28 pages of U2 in Q Feb 2009 Edition

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U2 comments on Beach Clips!
Edge heard them and Bono was cool with them being recorded...........the others and the record company wasn't too happy.............blames it on the vino vérité!!!
U2 comments on Beach Clips!
Edge heard them and Bono was cool with them being recorded...........the others and the record company wasn't too happy.............blames it on the vino vérité!!!

Edge heard them... does that mean that Edge is lurking amongst us, possibly, considering that email between people on this board was the primary way they were spread?

"I want people to listen to it as opposed to just buying it. I want this to be an album people go back to, and really get into, in-depth. Like all the records I love...........I think we've learned a few things over the years. So I think it could hopefully be a bringing to bear all of those eureka moments from the past. And I think it could be our best album.
From the first session Larry was performing on an electronic drum kit. Normally Larry drums so hard, it's very hard to spend hours working up stuff when you've got all this bang and clatter. But the electronic kit made him play in a certain way. So the music came from a distant place..........Later Larry said this was the 1st time Eno sat down and went through building the drums.
The only thing I'm afraid of is the ''This could be our best album'' talk, which they were also saying before the release of Bomb. I certainly hope this one is in another league.
The only thing I'm afraid of is the ''This could be our best album'' talk, which they were also saying before the release of Bomb.

it's funny, because many people say this, but actualy (at least on HTDAAB DVD) Bono said something like "It's our FIRST album, and Vertigo is our first single from our first album..."etc
...AND, it is better than the previous one, so... :p
it's funny, because many people say this, but actualy (at least on HTDAAB DVD) Bono said something like "It's our FIRST album, and Vertigo is our first single from our first album..."etc
...AND, it is better than the previous one, so... :p
That might be true, but I'm 100% positive Bono said that. On the other hand: I like the beachclips and the record HAS to be better than Bomb:wink:
Considering the amounts of Lanois and Eno and Lillywhite "best U2 album ever!!" talk the band is relatively quiet on the hype talk.
One thing thats odd: they said they've got so much material and yet Q article only talks about 10 songs (granted, two of them are 6 min+ epics). Are we getting another 10 song album ?
I hope they'll get us at least 12 songs this time. But if we'll get 10 quality songs, that's allright with me.
U2 comments on Beach Clips!
Edge heard them and Bono was cool with them being recorded...........the others and the record company wasn't too happy.............blames it on the vino vérité!!!

LOL! wonder how Edge heard them, and i'm glad Bono was cool with it :wink:

this is all really interesting, thanks for posting :up:
I won't mind a 10 song album as long as it's longer than 40+minutes and theres a second album somewhere on the horizon :wink: SOON
Found this quote online...not gonna read 28 pages to make sure it hasn't been stated first.

In the latest edition of the music magazine Q Larry Mullen, the drummer for the band U2, says in an interview:

'...I think Tony Blair's a war criminal. And I think he should be tried as a war criminal. And then I see Bono and him as pals, and I'm going: I don't like that...

... Do I think that George Bush is a war criminal? Probably - but the difference between him and Tony Blair is that Blair is intelligent. So he has no excuse for what he did.'

Media Lens Message Board: U2 drummer calls Tony Blair a war criminal

Who knows if that's true though.
One thing thats odd: they said they've got so much material and yet Q article only talks about 10 songs (granted, two of them are 6 min+ epics). Are we getting another 10 song album ?

It's weird, because usually every time U2 releases an album, we get statements along the following lines: "it's our best album / it might be our best album" as well as "we recorded [insert huge number] of songs and had difficulty whittling it down to just [insert number between 10-12] songs for the album, but we think we've got the best ones."

...usually, when they say this, I roll my eyes and think, yeah whatever, you said that last time, and the time before that, etc. Except THIS time, I actually think they mean it! :wink: The excessive praise from Eno, Lanois, and other non-band members is unusual. And Bono's being more reserved than usual, which lends me to suspect that the band has decided that this one is SO good, that they should let the music speak for itself.
On the other hand, maybe Bono only pipes up when he is worried about the material......

on the OTHER hand...what if Bono hypes the album like crazy when he's sure that this album is going to be received well and he's confident in the album's direction....whereas this time, like Adam Clayton said in the interview for Q mag, this album was very difficult for Bono in terms of lyrical direction, and he has just decided to shut up this time and let the music speak for itself :shrug:
Who cares about the hype of it? Who's hyping it, how it's being hyped, etc.? On that hand I just want to hear the music. It's 100% irrelevant who says what about which track or the album. All that matters is (your) my opinion of it.
I wish we could take all of the quotes from the magazine and consolidate it on one page. Any takers?

I'll have a go. Quotes only without the song info. windylad72 has been so gracious to post snippets from the Q Magazine interview. Here is a consolidated version of all the snippets posted. I hope windylad72 you don't mind but it might be easier for everyone to read these instead of going back over the whole thread. It might also save you the time of doing it. I know it has taken me awhile to consolidate.

We can add further snippets to each band member's quote section if you want from my post. Or just continue what you've been doing and myself or anyone else can just add your new snippets to my format. Thanks and Merry Christmas to everyone!!

