LP13: Oh well Oh Well Oh Well Oh Well....Tell Me More!

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They've been generous. My CD copy of NLOTH had an extra CD in the case You just don't get that generosity with other bands.
They don't need to. The army of Apple fanboys/fangirls will diligently perform that duty for them. Apple sheeple are the very, very worst species of sheeple :wink:

I disagree. As someone who own an iPhone and will never own anything my an Apple product as a personal computer, I see no point of an iWatch or any other smart watch for that matter. Plenty of people love Apple products but it doesn't mean they run out to buy every single thing Apple puts on the market.
I have an iPhone and iPad. Still I'm pretty sure I won't buy smartwatch in the near future. I don't want any more damned gadgets in my house that I need to charge daily. An also I'm quite badly into mechanical Swiss watches.
Not sure if it was mentioned - didn't read much of the iWatch debate...

Ed Sheeran is locked in for the 30th for the iTunes festival. Curiously, the artist for the first is not yet announced. Cutting it fine?
I like my iPhone, because it's a good phone. I know, fuck me, right?!?

Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference

We've been brainwashed. We don't actually like our phones.

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The app idea is interesting, but I'm curious about the challenge it presents. I think it's a lot to ask a consumer to experience one artist's music on a completely different platform than his/her chosen route - cd, spotify, beats, iTunes - where the rest of his/her collection sits.

Also to make a durable commercial statement and tie it to that particular moment's mobile technology is pretty risky. A great record is timeless; a great app has a shelf life of a couple years before it gets left behind. Unless a rock group is going to be in the business of updating apps.

As an artistic move it would be cool, but it's not exactly swinging for the masses, which seems to U2's motivation. But I'm sure the diehards would eat it up at least to experience the visual component once.
The app idea is interesting, but I'm curious about the challenge it presents. I think it's a lot to ask a consumer to experience one artist's music on a completely different platform than his/her chosen route - cd, spotify, beats, iTunes - where the rest of his/her collection sits.

Also to make a durable commercial statement and tie it to that particular moment's mobile technology is pretty risky. A great record is timeless; a great app has a shelf life of a couple years before it gets left behind. Unless a rock group is going to be in the business of updating apps.

As an artistic move it would be cool, but it's not exactly swinging for the masses, which seems to U2's motivation. But I'm sure the diehards would eat it up at least to experience the visual component once.

Good point. To have success with this strategy they'd still have to make the album exclusive to all platforms. If maybe they tried a prerelease strategy where if you download the app you get the album early or something like that I could see some success. H

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Being MrPryck2U and portraying my gimmick to its fullest here at the Blue Crack, I'm obligated to say fuck the iwatch, the iPhone, the iPad, the iPod or anything else with that pretentious "i" as a goddamned prefix!

Just give me the fuckin' music! Bust it out on all platforms at once. "Marketing savy" be damned. I have faith that it will be coming soon. Let's kick it like it's 1991! :wink:
Not sure if it was mentioned - didn't read much of the iWatch debate...

Ed Sheeran is locked in for the 30th for the iTunes festival. Curiously, the artist for the first is not yet announced. Cutting it fine?
The 19th is the only date that's still available, but I think it's safe to say that U2 are not taking part in this festival, as expected. One rumor down...
Being MrPryck2U and portraying my gimmick to its fullest here at the Blue Crack, I'm obligated to say fuck the iwatch, the iPhone, the iPad, the iPod or anything else with that pretentious "i" as a goddamned prefix!

Just give me the fuckin' music! Bust it out on all platforms at once. "Marketing savy" be damned. I have faith that it will be coming soon. Let's kick it like it's 1991! :wink:

Fuck yeah! :rockon:

Not sure if it was mentioned - didn't read much of the iWatch debate...

Ed Sheeran is locked in for the 30th for the iTunes festival. Curiously, the artist for the first is not yet announced. Cutting it fine?

The 19th is the only date that's still available, but I think it's safe to say that U2 are not taking part in this festival, as expected. One rumor down...

Sheeran is the 29th
NME News Ed Sheeran and Placebo join iTunes Festival line-up | NME.COM

The 30th is still open..
Personally I find the Apple vs Android debate pretty laughable. Used to feel differently and very strongly towards the Android camp but after switching to iOS I do feel that the operating system fits my needs better. It is pretty funny though how both systems are becoming much more similar as time goes on.

All in all though both are great products.

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Personally I find the Apple vs Android debate pretty laughable. Used to feel differently and very strongly towards the Android camp but after switching to iOS I do feel that the operating system fits my needs better. It is pretty funny though how both systems are becoming much more similar as time goes on.

All in all though both are great products.

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You're obviously just an unintelligent, uneducated sheep. Us intelligent people resist the evil corporate empire that is Apple.

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You're obviously just an unintelligent, uneducated sheep. Us intelligent people resist the evil corporate empire that is Apple.

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Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
One more thought on the app idea: it was pretty cringe-worthy when the Beatles aligned themselves with Rock Band or whatever that game is. It was marketing as the Beatles reaching out to a new generation, finding a new way to present their songs, but that kind of technology is so ephemeral. What's cutting edge one moment is a punch line months later.

Although I would love a U2 War-era 8-bit program for my Commodore 64. :hmm:
I'm a Mac user and have been since my first iBook almost ten years ago. I use a Macbook Pro now and I'll never use a Windows machine again.

I used an iPhone starting with the first gen right up until I dropped my iPhone 5 into Straight of Juan de Fuca. I was all set to get a 5s, when on a whim I decided to get an unlocked (I buy all my phones off contract unlocked) Nexus 5. I'm actually finding I prefer Android over ios at the moment. They are both great systems, but I love the amount of customisation I have on my Nexus that I never had on my iPhone, even with jailbreaking it. If Apple opens up ios a bit (as they are rumoured to be doing) I'll go back. I do understand the massive appeal of the iPhone for people who just don't want to screw around with it. But I've never had a single problem with my Nexus, and to me it's actually easier to use than my iPhone because I can make it work exactly like I want.

With regards to U2 partnering with Apple again, I think I'd find the move to be pathetic..both as an Apple fan and a U2 fan.

Sent from my prototype iPhone 6 ™2014 Apple Inc.
Me: iPhone, iPad, MacBook Pro, AirPort Extreme
(Past: G3 tower, G4 tower, 2 MacBook pros, iPhone, iPod)
DH: iPhone, iPod
Mom: Mac mini, iPad
Dad: iPod, iPad
Brother: iMac, iPhone, iPod

:heart: Apple :heart:
Some serious Apple love going on in here. Why don't you all get a room, whilst the rest of us discuss the new U2...oh wait.

I wish I could afford a MacBook Pro but times are hard :(
I hope we won't have to put up with all that Apple talk until the 9th. People are funny: Gushing over Apple products but don't want U2 to be involved with them.

Come on U2, we need NEWS! This is turning into a tech forum.
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