A Tattoo thread.......

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I got another one last week on a whim, the suitcase with a U2 written on the heart. On my hand. I love it and the best thing of all is I just so happened to find this new place in SD. It was the cleanest, most modern most hygienic tat parlor I've ever seen, even nicer than H&H!! So I officially have an artist I am going to return to, I am so happy :applaud:

I will try to get a pic for anyone interested-I've been considering the suitcase symbol for a number of reasons but mine is really different.
I got a tattoo with bg in Vegas :sexywink:

I'll let her post hers when she can get online.



I know, I'm crazy. But I was totally sober I swear :D
:yikes: Thanks, Martha. I'm probably the biggest "needle weenie" in the world. I'd think I'd be used to it by now, since I have to have blood taken once a month for a test on the clotting rate (had a huge DVT in my aorta six years ago, so I'm on a blood thinner). :huh:
martha said:

This would be a more important thing that the needle-phobia. Tats bleed, so when (not if) you get one, make sure to let your artist know this.

This one barely bled at all :drool:

Ray :heart:
dju said:
anyone have a picture of Larry's tattoo...please....

Go to PLEBA. I'm sure the posters there have lots of pictures of Larry's tattoo.

Nice tattoos sicy & bg.
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