2011 MLB - Part III - World Series, etc.

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Cards also have no bench now.

Then again, Darren Oliver is probably next in line to pitch for Texas.
Good move putting in Lohse. Edwin Jackson can't bunt. Nobody who's worn a White Sox uniform in the last 10 years can bunt.
If that bunt is a foot lower, there's a decent chance of a series-ending triple play.
Not sure about IBB'ing Pujols here, Berkman's been mashing the ball.
I can't believe Washington didn't bring Gonzalez to face Berkman (after IBBing the winning run on base).
It was kind of obvious that was going to happen. Not sure what Washington was thinking...
GirlsAloudFan said:
If you think there's a better sport than this, go fuck yourself.
I've been thinking that all night. I guess this was my rebellious season, where I thought I didn't still love the sport, but I've been totally into the game since the last games of the regular season. I totally regret that, and I plan to make up for it next season. I love this game.
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