates. 2M charge, hopefully get the $ $ $

Hmm...interesting. says they have a very big and suprising announcement coming soon. lets hope it has something to do with a south american tour. says they have a very big and suprising announcement coming soon. lets hope it has something to do with a south american tour.

I'm thinking it is something to do with another leg of the tour. I mean, what else could there be that we don't already know about?
Because it is a country and it probably happens to have U2 fans grazing inside its borders.
Ecuador haven't gotten a show before as far as I can tell, so I think that's pretty cool.

I'm currently in the stage of the Cycle of Caring About U2 where I don't care for them at all. It happened last tour, so I can only assume that the tune will change when/if I find out they're coming down here. Who knows, man. Who knows.
Ecuador haven't gotten a show before as far as I can tell, so I think that's pretty cool.

It's about bloody time they play a South American country that isn't Brazil, Argentina, or Chile. Not at the expense of those three, mind, but in addition to them.

I've long since stopped putting any faith in these rumours of Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Uruguay, et al. If it happens though, it'll be fantastic news.
Hmmm, with bono hurting his back i think this might be the last nail in Australia's coffin this tour :'(
I'm not even giving a shit if they come or not, I just hope Bono makes a strong recovery first.
Oh i give a shit, I'll be gutted if they dont come. But that doesnt mean i dont want him to get better.
Would you rather they come with a still injured Bono? or would you wait even longer for a fresh one?
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