Album 13: [Insert News Here]

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Depressing, guys. I'd actually rather argue about Hitler than speculate about exactly how close we are to the end of U2.

*cue new Downfall spoof where Hitler is ranting about people proclaiming U2 to be on the verge of retirement*
So the band are purposely lying about the album to throw us off for a surprise release or (spring)?

That's just poor form. The band has said it's not done, DM has said it's not done and won't even say one word about the content.

I agree everything they are doing has that pre album feel, but we usually get the standard name of album, song titles, etc and there's been nothing.

The band has been talking about being in the studio just a few weeks ago. I do believe them when they say invisible is the first song done.

Edge came out and said they want to get a few more songs finished up. Considering it took 5 months to finish OL, what's it going to take to finish 2-3 songs? Especially if they don't do the Lillywhite or route?

Either U2 finish up on their own, will wait for DM to be free, or have brought someone brand new in.
Right, but it's partially speculation based on knowing what has nearly killed the band before.

Rattle & Hum faced a poor reception, they questioned their existence, gave re-invention a shot, the recording process nearly tore the band apart, but they rebounded spectacularly with Achtung Baby.

Pop faced a poor reception, they probably questioned their existence, gave a re-invention of sorts a shot, by all reports the recording process was very smooth, they rebounded spectacularly with ATYCLB.

No Line faced a poor reception, they no doubt questioned their existence to some degree (does the world really need or want another U2 album?), the recording process has taken forever and there's a chance that this is in part because it's been 'difficult', whether or not they rebound this time remains to be seen. Throw in age and the fact that distractions away from the band now have at least equal priority, and it's really not hard to see that a scenario of, well, what if there's no spectacular rebound this time? What if the answer to 'does the world need or want another U2 album' appears to be 'nope, not really'? It's not crazy talk, they've kinda laid the scenario out themselves.

I couldn't agree more.

It's not that U2 want to retire, or are even planning on retiring.... But that they're getting old and they're clearly questioning what their place in the music world is these days.

The reception of this album will be huge in determining the future of the band. If it's a critical and commercial hit, then nobody has anything to worry about. They're good for at least two more album and tour cycles after this one and everyone goes home happy (providing everyone stays healthy, which is a different discussion)

If it isn't, and it's like No Line... or worse... then it's entirely reasonable to wonder if they'll have the motivation to keep on going. They are taking FOREVER on this album to make sure it's just right. If it still isn't once it gets released, that'll be a crushing blow to their egos.

It will force them to decide if they want to continue as a touring band, making massive amounts of money without anyone caring about their new music, which they've always said they had no interest in ever becoming...

... there's only one realistic option if they decide they don't want to do that.
Nick, this is a discussion board, it thrives on opinion and speculation, not sticking your fingers in your ear and going "nah nah I can't hear you" which is essentially what you're doing, that or telling us all to stuff it with the U2 talk so we can get back to the more important things that typically go on in here. You really think that when they make their final album they're going to decide that AFTER they release it? If it's this one, or the next one, or the one after that, they'll know it before they put it out there.
You're forgetting all the Super Bowl/Invisible publicity...TV, print and Social Media...c'mon I've been following U2 going on 32 years now. I know the cycle...this is my 10th (new) U2 album release. I've been following them on the Internet for nearly 20 years, I know the patterns. Never, NEVER have they gotten the machine going like this for a couple of songs...and then nothing.

Those of you who are predicting Fall releases are bracing yourselves up for what you think is going to be the disappointment of said announcement...a Fall release is not'll be much sooner.

U2 knows the über-fanbase is going nuts with all the delays. The new management team is taking full advantage of this to increase buzz. They are plugged in and are pumping the media full of misdirection and non-committal statements...I know you don't want to get your hopes up...but this is unprecedented. To hype up this talk show appearance with some sort of extended performance, with nothing on the (near future) back end seems irrational...even for U2.

:applaud::applaud::applaud: Thank GOD I am not the only one with this train of thought!

I've been thinking this too. It's a new paradigm out there, both in U2 circles and the music industry in general, and anything can happen. Wouldn't be surprised if it did go down this way - not holding my breath about it though. (I also believe based on everything that they will DEFINITELY have this baby out by June if not sooner). Don't need CDs to be pressed and in the stores by release - that can come later. No one time is better than another for the most part with downloading - and music gifts are credits and gift cards rather than specific albums. With a band like U2 they can even give it all away for free - the money for them is in the touring.
People go on as if NLOTH totally flopped but didn't actually sell pretty well in terms of how cd sales have gone?

This place was so positive when invisible hit and now it seems so depressing
I agree everything they are doing has that pre album feel, but we usually get the standard name of album, song titles, etc and there's been nothing.

Except that this is the first album release under the Guy Oseary/Live Nation regime. We didn't even get Invisible leaked. It got put on iTunes early, sure, but as far as it "leaking"? Nothing.

I've said it plenty of times. We're USED to being handed information in advance, and now that we're not? Everyone hits the damn panic button.

Just relax and enjoy the ride! U2 has been in this business for far too long to NOT have a plan. I'm sure that somewhere Guy has all of this under control.

Are they stateside yet? Any appearances in NYC??? It's Friday, Fallon promo starts Sunday. I'm guessing we'll see them tonight or tomorrow? :hyper:
The show airs Monday night (or early Tuesday morning, depending on your perspective).

There's something taping Sunday and Monday that some fans were invited to.
Except that this is the first album release under the Guy Oseary/Live Nation regime. We didn't even get Invisible leaked. It got put on iTunes early, sure, but as far as it "leaking"? Nothing.

I've said it plenty of times. We're USED to being handed information in advance, and now that we're not? Everyone hits the damn panic button.

