LP13: Oh well Oh Well Oh Well Oh Well....Tell Me More!

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In the meantime, Terry Lawless has been in a studio in LA. That could mean anything, but that's all.
Terry Lawless
Hello, Central Coast. I have had to travel to a studio in LA that precludes me from playing my final Burning James and the Funky Flames gigs as planned. I am able to come back for my final show on Sunday with the Dave Miller Band at Ramona Park in Grover Beach from 3-6pm. Then right back to the grindstone.
I hope we won't have to put up with all that Apple talk until the 9th. People are funny: Gushing over Apple products but don't want U2 to be involved with them.

Come on U2, we need NEWS! This is turning into a tech forum.
Wouldn't be the first time.
I hope we won't have to put up with all that Apple talk until the 9th. People are funny: Gushing over Apple products but don't want U2 to be involved with them.

Come on U2, we need NEWS! This is turning into a tech forum.

I want them to be involved because it's pretty much the last ounce of hope that I'm hanging onto that we're getting an album this year. If we don't have news in two weeks then I think it's time for realism to set in.

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I want them to be involved because it's pretty much the last ounce of hope that I'm hanging onto that we're getting an album this year. If we don't have news in two weeks then I think it's time for realism to set in.

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Always trust Severus.

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I go away for a week, sit down with my coffee this morning and start in on the thread, and what do I read about in the first handful of pages? KATY FUCKING PERRY.

I don't even want to know.

But it looks like I didn't miss anything.

So here's a gif of some old choir folks trying to have rhythm.

It could be a rehearsal studio, and they are going to take the next week to get the new songs worked out in a live arrangement before the big debut on September 9th.

Or maybe they are still recording. If we found out next week that the album has been delayed to next spring, I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised or shocked. The fact that they have been shooting music videos means nothing to me. I am pretty sure that at this point they intend to put something out before the end of the year. But I also understand that plans can change (they already have, from the sounds of it), and they might delay it til next spring. And that'll be lame, but life goes on.

To be at the end of August and know NOTHING in an official capacity is kind of disturbing. Hopefully this September 9th apple thing is real. I personally don't care how they choose to market their music, because the marketing isn't geared towards me anyway, I'm already going to buy it. I just want some new music! :angry::shifty::applaud:
This is the best-case scenario, but I'm not holding my breath.

Terry worded it as "going back out with U2". The way that's worded sounds like he's referring to live performances not studio work.
And why would they wait until they've been working on this album for 4 years before recruiting him?
I think it is related to live shows but not a full blown tour yet.
It seems like Terry is a very active player in his local scene, playing with many bands.

However, it sounds like when U2 snap their fingers, he drops everything and comes running. Must pay pretty well! Probably a big jump from playing with Big James and the Funky Flames to playing to 100,000+ people with U2.

In the past, how much has he recorded in the studio with U2? I kind of thought he only did live shows with them.
I actually think it is far more likely than recording. No evidence to suggest Terry has recorded with them yet - seems to me that all keys etc have been played in house so far. There MAY be something to rumours of U2 involvement in the apple announcement - timing seems to work, and it could be a live performance (given the venue).

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I'd regale you all with my entire life history with Atari, Commodore, IBM, Apple, Microsoft etcetera


Sent from my ass crack

I had an Aquarius computer in the mid 80s. You remember Aquarius, right?


An hour and a half of typing code on a keyboard with squishy rubber keys and we were rewarded with an awesome little digital stick man a half inch tall in the center of the TV. Then we would laugh and celebrate and threaten family to not EVER turn off the TV for fear of losing the stick man forever, so there sat the TV, green screen with tiny black stick man, until we got bored and turned on Dukes of Hazard.
Doesn't the album usually get mastered in L.A could this be part of a last minute song Chang/thing ?
An hour and a half of typing code on a keyboard with squishy rubber keys and we were rewarded with an awesome little digital stick man a half inch tall in the center of the TV. Then we would laugh and celebrate and threaten family to not EVER turn off the TV for fear of losing the stick man forever, so there sat the TV, green screen with tiny black stick man, until we got bored and turned on Dukes of Hazard.

Very similar experience with a TI-99/4A except I made a turkey on the TV for Thanksgiving and my brother turned it off so he could watch the Dallas Cowboys.
the two things I know is that Interscope is located in LA and danger mouse has a studio in LA
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I bet it was live rehearsal or Terry was adding keys to a Single Mix during the mastering session.

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The fact that he had to drop out of gigs to head to LA (he wasn't going to be with U2 until after the long weekend) sounds like there is a sense of urgency.

I don't know, just speculating like always.
I came here to chew bubblegum and speculate about the new album....and I'm all out of bubblegum.

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I go away for a week, sit down with my coffee this morning and start in on the thread, and what do I read about in the first handful of pages? KATY FUCKING PERRY.

I don't even want to know.

But it looks like I didn't miss anything.

So here's a gif of some old choir folks trying to have rhythm.


No hot Katy Perry gifs then? :(
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