Q Magazine snippets(QUOTES) posted by windylad72 consolidated

Edge interview snippets -

- "I want people to listen to it as opposed to just buying it. I want this to be an album people go back to, and really get into, in-depth. Like all the records I love...........I think we've learned a few things over the years. So I think it could hopefully be a bringing to bear all of those eureka moments from the past. And I think it could be our best album."

- Edge mentions that they're trying to keep 'Stand Up' in a rough state and not overproduce it by putting it through Pro-Tools which cleans up imperfections.

- On Beach Clips - Edge heard them and Bono was cool with them being recorded, the others and the record company wasn't too happy. He blames it on the vino vérité!!!

Bono interview snippets -

- Bono on Tour plans. "Well, I can't say too much because the LiveNation people would die. But think its fair to say that what we've planned for outdoors has never been done before and that we've been working on it for a long time. It's a feat of engineering genius."

- Bono talks about a song called Tripoli which is a guy on a motorcycle, a Moraccan french cop, whos going AWOL. He drives though France and Spain down to this village outside of Cadiz where you can actually see the fires of Africa burning. After the interview Bono drove Paul Rees (Q Editor) around Shepards Bush and played two other songs not named.

Adam interview snippets -

- Q asks - Did the others have a good album? Adam - "I think this has been very, very hard. It's been hard on Edge, cos its taken a lot of his time. And Bono because he had to find new ways of expressing himself. Some of the lyrics are Bono writing in the third person, which is not something he has been very successful at before." Larry found it difficult as well(present in same interview?). Adam - "I had a really good record. And I dont say that very often. I normally have shit record where I really struggle."

- "From the first session Larry was performing on an electronic drum kit. Normally Larry drums so hard, it's very hard to spend hours working up stuff when you've got all this bang and clatter. But the electronic kit made him play in a certain way. So the music came from a distant place." Later Larry said this was the 1st time Eno sat down and went through building the drums.

Larry interview snippets -

- "Is it better? I think its some of the best music we've ever written. That's not the party line, I really believe that. Have we brought it to its ultimate and most appropriate conclusion? I dont know...its not quite what people would expect a U2 experimental thing would be. I mean, if you think of Zooropa or Passengers, this is not that. This has got a lot of weight."

Key Larry interview notes:
- He wants to get another album out sooner than later after this release as thye've loads of material.
- They got on well with Rick Rubin but just clashed as they dont like to just go in and complete songs, they need to improvise.
- He says he's careful over bono-isms. I think they've gagged Bono a bit more on this album!
- He holds no punches and wont tie the party line. He calls Tony Blair a war criminal and is uneasy seeing Bono mixing with him.
- Brian Eno said that Crazy Tonight was in a bad way which surprised Larry.
- He finishes his interview as one track only has Brain Eno tapping his chest and has no drum part.

I will consolidate all the "Song names/information" only in another post so we have two distinct forms of consolidation from the Q snippets.
Well done to Slipstream for compiling my random posts..........see the other posts around song quotes though.

Having two your kids under 2 and trying to give them my attention and give you all a bit of flavour before the mag is in the shops was hard to balance..........sorry if it was a bit random!

I think I've posted the stuff I thought related to the new Album. There's plenty of other stuff non album related but hope you find this useful.

I think I've exahausted all I can really report back to you on..........if I do get anymore over the coming months i'll let you know.

Have a great 2009.......it should be a blast!!!!!!!!!!
No worries. I'm snowed in here in Vancouver so I'm basically alone and have heaps of time today. I don't know if that's a good thing or not LOL.

I can go through all the other stuff - song info - that you posted and consolidate that as well. This way we have a 'songs only' consolidated post and a 'quotes and misc' consolidated post. It should make it very easy and convenient for people to catch up on this Q mag interview before it comes out.
Its been very dificult to keep up with this article info because everything is coming like drops... maybe someone could have it organized in a new thread with everything about the article in one page... just a suggestion :wave:
Good work Slipstream - by all means set up a new thread with all the updates as I agree it would be better for everyone to read............if I'd have had more time i'd done it........two young kids at Christmas is not ideal!!

Great work!!!
One thing thats odd: they said they've got so much material and yet Q article only talks about 10 songs (granted, two of them are 6 min+ epics). Are we getting another 10 song album ?

Q lists 11 songs. I hope there will be more in the end, but I doubt there will be many more.

Found this quote online...not gonna read 28 pages to make sure it hasn't been stated first.

Media Lens Message Board: U2 drummer calls Tony Blair a war criminal

Who knows if that's true though.

It's true, Larry said it in the Q interview. Somehow I suspected this to make headlines, because the news of tensions in the band and other members standing up against Bono is always interesting. This is no secret, we've known about Larry's feelings about what Bono is doing for a long time and Bono is very aware of that. It's good that all of them have their own opinions, I am just a little surprised that Larry is so direct and outspoken about this here.
Q lists 11 songs. I hope there will be more in the end, but I doubt there will be many more.

It's true, Larry said it in the Q interview. Somehow I suspected this to make headlines, because the news of tensions in the band and other members standing up against Bono is always interesting. This is no secret, we've known about Larry's feelings about what Bono is doing for a long time and Bono is very aware of that. It's good that all of them have their own opinions, I am just a little surprised that Larry is so direct and outspoken about this here.

He just said the real truth. Bush and Blair are war criminals. They are the real terrorists, not the muslims they claim...
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