Just relax and enjoy the ride! U2 has been in this business for far too long to NOT have a plan. I'm sure that somewhere Guy has all of this under control.

Are they stateside yet? Any appearances in NYC??? It's Friday, Fallon promo starts Sunday. I'm guessing we'll see them tonight or tomorrow? :hyper:'s NOT business as usual in the U2 camp these days. New, younger management. This is U2 4.0...regardless of what kind of music they make. This is U2 for this time and space...this is exciting...and nerve racking.

If they don't release until June, fine...but I'm totally speculating that it'll be before then...:yes:
:hmm: interesting. So we should be getting at least some hints on Sunday on what's going on then I guess. I'll be at a footy match sunday evening so I won't be home.. I'll find out monday I guess.
You really think that when they make their final album they're going to decide that AFTER they release it? If it's this one, or the next one, or the one after that, they'll know it before they put it out there.

I don't know if that necessarily will be the case at all. In fact, others are making just the opposite case...that if this record under performs, they'll call it quits. In fact, it would go against the way this has band has always operated to just say "This is going to be our last record no matter what". Again, that's legacy act stuff. Why is it that so many people here continue to predict and expect that U2 will act contrary to the way they always have?

Now, I don't know either way. Unlike others here, I don't have the ability to divine exactly what U2 is thinking and planning. I'm just saying that most of us have no way of knowing now, that it's all just guessing, and in any event it seems a bit odd to be talking about the demise of U2 in the midst of an imminent new record and a thread about those things. Perhaps a thread called "U2's Endgame". You could start it.

But, yes, you're quite correct, there's nothing wrong with guessing and baseless speculation, we're good at that here. So by all means, carry on.
So we should be getting at least some hints on Sunday on what's going on then I guess.

Yeah, hopefully someone here can keep an eye out for news/info. You know SOMEONE will post on twitter or FB at some point.

I've got my daughter's 2nd bday party going on Sunday, so I doubt I'll be able to be on much during the day....but the email said 4-7pm so by Sun night maybe we'll have heard something. :yes:
After reading the very first words of that article, it easily screamed 'HOLLYWOOD REPORTER'. Still a good article.
Speculating about the album release is premature because we simply do not know when it will happen. End of discussion. Close it down.
People go on as if NLOTH totally flopped but didn't actually sell pretty well in terms of how cd sales have gone?

This place was so positive when invisible hit and now it seems so depressing

Even with declining sales factored in, it was still short of where a really big U2 album would probably land, but yes, still 'huge' sales in today's climate. The reason it's sort of seen as a failure (by the band too, to a degree) is because no individual song broke through, the album as a whole ended up being a bit muddled, didn't give them much live etc, overall, it just didn't really get there. i think its frustratingly close to being a great album. The general feeling certainly is that after No Line this album has more than a little bit of 'comeback' pressure attached to it. I mean, pretty much every article on the band will say exactly that. It's certainly not a minority opinion. 'Flop' or 'failure' are a bit harsh (except for the singles) but 'fell short' is pretty accurate and fair.
Interference's evidence for a surprise release:
1. Beyonce did it

Sent from my XT1058 using U2 Interference mobile app
Keep the 20 of us hardcore fans guessing? Why?

How is the song invisible doing on the charts? That will probably be a bigger factor of when album is released.

If it isn't a hit, then they may rework a lot of the album. If it does well, then might give them confidence to stick with what they've got. Regardless they want a couple more songs.
Even with declining sales factored in, it was still short of where a really big U2 album would probably land, but yes, still 'huge' sales in today's climate. The reason it's sort of seen as a failure (by the band too, to a degree) is because no individual song broke through, the album as a whole ended up being a bit muddled, didn't give them much live etc, overall, it just didn't really get there. i think its frustratingly close to being a great album. The general feeling certainly is that after No Line this album has more than a little bit of 'comeback' pressure attached to it. I mean, pretty much every article on the band will say exactly that. It's certainly not a minority opinion. 'Flop' or 'failure' are a bit harsh (except for the singles) but 'fell short' is pretty accurate and fair.

i think the distinction to be made is that NLOTH was met with indifference, whereas Pop and R&H were met with derision.
Bono's going to be on Piers Morgan Live tonight, if anyone's interested. I think it's going to be about the Oscars.
Interference's evidence for a surprise release:
1. Beyonce did it

Sent from my XT1058 using U2 Interference mobile app

She is not the first to do that though. Also maybe not a total surprise, but perhaps could happen with just a few days/couple of weeks notice, which off the top of my head is something Radiohead and, I think, Jack White, has done. King of Limbs was finished in January 2011, announced on Valentine's Day 2011 and released four days later. Another example is My Bloody Valentine: My Bloody Valentine release surprise album after 22 years and stream on YouTube - Telegraph
Keep the 20 of us hardcore fans guessing? Why?

20... :huh:

It's a marketing strategy my's new's a paradigm shift from the past...its new management...speculation creates creates interest...interest creates a high profile...U2's all about being seen and heard.

How is the song invisible doing on the charts? That will probably be a bigger factor of when album is released.?

Really...that's just as speculative as any theory I'm throwing one knows that Invisible's chart success is U2's motivation for releasing the album.

If it isn't a hit, then they may rework a lot of the album. If it does well, then might give them confidence to stick with what they've got. Regardless they want a couple more songs.

Doomsday speculation...not likely to happen...because I believe everything is done...regardless of how "Invisible" does on the charts, or what they're saying. The song seems to have connected with the core I wrong...:scratch:

But, whatever, you're gonna feel however you do about this subject...I'm just trying to optimistic...and I think the signs are all there. Hey, the album glass is half full for me...:D
i think the distinction to be made is that NLOTH was met with indifference, whereas Pop and R&H were met with derision.

This is definitely true. And if I were in U2, indifference would scare me more than derision.
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