Sphere #2 setlist party

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


ONE love, blood, life
Nov 22, 2004
Canberra, Australia
So - what’s it going to be today?

Same setlist?

A different album featured on the turntable?

A re-ordered encore?

Only just over an hour until we find out!
Can only imagine the reaction if all the Rattle and Hum songs are replaced with Pop ones! Guess we’ll see what it is tonight…
Any stream links yet?

I’ve been watching YouTube videos all day. They have to take this on the road if Larry can’t tour this year.

Just passing by to say hi, I'll catch up with this thread in the morning. I was so hyped last night that I couldn't get my beauty sleep! :wink:

Hoping for a different album/decade in the turntable section. Doubt there will be any other changes in the setlist, but they probably worked on any technical hiccups that were present last night.
The bots on Twitter are pushing some live stream you have to sign up for
Leaked set list -- same one just in reverse order! (I made that up)
I dislike all DJs...

U2 was like let's make sure the opener doesn't outshine us...
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